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RE: Life is rounded with a sleep

Sleep is essential, just as it is important to work hard and be productive just as important is the recovery time.

Many underestimate the thing and, in my view, this is really a big mistake.

Did you know that I was also told that I can sleep anywhere and in any position?
I fell asleep in the craziest places heh heh! I once managed to fall asleep in a disco with the music on full blast lol!
When I worked in the world of music, in the various countries where we set up concert stages, I used to fall asleep right under the stages while the artists were performing above them eh eh!

A hug!


Hello Antonio, my apology for such a late response; we've had some things going on.

People flippantly say, sleep when you're dead, but the benefits of sleep are many, especially when a human is very young as it helps development. That said, it's critical to us all and without enough of it a person is never going to perform at optimal levels.

You're a good sleeper hey? That makes two of us. I could sleep hanging from a tree with one arm, upside down in the pouring rain and in a hurricane. It's a gift. Lol.

You were a roadie? That's what we call people who set up and pack down for touring artists and shows. That's really cool. I bet you have heard some great acts...or maybe you were asleep.

Again, I'm sorry for my tardiness, I've been taking care of my fellow.

Becca 🌷

Eh eh don't worry, I figured you were busy, no problem🤗

Yes, in this we are equal I can sleep anywhere and in any situation and above all, I love to sleep.
Now, for example, I finished work early and I treat myself to a two-hour nap so I can be active in the afternoon eh eh!

Yes I think it's called roadie, nonn touring because I was always working with different artists and saw so many amazing performances.
Only a couple of times I fell asleep under the stage, when the tiredness was really too much lol!

In general I preferred to see the artists' performances, I also happened to be able to stand right above the stage while they performed, for a couple of times I was assistant to the sound engineers 😍

A big hug to you and your friend 🤗
Always be strong and united I am close to you with my heart ❤️