
Naaaaaaaaahhhhh let kids enjoy being kids and have a carefree childhood all the way up til they're 30.

Chores are definitely a thing in my house. We all live here, we all share the load, and they do a bit more (they each have a couple of common areas assigned to them to clean/tidy each week, and how they keep their own bedrooms is their problem, my only requirement is keep a clear path to the door, and they're supposed to do their own dishes but that's an ongoing challenge) now that they're older.

let kids enjoy being kids and have a carefree childhood all the way up til they're 30.

30 and beyond I fear Ry. Assholes.

I like how you run the household. Chores aren't just about cleaning up it's about discipline, ownership and responsibility; that's why they make military personnel make their beds so perfectly...In recruits most very quickly learn to have a pillow case sent by family...They keep that spare and each morning put it on the pillow instead of the original so it's perfect. That, or they take the original off and use a t-shirt instead then replace the fresh pillow case each morning. Discipline.

Sure that works. It was mostly just about everyone helping to keep the house clean as I was a bit over doing everything myself and when they stop being babies and toddlers they can start helping out in small ways XD

Hell even when they're toddlers they can help out in smaller ways (or at least I was getting them to "help" as toddlers even though it made more work for me, was relentlessly undone by well-meaning relatives who sometimes came over to help and kept "distracting" them with tv or other things because they "just want to get it done" though >_<)

Back in the good old days they'd be in the salt mines at sever years old. Ah the good old days, I lament their passing. Lol.

I don't, I would have died (partly because I lack survival skills anyway but mostly because I'm the type that would be burned at the stake).

I'm the type that would be burned at the stake

It pays to know oneself. 🤣

I recall a witch-test they used to do. Tie some weights to the person and throw them in the river or lake. Sink: Not a witch. Float: Witch. Hmm, seems effective.

As much contempt as I feel for the idiot who came up with that mind numbingly stupid idea, I feel more for the even bigger idiots that accepted it without apparently thinking x_x