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RE: Who am I? | My Journey of Self Discovery so far and What I Figth for |

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

I stumbled across your post somehow and am glad I did! This was such a good read - I felt that I was inside your mind following your thoughts. I want to learn to write like you!

Being a people pleaser is a struggle for me too. I learned recently that we can still please others while still holding boundaries to please ourselves too. I notice with myself that when I'm in my people-pleasing mode I tend to self-sabotage by sacrificing what I want or need in order to make someone else happy even if there is no need for me to sacrifice.

I'm on a journey of finding more middle ground where I can satisfy both myself and others. There is really no need for compromise if there is an alternative, don't you think?


Hello @omoitsanis ! So nice to meet you and I'm glad you stumbled across my post hehehe 🤗 It's been so surprising to me to find out that quite a few people like the way I write 🤣 While I'm writing I always feel a bit confusing but in the end it seems that everythings falls to place and voilá 😁

There is really no need for compromise if there is an alternative, don't you think?

You're absolutely right! Sometimes saying no to others is saying yes to yourself. And boudaries and limits needs to be estabilished for sure. I believe for "people pleasers" can be hard to say no to other, specially without the need to justify when it's not required, but the more you practice going throught that the easier it gets!

So nice of you to stop by and thank you for reaching out!

Haha you must have a hidden talent for writing that you didn't realise you have! 😆

I find that saying no is easy in general but saying no to people I want to please, who tends to be people I love, can be so hard! 😅 It feels like I am not making them happy when I should be. But I think I just need to practice more so both parties are more used to me saying no.

Also, thanks for responding to me! This is the beginning of more interactions in the future 😍🤗

I defenitely going to explore more this flow of writing! I'm quite liking it and having so much fun 😁 I'm so glad you enjoy it!

It feels like I am not making them happy when I should be.

I get you... I've been there and still am I think... But the "should be" of your sentence shows also the implicity of making other happy being an obligation. I relate to it very much and I've reflected a lot because of it. I think it's regarding to our inner child that growing up maybe you only felt loved/accepted when you behaved in an adult expected way.

If we think of this how many time we say to children "If you do this, I'll be sad/other feeling". It starts here when, unconsciously, we make the children's responsability in how the adult feels. It's not their resposability! At least is where my reflection has lead me to.

I believe it takes practice like you say also, and the forgiveness and realizing we are not responsible for others peoples feelings 😊

This is the beginning of more interactions in the future

I really hope so! See you around! 😍