POLIAC'19 - Day 3

in POLIAC7 months ago (edited)


It is only in the third round of this season that a score of over 50,000 steps appears, most SL players have not achieved such a score for three days. The author of this record is, of course, @bucipuci.

[POL] W tym sezonie dopiero w trzeciej rundzie pojawia się wynik powyżej 50 tysięcy kroków, większość graczy SL takiego wyniku nie zrobiło przez trzy dni. Oczywiście autorem rekordu jest @bucipuci.

Golden League.png

The first day after the weekend and the breathlessness has caught up with @merthin, whose defeat at the hands of @bucipuci has cost him the top spot and dropped him to fifth. The Polish colours are bravely defended by @ptaku and @racibo, apart from them @manuvert is still unbeaten in the 19th round. A record-breaking performance by @actifit-godfish earned him a win against @new.things and the biggest promotion of the round. The biggest drop was recorded by @davidthompson57 after losing his match against @danmaruschak.

[POL] Pierwszy dzień po weekendzie i zadyszka dopadła @merthin, porażka z @bucipuci kosztowała go utratę fotela lidera i spadek na piątą pozycję. Polskich barw dzielnie bronią @ptaku i @racibo, oprócz nich jeszcze @manuvert jest bez porażki w 19 sezonie. Rekordowy występ @actifit-godfish dał mu zwycięstwo w meczu z @new.things, a dodatkowo największy awans w tej rundzie. Największy spadek zanotował @davidthompson57 po przegranej w meczu z @danmaruschak.

Round 32024-08-12Results
@actifit-godfish@new.things37225 (SPB) - 25525 (SPB)
@trezzahn@racibo17316 - 19605
@mushanov@homesteadlt18621 (SPB) - 15231
@bucipuci@merthin53115 (SGLB) - 14466
@sk1920@ptaku17232 (SPB) - 20191
@masoom@manuvert20215 - 21291
@cezary-io@fredkese27562 (SPB) - 13074
@danmaruschak@davidthompson5726777 (SPB) - 9634
@browery@benbow201725448 - 20725

Best score in Golden League - @bucipuci - 100 AFIT Best score among losers - @new.things - 100 AFIT

SPB - Season Personal Best
SGLB - Season Golden League Best


1@ptaku (+1)98441561992
2@racibo (+1)98341653839
3@manuvert (+1)98204764408
4@bucipuci (+4)69808561939
5@merthin (-4)68284193408
7@cezary-io (+2)67206262608
8@new.things (-3)66817462766
9@mushanov (+4)65169160329
10@danmaruschak (+4)37278964920
11@actifit-godfish (+7)36221359951
13@davidthompson57 (-6)35874373535
14@homesteadlt (-3)35846964524
15@fredkese (-5)35648173990
16@masoom (-1)06239495400
17@trezzahn (-1)05134659922
18@sk1920 (-1)04360584127


Ranking table for GOLDEN LEAGUE

Silver League.png

After the first few rounds @erikklok is emerging as the SL favourite, the Dutchman owes his good results to an active holiday in the Dolomites, but the holiday will not last the whole season. It promises to be a very even season. The first points were scored by @stewie.wieno after his win against @awah. On the other hand, @svanbo lost his first points of the season to leader @erikklok.

[POL] Po pierwszych rundach na faworyta SL wyrasta @erikklok, Holender dobre wyniki zawdzięcza aktywnemu wypoczynkowi w Dolomitach, ale urlop nie będzie trwał cały sezon. Zapowiada się, że będzie to bardzo wyrówany sezon. Pierwsze punkty zdobył @stewie.wieno po wygranej w meczu z @awah. Natomiast @svanbo stracił pierwsze punkty w sezonie, jego pogromcą okazał się lider @erikklok.

Round 32024-08-12Results
@stefannikolov@silvertop6579 - 10625
@asia-pl@nabbas07869797 - 5509
@stewie.wieno@awah13609 (SPB) - 9373 (SPB)
@timehacker@pinkhub10713 - 9604 (SPB)
@atongis@notak5469 - 11425
@pjansen@elizabethbit5803 - 13102 (SPB)
@itz.inno@kap115101 - 13247 (SPB)
@alovely088@cryptospa0 - 8355
@erikklok@svanbo18158 - 8409

Best score in Silver League - @erikklok - 100 AFIT Best score among losers - @kap1 - 100 AFIT

SPB - Season Personal Best
SSLB - Season Silver League Best


5@elizabethbit (+2)63589136680
6@notak (+3)62855313663
7@timehacker (+4)62372332766
8@svanbo (-3)62016027367
9@stefannikolov (-3)33210528305
10@asia-pl (+4)33066329011
11@stewie.wieno (+4)32820827568
12@pjansen (-4)32627349666
13@pinkhub (-1)32254331779
14@awah (-1)31756715992
15@alovely088 (-5)31366334979

Ranking table for SILVER LEAGUE

Piotr A. Marszalek.png


@krakonos won't be active for long. I think it would be appropriate to "replace" him with someone else for this season. I dare to suggest @kap1

@kap1 are U ready? Do you wish to join?

Yes, I would like to join.

Welcome to POLIAC, you take @krakonos place.

As far as I know, @kap1 is interested in participating in a competition. She should confirm her interest by commenting on our "conversation"

A minor blip! 😫

2 losses in a row. Bad start

just win the 31 remaining matches and you are the Champion!


Haha, that is a lot of wins. Let's see how it goes.
Thank you

spoiler alert - @manuvert continues his winning streak with beating me by 1k steps on day 4. Well done!

Celem jest utrzymanie, ale mogę wygrać.
PS. Link do złotego rankingu prowadzi do minionej rozgrywki

enhancement idea: could you put the dates of all / every other match day in the Notes field (for one pair only), so it's easier to follow whom we face and when?


Strong player and strong score, congratulations @erikklok !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/10) @svanbo tipped @poliac