Man I really think you need to study the words I mentioned because AGAIN.... you're speaking falsehoods. It's like you're stubborn at this point because if you knew the meaning you wouldn't speak such foolishness.
Mathematics is our VISION OF THE UNIVERSE.
That is completely OBJECTIVE TRUTH.
Evolving with greater intelligent minds adding to the discovery (assisted by technology of measurement and computer models) but the entity of mathematics is truly objective.
Vision DOES NOT MEAN eyes only.
Answer this (and if you can't answer it.. Just don't try rush it)
How do we know about the CMB?
How do we "visualize" the CMB?
(and if you needed to g00gl it, type in subjectivity v objectivity and just get deep into studying it all. I'd rather a reply back from you in 2 weeks with an intelligent response than in 2 hours with nonsense. This might be a little condensing but honestly, you need to be educated better.)
I would like to ask: which medium is there which talks outside human perspective other than non-human? Can you imagine something non-human with the ability to communicate? If you would have no eye, no tongue, no finger, no ears, how would you transmit non human communication to a human? And who is "you"?
Well that's the confusion.
Talking as THE ACT of transmitting information from mind to mind cannot be confused with the ACTUAL INFORMATION.
MATHEMATICS is a perfect example.
We: HUMAN (as far as we know) are the only being which utilises it. Definitely the only being on Earth (consciously, by choice) Yet MATHEMATICS did not need us to discover THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH which is mathematics. GEOMETRY is well realised as THE FABRIC of the universe. A Proven fundamental of how matter formulates. Geometry is the visual expression of complex mathematics at work.
If human was to go extinct tomorrow, OUR knowledge of that truth might be lost with us, but it could very well be discovered again by another life form. The Universe also doesn't fall apart because no human mind is around AWARE of mathematics.
That's how it's FACT that the objective truth of mathematics exists outside of us.
Now IMO, (because consciousness is still a big mystery) We (MIND) actually exist parallel/alongside that realm. Because consciousness is VIRTUAL before it finds expression (as instance*) in the frame of reference which we experience as a constant of the NOW/PRESENT.
PROOF? Our ability to return (mentally): To a PAST MEMORY or IMAGINE A FUTURE possibility. The INSTANCE of past/future (thought) however still only takes place in this NOW frame of reference.
Anyway I need to start charging for this educating. I could earn some Hive running virtual lectures. Kidding.. :)
But really, I've explained over and over.
Hold on. You just said "HUMAN (as far as we know) are the only being which utilises it."
If only humans use it, how can you consider it "objective"?
Doesn't the very definition of "objective" demand something be "identical to all observers"?
Oh and "YOU" (I) is OBSERVER.
We are actually observer/watcher.
Of our own physicality and experience.
MIND ....... OVER ....... MATTER.
However, THE HARD PROBLEM of consciousness is that because we are within the system of physicality and can only interact with matter by our limited senses, there's absolutely no way to prove how this duality works, why it is so, or how we came to obtain self-awareness.
Then there's other theories and philosophies like Panpsychism that claims there is no duality. That matter of any expression has consciousness at varying levels.
So you and I are consciously observing our experience.. but so is the chair, and rock. etc.. even planets and the sun. Etc..
Well stated.
We use machines to translate what we cannot perceive with our bodily senses, but which is there, and make it perceptible to our bodily senses.
Maybe you're right, maybe I am not educated enough and I lack the necessary information, although I don't believe it at this precise point, because I think I know perfectly what objectivity and subjectivity are, maybe I'm wrong, but since I have used one of the definitions of objectivity and objective that appears in google when searching for it, namely, that objectivity is the quality of being objective and that objective is what is not dependent on the mind for existence; actual, and I have defined subjectivity equally as the quality of existing in someone's mind rather than the external world, and as in turn, you have rejected all these definitions, based on your higher education, it is necessary that you, and only you, teach me at once what these two words mean. Don't tell me that I should look it up on Google because you have not accepted those definitions, maybe after you refer to what you mean by these words we will find out that we have been having two different conversations and not one.
Mathematics, which serves as an example, but not as a definition, for what you mean, may serve to further prove my point, because mathematics is no more real than good and evil, in both cases we are talking about abstract concepts that don't exist physically and of which only the human perceives, indeed, can you prove that mathematics is more real than good?
Sorry no I won't be teaching you anything. I can't. You're from a parallel Universe. Joking but I just can't understand what you are trying to achieve. Your own quote that you retrieved from g00gl says exactly what I have repeated over and over.
Then you say mathematics isn't real... what?!
Our Universe / Manifestation of Energy / Geometry is PURE MATHEMATICS.
It's why we can make models of PAST and FUTURE at reliable degrees of accuracy.
I'm absolutely baffled how even AFTER you searched it you cannot realise this.
Anyway no hard feelings. I see all conversations as rewarding to our mental expression/experience. It's great exercise and exercise equals good health.
Take care.
Do you think that numbers, the substrate of mathematics, exist objectively? Do you think the number 2, for example, exists outside of our mind? The number 76? The 1,102,000? Do you think that these, and all other infinite amounts of number exist outside of the human mind? If so, where are these numbers? If not, how is it possible that geometry, the universe, or whatever, is an expression of mathematics when not even numbers exist?
Don't answer me. I don't need an answer, it's just to think.
MATHEMATICS isn't the EXISTENCE of the number 2.
The language of numbers ISN'T THE MATHEMATICS.
YOU'RE A DRAIN on intelligence.
STUBBORNLY trying to win with ignorance.
Mathematics is the study of numbers and their relationships :) So no, there is no math without numbers.
That's the subjective element you fool. Lol
I can't believe how simple your mind is.