Trump's politics in Ukraine led directly to this. The ambassador he removed was removed for (among other things) trying to draw attention to Putin's plans to invade Ukraine. Trump vocally supported a Russian invasion in Ukraine, and he blamed Ukraine for interfering in the 2016 election.
We did allow this steal, and Trump paved the road to it. If you can't see that, you're deliberately deceiving yourself.
Oddly enough I disagree. You do raise an interesting point. I told my wife the other day that it's Trumps fault. She asked me what was Trumps fault, wasn't Biden in charge? I told her that it was always Trumps fault, no matter what happened no matter when it happened, likely until the heat death of the universe.
If it wasn't Trumps fault then other people would be forced to take responsibilty. THAT's never going to happen.
Your prerogative.
edit: actually, I thought about it a bit better. What exactly are you skeptical of? It's not like I claimed either side was right. So what, then? That the large majority of the audience is being played and treated like drooling toddlers? That's not called skepticism, but ignorance. And as someone who's known your blog a long time, I don't believe you're ignorant.
And I'm sorry, I see what you're saying about some people always blaming Trump, and that's true, taking responsibility is hard - and why would you do it, if you can believably paint a scapegoat? It's true that ever since Trump left office, the media have been blaming him for anything and everything, long surpassing absurdity.
At the same time, that's not saying that Trump has no faults (in this, or in anything else). To claim that would be very narrow-minded. It's not like the things happening now, like the American military bases in Putin's side just sprung up magically the day Biden took over. And in any case, it wasn't my point to get into a "it's Biden's fault" vs "it's Trump's fault" debate. That was precisely what I was saying - such an argument is just wasting energy, while the real big boys are playing the field.
Thank you.
What am I skeptical about? Everything.
I attempt to apply the scientific method to my daily life.
I'm sure you know what the scientific method is so I won't go over it here.
However. I'm particularly skeptical about the legacy news media. I'm a viet nam era vet. I've personally caught them in flagrant lies. I don't believe anything they say with out many, many corroborating accounts.
Not that the right wing news media is any better.
Having said that it's pretty obvious that we haven't the least clue about what is really going on. I have no idea what to do about it.
One thing. According to the NOT credible news media Putin invaded the Ukraine in 2014. What did Obama do about it? He sent the Ukraine blankets. It is to be noted that Putin did NOT follow up during the Trump administration, he waited until Obama's third term in office.
Yes. Biden is a puppet. (so was obama in my opinion) Soros pulls obama's strings and Obama pulls Biden's strings.
Of course that's just a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, probably not accurate.
But like I said, the news media tells lies, they always have. History is written from the accounts presented by the news media.
Is History a lie?
Yes, the game is definitely mismatched, but we don't know if it's so behind the scenes. As you said, someone (Soros, quite likely, at least in part) is pulling Biden's strings, so the deciding power in this game isn't with Biden. So the game may be more evened out behind the scenes.
I completely agree, we have no way of knowing what is happening. In a way, not fully trusting either side reporting the situation was exactly my point. I notice a tendency on both sides to start taking for granted what they're being told, which is dangerous, regardless if you're left or right. That is, I believe, the case of the friend I was discussing in my post. I think focusing too heavily on this Trump vs. Biden debate that so consumes the U.S. takes away from what is happening now. Seems much more important to focus on whoever's pulling Biden's strings now, than on possibilities that were never realized (like Trump continuing his presidency).
I didn't know that :) I admit I was too young to follow international affairs back in 2014. Which is why I wouldn't try to give an opinion on a situation I know little about. I'm sure there's a connection between Biden being in office and what is happening now, just like I'm sure there was a connection between him taking office and what happened in Afghanistan. But I also believe that there's someone behind all of this, orchestrating all of these seemingly unrelated moves. And they're not reacting to Biden becoming president to do so-and-so things. Rather, I think that's what they planned would happen from the beginning.
History is a story, and all stories are fictional, to some extent.
too young to follow politics in 2014? !! But...but..that was just..
(now I feel old)
I found this to be VERY interesting.
dunno. Everytime we send 'foreign aid' it goes into a dictator's pocket.
I'd say it's bad but the worst? That's a pretty high bar.
The way I see it, given the Democrats history, the fact that democrats exist is reason enough to fight them. Democrats are responsible for almost every thing bad in the history of the united states.
Not what I said, but I understand your point. I don't understand why you can't see that Trump was also a puppet (he just didn't realize it), and that a big reason why people blame him for everything is because he blames everyone else for his failures. Even if it was his fault, and I don't think it is, he would blame it on somebody else, just like every other politician.
As far as assigning fault, if that's what we're really here to do, it's Putin's fault. I thought that was obvious. Whether he takes responsibility or not, he gave the orders.
I'm unsure how any person, much less a multi billionaire, can be a puppet unawares. Care to explain?
He is easy to control, because he reacts predictably. All those missiles he sent into Syria, based on evidence that was shown later to be fake, was a prime example.
Also, he is not a multi billionaire, or wasn't before the presidency, I'm not sure now. He had many billions of dollars in debt, but that doesn't make someone a multi billionaire. It was one of the things that he always lied about. We know he lied about it because a reporter in the UK did a report detailing how it was a lie. Trump sued him for libel, slander, and a host of other things, but lost his lawsuit because everything in the article was verified to be true.
You're definition of puppet is different from mine. Everyone is affected by circumstances beyond their control
As for the rest? Your milage may vary. I don't give a UK reporter much credibility. In fact I don't give the radical left wing ANY credibility. The fact that 98% of all media reports about trump have been negative leads me to believe that the radical left wing media have an agenda.
I suspect that you are wrong about his billionaire status, along with everything else you are wrong about.
HOWEVER. It's all irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. There's no way in hell that I'd ever vote for a democrat. End of story.
End of story? Then you, too, are being controlled. Democrats and Republicans are the same party, the Corporate party. Left wing media coverage of Trump was negative because negative coverage sells media. The agenda is to divide people into ideological blocks and milk them for all they're worth. Trump was happy to be a puppet in this game because he thinks that if you have the highest TV ratings, you're on top. Why do you think he responds to bad press with statements that any thinking person would know for a fact will only bring more bad press? The only successful business he's ever engaged in, other than laundering some money in real estate, is selling his name. His name is only worth something if everybody knows his name.
That is also why, when the media decided they were done with him, they didn't just give him more 'bad' press. They just quit talking about him every day. Then they quit mentioning him every week. Unless he finds a way to grow his base again, soon I'll probably only have to hear about him once a month or less.
Maybe our definitions of puppet are different. To me, the puppet doesn't know it's a puppet, it just responds to people pulling the strings.
Don't think I'm a Biden fan. I'm never going to vote for him, and I don't encourage anyone else to. If you were showing signs of Biden worship, I'd be coming at you with facts about why Biden is a lying, conniving puppet. But you already seem to see it in Biden. I just want to help you see that Trump is not, and never was, a hero either. He's just another lying, conniving, entitled heir of a millionaire who's better at making poor people angry than the typical politician.
Now that we have that out of the way. What do you propose?
You might read this. It might give you cause to reconsider what you said about 'easy to control'.
No, yet another Trump fluff piece that just echoes his own lies and promises isn't going to change my mind about how easy he is to control. All it does is reinforce my belief that the people controlling him are also controlling you. Believing this kind of yellow journalism doesn't make you free, any more than believing CNN makes you smart.
CNN? You mean that radical far left fake news outlet that has less viewers than Joe Rogan, a guy who podcasts from his basement?
I'm amazed. You can analyze something without even reading it. I bet that was handy in school. You have gone to school haven't you? If you haven't no problem. I apologize for presuming.