The steel did not turn molten and there was no "underground pool of molten metal". Many people and rescue crew were present at the ground throughout the entire time since it wasn't "too hot to approach".
The steel along with the concrete turned to dust.
Are you serious? The ground was not "too hot".
Those links don't represent reality. 800 degrees would've fried every single person in those images. If they are not on the "surface", where are they?
Where is this "super hot surface"?
Why are you throwing around links and numbers that have no bearing on reality?
Even if the thermal images are correct (which likely aren't especially since they are from September 16 to 21), it would not be due to conventional heat since no one was burnt and there were millions of unburnt paper throughout.
Where is this "molten steel"? And more importantly how would "molten anything" turn most of all 7 towers into dust leaving very little rubble, seismic impact, noise, or projectiles?
Where are these "pools of molten steel"?
And why are you appealing to bogus authority figures, "experts", and why are you propping up controlled opposition "AE911Truth"?
Lastly, are you going to provide any evidence?
The evidence of the towers turning to dust is right in front of your eyes, see my 9/11 video you are commenting on...
FYI I have covered the molten disinfo in my video 3 years ago, and you can see it at the 2:49:00 mark of my Part 6 video:
As for the images I sent earlier, they were on 9/11:
And the onus is on you to find the 800 degree C pools which were measured a week after 9/11, and you can't just make up claims that "they were destroying the crime scene". The photo I sent had pools of water. If the temperature were even remotely hot the water would boil.
There are many videos just moments after the twin towers fell in which people are walking around just fine right beside the remains and right next to the exact location of the towers. In fact there were survivors stuck inside a Stairwell right next to the towers,and they were stuck for hours. (See the 27:00 mark of the video to see people casually walking around the North Tower).
Dear @valued-customer, I propose you a short exercise of CRITICAL THOUGHT in three questions, simple and effective:
If you prefer to believe (presumed) authority, you are free to do so... but do the beliefs spread by AE911Truth go against the logic and evidence of the facts?