Just stop, and think

in ThoughtfulDailyPost4 days ago (edited)

Let's talk about energies. No, my life is not perfect. I don't want it to be perfect either, it would bore me. Although perfection could be approached also in terms of energy. But what can I tell you about this... that you are responsible for everything that happens to you in life. No one else but you.

I am certain of that. But imagine, I'm 44 years old, I'm going to be 45 very soon. And throughout my life others have planted misconceptions in my mind. From people close to me, to others not so close but known to me, even teachers... all kinds of limiting beliefs and it has not been for evil, it has been to protect me or to teach me according to a teaching method that was validated a long time ago. Today I understand that people have a very strange way of protecting themselves and others... it is valid and I appreciate it, but there comes a time when you have to wake up. And I wish my awakening was earlier.

Please help me, think about those phrases you repeat every day. Use the comments section to let off steam! 😁

Just yesterday I was thinking about one: ‘Behind the laughter comes the crying’.

Why my lord.

Who said that.

Maybe they meant that not everything in life is sweetness, that bitter moments will come... but do you know how much that phrase hurt me? It was like enjoying something very good and at the same time knowing that I would lose all that happiness in one fell swoop. And that's just how it happened. Every moment, every happiness turned into a nightmare or suffering. In my present time, erasing that idea from my mind has been a priority. I have many such priorities. And I find them (those preconceived ideas) in my moments of meditation. Or simply in the conscious observation of the attitudes of others. I have many people around me who are study manuals. And well, I won't deny you, I am my own manual.

The other day I said to my neighbour at the very moment she mentioned sickness and cold from bathing in the freezing water at the shore... hey, hey, hey.... wait there! Water is life, this is sea water which is beneficial and look at the smile and happiness you have, why should you get sick?

Nobody caught a cold there!


About the dangers in the street, vandalism, murders and robberies there are thousands of phrases every day... ideas that people who esteem you or just people who know you, and see you every day, and who enjoy to wallow in these stories, are ready to place in your mind to alert you to such dangers, to remind you that you need to protect yourself. This would prevent me from deciding to go for a bike ride at night (again with destination unknown) and ending up in Havana's Chinatown.

This happened on 17 March - https://www.strava.com/athletes/128810688

$1 $1

I was euphoric that day. I had a dentist appointment first and then I went with the boys on that bike ride. What did you do, do you remember?


Oh, yummy, I would have missed these little Chinese butterflies!


Or this Chocolate Ice Cream Milkshake!

Live and improve yourself, that's what I repeat to myself day after day.

The body needs to be exercised.


But the mind must be kept light... focused, clear... all problems that arise will find a solution not because you fight or kick at every door you see looking for solutions, that would only hurt you. Keeping calm is crucial, breathing, meditating, get some distance from what is tormenting you and looking at things in perspective helps a lot. Solutions come when you manage to make space and free up loads and bottlenecks.

I see it here on a daily basis. Few take time to admire the little things in life... moments that bring great learning. They are busy kicking and kicking over difficulties. Sometimes I find myself like that, in that state, pitiful... deplorable... and I stop.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2025.


Hi @nanixxx, I read the post yesterday but I think as I was a bit fatigued, and I think at the same time celebrating an end of cycle and with my thoughts elsewhere, no limiting phrase came to mind, one of those that can ruin your life if you take them seriously.

This morning, clear, on my first day of my new life (it is possible that this is the first time a newborn writes here, maybe) I have not remembered any phrase. But one attribution: you're bad. Now, in my new life, I have given myself permission to be "bad". That is, to be careful only with those who deserve it.

You have expressed it very well. We own and are responsible for our life.

Happy Sunday.🤗

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We have to unlearn a lot of things... and if you're a newborn you shouldn't remember any of that rubbish. Live and be happy, you are the only one responsible for your happiness. 🤗

🐣 That's right. Happy Sunday 😊 🤗

I woke up... I gave myself time to say hello 🌞 and stretch, then I landed on Hive and found myself reading beautiful and very intelligent comments here and there, I mean, in various posts ;) and I can say that I'm liking Sunday a lot. Also... a while later I got a knock on the door to receive 4 litros de helado de chocolate!!!! that my sister sent me as a birthday present. I already tasted it hahahaha....

4 liters of chocolate ice cream 😍 gift, smart comments on Hive 😃 oh! What a great start of Sunday, me looking for your birthday on Hive and can't find it..... Great Sunday!!! 😄

😅 Lindo domingo para ti.

Ahora siesta 😂💤

First to tell you... you are on the right track... keep going!

Secondly, the amount of limiting beliefs that were instilled in me and that they put in my head... ufff for example:

Life is very sacrificed, without sacrifice there is nothing, if you go out with wet hair you will catch a cold, money is bad, and like that a lot of beliefs about money and health, all of them are lies.

We are vibration, as we vibrate we will attract the same vibration, if we think bad we attract bad. The universe is never wrong, it only gives what we are, we are the ones who must change in life.

Recently I was looking for answers... answers on how to do things, the practice, because I have the theory but there are things that did not work for me... the answer came and now I am practicing and getting results. I changed and the universe is responding.

I'm 46 and I'll be 47 hahaha but I'm 30 or.... I'm not old...it's an illusion.

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Thank you so much!🤗

You are very wise, and I know you are facing challenges on this beautiful path of self-knowledge and evolution, but you know how to come out on top. We just need to keep our thoughts in check, no matter what we see outside. What is real is what we are building inside us. It is important to understand that we cannot stop moving. Doing for ourselves but also for others. There will always be ways and solutions that will present themselves because it is our desire and we are focused at the level of our thinking.
Thank you for always being close. 🤗

Aquí estaré!🤗

I think it is human to find ourselves back in the stuck spot, but the proof of the growth is finding a way through it and out, like you do.

Your deep-fried mariposas and sugarfat cold yummy ice cream with a straw look muy deliciosas and I can only imagine how great it was to eat them after that long ride.

It is not easy to unlearn, to shed so much accumulated over the years. Before I was a bit overwhelmed by falling back into situations that only cause stagnation, today I realise that I'm getting there and I quickly move on... getting away from everything that is toxic or doesn't contribute is very good. There is no need to fear, what you truly need will come.

After the ice cream the maripositas left 13 km to go back home. It was an energy recharge.


The unlearning does get easier, though, I've discovered, as the intuition steers me away from toxicity I might otherwise have walked into willingly.

Maybe I need a recharge. Tonight I could eat everything.

Hace poco publiqué un post sobre la culpa, una iniciativa que vi en Holos&Lotus, lo que comentas por aquí me recordó a eso justamente, a todos esos miedos y pensamientos absurdos que nos meten en la cabeza y que no forman parte de nosotros. Saber reconocer lo que es nuestro es importante para salir de esos estados en donde nos damos palo a nosotros mismos sin parar. Me encantó leerte @nanixxx 🤗, siempre nos dejas algo valioso en cada reflexión que compartes. Por lo de la edad, estás súper joven aun, por favor 😂, todavía te queda mucha vida por delante para seguir acumulando momentos y aprendizajes que te sigan llevando por ese viaje de autoconocimiento. Un abrazo 🤗.

Vezo, ¡qué bueno leerte! Ya estuve por allí. Es un tema amplio que se puede abordar desde muchos ángulos. Ya vi los comentarios también, interesantísimos, que te han dejado.
El estancamiento que produce un estado de culpabilidad es atroz. Pero creo que iré a tu post a dejarte una pequeña nota.

Gracias. Sí, soy joven. Eternamente joven. 😁 Abrazo recibido y de vuelta.

I was not aware that you are 44 mam, I'm 20 or may be 21 😆 you have lived double of mine total life on this worth visiting Planet, I think that there will be a lot to learn from you (And I want to learn)
You are my favourite author on hive.

😄 So don't rush to get there. Slowly accumulate experience and choose wisely the path that suits you best.

And if I'm your favourite author you'll give me melon ice cream, won't you?

Surly I will 😆

 2 days ago  


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Thank you! 😊

Please help me, think about those phrases you repeat every day. Use the comments section to let off steam! 😁

Well, not that I repeat this phrase, but if you mention misconceptions or phrases adults use to frighten their children I could contribute with this one: If you drink coffee, you'll grow a tail. 😂

And according to what you say here:

that you are responsible for everything that happens to you in life. No one else but you.

I will add this, a sugar pack I got two days ago when I went for a coffee in my break and brought it home as a good collector haha


I know you are a good reader 😉 and this product has to be controlled, so it is better to collect the sugar pack. 😂

controlled? I had three cups of coffee today 😂

ay madre... no abuses 🤣 Yo me tomé 4 en la mañana.

Solutions come when you manage to make space and free up load and bottlenecks.

I couldnt agree more to this, somethings at life we panic at the most little things and it making it difficult to trouble analyze the situation and come up with a solution to all our life problems. We need to make space, for new ideas, beliefs, and mindset to occupy in order for us to rewire our brain and change our perspective in certain things.

I believe that everything in life is a matter of choice. We should be able to control-observe our emotions (it is not about not feeling them) but to each of them, a reaction happens, and before reacting it is better to observe because maybe it is a message that is being delivered.