Okay... So I've been keeping a sort of secret here on my blog!?!?!?!? Don't seek me out and kill me for it...!!!
THE SECRET: Old AngryMan still trains at a gym or fitness center to keep in shape after all these years.

Now, I might have alluded to it at times, but never focused any real attention to it. Don't ask why...cause, I don't really know???
I'm not much of an egotistical, self-indulged, show-off type of a guy in general; only sometimes. Maybe, that's the reason I've never posted any photos (for instance) of my most outstanding, Adonis-like, fit, muscular body here?
Don't get all clap-happy and celebrate my lack of selfie posting yet, my friends... I've been tempted to start posting some soon...!!! Prepare thyself. After all, this body 'IS' seventy years old...(You may not like what you see?)
It wasn't just this Covid crap closing, all the Fitness Centers and Gyms in an attempt to turn fit and healthy people into mere average, sickly creatures...it was partly my fault I drifted from a regular workout schedule.
But...I'm BACK...!!!
Hallelujah and Great Gugga-Mugga…!!!

It feels good to be back in shape once again, after months of haphazard workouts in my dungeonous basement, where I have some weights and basic equipment.
My Stationary Bike is setup in my front room, for cardio. It doesn't take more than twenty or thirty minutes a few times per week to get the old heart and lungs pumping a lot better...especially, if you've been sedentary for a long period of time.
WARNING...!!! If you've been an average, lazy assed, couch potato for a long time, then you'd be wise to start off any cardio - VERY SLOW and easy... Five to ten minutes at a time for the first week or so each session, is good enough; and...SAFE...!!!
Otherwise, you might fall off the treadmill with a heart attack. gasping for breath upon the floor...
These days, with all the self-indulged idiots walking around with their face planted in cellphones...it might take hours before someone at the gym notices you dead on the floor!!! It'll probably take someone tripping over your body to discover a corpse laying there.
I plan to add some health and exercise tips in posts here and there, so brace yourselves for self-improvement suggestions that you'd rather not hear...especially from some old guy who knows what he's talking about.
Till then, my fine fellow journeymen... Stay happy and well...or...get that way!!!
I'm excited to hear you're planning to share more exercise and fitness tips here in @naturalmedicine - so many posts about herbs and food when really most people would feel better if they just went for a 20 min run or did 20 push ups every day. 🤣 A great fitness REGULAR routine is a foundation for superb natural health. 😍
Thanks for commenting @artemislives …
I agree. A regular, full body workout routine is probably the single most neglected aspect for optimal health by those of us who seek longevity in a healthy body.
The benefits of incorporating an exercise routine into the overall plan, produces outstanding results for a sound body, mind and spirit quest.
You nailed it there!
tokens.Self improvement here I come thanks @angryman I can't wait.
You just reminded me that there is a 'Self Improvement' community. I'll have to check it out once again, and maybe post there?
Funny you should mention this.
I've gone from my 20 mins workout, and few km walk each day , to boxing again (bag not people).
I used to do a lot of muay thia (thai boxing), but since my leg beak, that bottom half of me isn't really upto it...
Great way to get back in shape...
I boxed a bit years ago, mostly sparring to stay in shape and hone some fighting skills. My best memory was a sparring session with a semi-pro, 6'8" Heavyweight from Philadelphia...That put him at a foot taller than me!!! I crouched so low, that he was swinging at thin air :>)
When I owned a weight training gym, a guy opened a kick-boxing gym next door, then another guy opened a Jiujitsu Dojo across the street.
I've got a heavybag in my basement...I'm thinking of painting Soros' face on it for encouragement. It's great for cardio workouts.
Good to hear you're upping your interest in fitness. It's a primary reason, I think, that my health is so good at 70, along with food supplements and a slightly better diet than most Americans.
My claim to fame - hitting herbie hines in the stomach - a week after his world heavy weight title victory ....he was on 'r&r' in hong kong at the time, and I touted him into my bar (with warren, his manager)
I hit him pretty hard - never flinched.! lol
I've seen some amazing hits taken by some...even repeated ribcage hits near the liver or spleen by a practicioner of Shin Yi in Chinatown, NYC years ago. The Sensi was also a Dr. of Chinese medicine who gave me an herbal ointment for Iron Palm training at the time.
Easy does it tiger!!!! Slow and steady and you'll be Angry Man a.k.a Iron Man soon!! Never too old.