It is Wednesday 25th March 2020! Happy Hump Day! Drop a link to your HIVE post for the chance of a ReBlog, Upvote, and Tweet!

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)

Hello lovelies! It’s Wednesday 25th March 2020! Happy Hump Day everyone!

It is still bright and sunny, but as predicted it is colder. A bit of frost around too, hopefully not hard enough to kill all the buds that thought winter was over.

I didn’t sleep very well last night. Crashed about midnight and was fast asleep, but my wife stayed up later and then came to bed and dropped a couple of seeds of anxiety into my head and then went to sleep. That was me awake for 2 and a half hours!

I got up at one point and messed about with steem engine. I have called back all my delegations and powered down all my tokens in SE. I decided I definitely won’t be keeping the alt tribe accounts going even if I don’t sell all the tokens, so I want all the tokens in my main account before I decide what to do.

Today, I really want to do some writing. Try to write a short story. It is hard to find the right head space but maybe it would help if I visited another reality for a bit.

I haven’t done any felting for a few days either. So I will try to do something later, even if it is a couple of sheep brooches. Or some bee stuff. I’m into bees at the moment!

I hope guys are cool.

Stay cool, everyone. And #BeHIVE.

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Today, I really want to do some writing. Try to write a short story. It is hard to find the right head space but maybe it would help if I visited another reality for a bit.

I feel you. 🙁 "Right head space," -- I'm in a total funk right now, for the past few days. The world's aura is weighty.

Hope you manage to exit reality for a bit and create. 😊

Epic fail, yesterday. But today is a brand new day. I'm just doing my curation, then I am going to do my freewrite. Then I'm going to try to start a short story.

Popped over to your blog and loved your recipe! Reblogged, Upvoted, Tweeted:

Thank you! 😊
(ugh, pressed enter before I was finished typing)

May you find your creativity today! Easier said than done, but falling into a whole new world, if only for an hour, helps immensely.

Kind regardsHi @ayjoe, thanks for visiting my blog. I checked out your post but it didn't seem to contain much original content (the bee image was taken from the internet without stating if you have permission, or where you got it from). I can't upvote, reblog or tweet this post. Please create your own content and come back to me.

oke 👌 thanks

Hope you have been sleeping better. and not fair dropping seeds of anxiety and then going to sleep.... Hope it will get warm again for you!!

Thanks. I slept better last night. Strange times. -6 overnight. -2 when I went out just now with the dogs! But things could be worse, right? I have a house and the means to heat it. And you guys too! :)

Popped to your blog and Reblogged, Upvoted and Tweeted one of your posts:

Thank you so much!! I just saw that one of the socal people has figured out a way to automatically tweet a post out with a certain trigger. I asked him what he would charge to do that for us. that would be so cool!!

Climate change is incredible and sad, today hot tomorrow cold, the next day it rains (at least in Mexico it is like this)
I am still delighted with your banner it is really beautiful, I will be waiting for some of your works in felt lol you will surely make some very cute little bees, I hope that they will soon improve their nights and can fall asleep without any problem.

Thank you. The sudden change in temperature is just weather patterns, rather than climate change. We are feeling the effects of climate change, though. It are more noticeable here in the lack of rain in the spring, summer and autumn over the last few years.

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