Hi there! Well it is said that tattoos are like Pringles, you can never get just one.
The pain I feel is connected to so many unanswered questions I still have. I cried, I still have days when I cry about it, wondering about some things. This is why I started therapy, with the hope that it will help me understand why I still linger and to understand my feelings. I tried a lot to forget and in some days I was pretty successful. But I carried memories of this person with me wherever I went. I don't know why. But the moment I had in the taxi , crying without being able to control myself, made me realize I can't heal alone or push through this heartbreak on my own and that I need help. So I will just pursue therapy in hopes that it will bring understanding. It is all I can do. Thank you for your advices and encouragements, I do realize that I had to be so strong to go through so much on my own yet I feel I would have needed a lot of the times a shoulder to cry on to, something I rarely had...
Have a great day and put sunscreen on those tattooes as summer is coming 🤗