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RE: Note to the People Who Loved Me When I Wasn't Very Lovable.

I think "I see you" is one of the best things you can say to somebody. Even better if you actually do take the effort to see them.

I agree with everything you said here. It really does depend on the circumstance, and as you said, you gotta know when to put your foot down, and stand up for what you need, and what's healthy for you. I'm glad you're doing that. The only way to create a peaceful environment and help others is by looking after your own mental health first.

Life is just way too short for that shit. ❤️


Thanks for stopping by.

PS: I love your handle. It's so kickass.


The only way to create a peaceful environment and help others is by looking after your own mental health first.

So so true. I keep seeing people using the cup analogy - you cannot fill another person's cup if your own cup is empty. Your cup must be full, even overflowing, to be able to reasonably fill another's.

PS. Thanks!