I Keep Saying ..........

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

I keep saying, that I am going to make a list of all the things that I need to do. I know that once I get it all out of my head and down on paper, it will be a lot easier for me to organize myself. And yet, here I am still writing about wanting to do it, without having done it.


I can't deny that there is an inner blockage inside of me, that prevents me from doing this, from ultimately making my life easier.

I do get it, I do see how we can achieve order inside of chaos and that is what makes life fluid, but still, I find myself rebelling a bit, against this idea of order!

A few weeks back a friend of mine, gave me a gift for my birthday, a t-shirt that said " Don't tell me what to do", she said the minute she saw it, it made her think of me.

Of course I can see why, but does it also extent to me rebelling against myself! Ha, that made me chuckle, cos it does come across as a tad bit extreme.

But it really got me thinking, about the layers of protection we build around ourselves and how they can be a crutch one minute and a hindrance the next. How life, is so interchangeable and unexpected.

Each new experience, can bring up so much in us. With how we react, really shining a light on who we are and where we have come from. A real glimpse, into our inner workings. Each one a piece of the puzzle, a puzzle that keeps growing and expanding.

Sometimes I get these eureka moments, where suddenly I'm like 'Yeah so that's why I do that'. Other times I just flow along, happy to just be moving forward. Cos the answers don't always just arrive, sometimes we really have to immerse ourselves, give ourselves over to the flow, in order to reach our destination.

Part of me is a little resistant, to dealing with this blockage, that holds me back. Because I can recognize, how it has also really served me throughout my life. That part of me that refuses to conform, that refuses to follow those instructions that can help me be more productive, especially as it was something I was encouraged to do in school.

I know, I know it's only making a list, but actually it goes a lot deeper than that. It was my way of taking control of my life, when it felt like every other part, was being controlled!

Yes, I know that I am in control now, but some things, they really run deep, they are ingrained within us and it's hard to shift them, especially if we don't want to let them go. And anyhow, how much better would my life really be, if I started making lists lol.


I also keep going on and on, about wanting to take up some Yoga or Tai Chai, something to keep my body in shape. I know that if I am to stay healthy, then I have to pay attention to my body and what it is communicating with me.

Every now and again I get these twinges, some of my muscles letting me know that I have been ignoring them. letting me know that I am not getting any younger. I'm still young, but my body is aging and it needs more care.

I even now have a little platform near my truck that I can use to work out on, but have I started, hell no! My vision, has been to wake up early in the morning, before my girls and get outside. To have 20 minutes to myself, to stretch in the sun.

But my days just happen as they happen (going with the flow and all) and most times, I end up going to bed late, cos by the end of the evening I have food to make, a truck to clear and my girls to settle into bed. Then I finally get some me time and I do not want to spend that time sleeping.

Plus, that's also the time, when I mostly do my posts, but they can tend to drag out for hours as it's hard not to get interrupted, when everyone in the family shares the same space. But hey, I also wouldn't have it any other way.

So a late night, does not help one, have an early morning. But hey, that's where I should just organize my time better! There is that word again organize. Damn I got to work on that one, or perhaps I just finish my posts earlier, put on some tunes and turn up the volume.

Who says exercise has to be in the morning anyway. Cos I do love a boogie, anytime of the day and dancing is one great way to stay in shape!

So yes, you guessed it right, I'm going to sign out now, and put on some tunes and embrace the chaos that is my life!
If you care to join me, this is what I will be dancing to!






My motto is "If you don't know exactly what to do, do nothing"

When we are using our intuition, deeply connected with ourselves, we do what needs to be done automatically. The trouble starts, for me at least, when I start thinking.

 4 years ago  

I like that motto, yeah so important to be connected to our intuition. Blessings to you @owasco xxx

Beautiful music too. Interesting, the shuffling sounds behind. Do you dance for an hour?!

 4 years ago  

I usually get interrupted by my girls a bit, but I try and dance for an hour, if only I could do it daily xx

When days ran out of my control, I just say to myself: "You just could make plans and do in your capacity. You could not control nature." Then I let it flow along.

 4 years ago  

Yes, let it flow, thanks @abdulhamids x

Yes, I recognized myself a lot in what you said, from the connexion body/mind, the importance of staying fit, managing time during the day, going to bed late and squeezing extra things to do at night, only to wake up early again,

Who says exercise has to be in the morning anyway. Cos I do love a boogie, anytime of the day and dancing is one great way to stay in shape!

I agree, but I just want to be done with it, so then I can move on with my day. If it's a muscle building day, it's different because I can spread the exercises throughout the day, but if it's something that requires cardio, well I'd rather be done with it so I can shower. Speaking of which, I should actually be exercising haha...🤣

But yeah, this week, no list, no planning too much ahead, just go with the floooooow.

 4 years ago  

I actually got to go dancing this weekend was great, always better with others I fond. Still have started a morning routine, I'm all for letting it flow, maybe a bit to much sometimes.
Hope all is well with you my friend xxxx

Have a nice weekend friend cheers! 😁 Yeah all is well; I hope the dancing was good! What sort of dancing?

 4 years ago  

I use to get into making to do lists and it felt good when I could check things off, also it was good to get it out of my head onto paper so I could stop thinking about it but far to many times it remained just a list and I just carried on my life the way I usually do.
One thing I did find really useful was at the end of the day to think of just 3 things that were important to me that my focus would go to the next day.
It was a good reminder to me when I found myself getting distracted (which is so easy to do) that this was things that are important to me more so then the other things that were taking my attention.
Keep on dancing!

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

 4 years ago  

I dance any chance I get these days, keeps my head clear as well xxThat's a great idea @porters, thanks for sharing that with me, much easier than writing a list lol xxxx

 4 years ago  

I am the King of partially finished to-do lists in my house. I get a lot of great ideas, but always put too much on my platter, causing me to "Keep sayin....."

I guess we have to choose our battles and goals from the pile carefully, learn how to prioritize certain things, but it is still a work in progress for me too.

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Posted on NaturalMedicine.io