POLIAC'20 - Day 13

in POLIAC4 months ago


Round 13. Who had an unlucky round and who had a lucky day?

[POL] Trzynasta runda. Dla kogo była to pechowa runda, a kto może mówić o szczęśliwym dniu?



The return of @browery to the top is not due to @manuvert's defeat, but because @manuvert didn't have the pair this round and couldn't score. In a few days, @browery will be in the same situation, so the odds will be even before the return leg. Important points were scored by @fredkese, if he wants to stay in the GL he will have to collect them at every opportunity. Luck was on the side of @sk1920 against @trezzahn, the Pole's poor score was punctured by the Canadian's even weaker one. Despite the weekend, @bucipuci didn't lose any points, and @ptaku seems to have made it through the weekend as well.

[POL] Powrót @browery na fotel lidera, nie jest to wynikiem porażki @manuvert, tylko tego, że @manuvert nie miał pary w tej rundzie i nie mógł zdobyć punktów. Za parę dni @browery będzie w takiej samej sytuacji, więc szanse będą wyrównane przed fazą rewanżową. Ważne punkty zdobył @fredkese, jeżeli myśli o utrzymaniu w GL musi je zbierać przy każdej okazji. Szczęście dopisało @sk1920 w meczu z @trezzahn, słaby wynik Polaka został przebity przez jeszcze słabszy wynik Kanadyjczyka. Mimo weekendu @bucipuci nie stracił punktów, najwidoczniej @ptaku też zrobił sobie weekend.

Round 132024-11-09Results
@erikklok@browery14748 - 22672
@merthin@racibo30999 - 20554
@davidthompson57@cezary-io6503 - 31326
@sk1920@trezzahn8480 - 8013
@new.things@actifit-godfish26109 - 18034
@fredkese@mushanov17219 - 13159
@ptaku@bucipuci7326 - 19254
@danmaruschak@benbow201720272 - 11734
@manuvert13176 -

Best score in Golden League - @cezary-io - 100 AFIT Best score among losers - @racibo - 100 AFIT


1⬆️(+1) @browery33307577221207
2⬇️(-1) @manuvert30305493194125
3➡️ @cezary-io28269839177910
4➡️ @bucipuci27372672199499
5➡️ @new.things24300472261858
6➡️ @merthin21245177228389
7➡️ @benbow201718180567204469
8➡️ @erikklok18155371202047
9➡️ @trezzahn16130376174088
10➡️ @ptaku15218514244162
11➡️ @mushanov15164808211404
12➡️ @racibo12251108297488
13⬆️(+1) @danmaruschak12226056248358
14⬇️(-1) @actifit-godfish12221370248353
15➡️ @sk192012199453266158
16➡️ @davidthompson579142434227027
17➡️ @fredkese9138980223725


Ranking table for GOLDEN LEAGUE


An earthquake at the top of the Silver League, after nine rounds @itz.inno had to make way for @homesteadlt. Contributed by @kap1, the Czech beat the Japanese, while @homesteadlt was given the gift of a walkover. For the first time on the podium was @timehacker, the Slovak defeated @pjansen in a head-to-head. The defeat cost the German a drop from second to fourth place. The record-breaking performance of @svanbo was not enough against @cryptospa. The Bulgarian also set his season record.

[POL] Trzęsienie ziemi w czołówce Silver League, po dziewięciu rundach na pierwszym miejscu @itz.inno musiał ustąpić miejsca dla @homesteadlt. Przyczyniła się do tego @kap1, Czeszka pokonała Japończyka, @homesteadlt dostał prezent w postaci meczu oddanego walkowerem. Po raz pierwszy na podium zameldował się @timehacker, Słowak pokonał w bezpośrednim pojedynku @pjansen. Ta porażka kosztowała Niemca spadek z drugiego na czwarte miejsce. Rekordowy wynik @svanbo okazał się niewystarczający na @cryptospa. Bułgar również ustanowił swój rekord sezonu.

Round 132024-11-09Results
@alovely088@krakonos5307 - 10059
@pjansen@timehacker10013 - 14541
@svanbo@cryptospa16649 (SPB) - 21524 (SPB)
@stefannikolov@homesteadlt0 - 10849
@kap1@itz.inno14517 - 10995
@atongis@jjprac14282 - 10561
@silvertop@awah10613 - 0
@elizabethbit@asia-pl8763 - 4499
@pinkhub5066 -

Best score in Silver League - @cryptospa - 100 AFIT Best score among losers - @svanbo - 100 AFIT


1⬆️(+2) @homesteadlt3012855589064
2⬇️(-1) @itz.inno2715719491749
3⬆️(+1) @timehacker27147042102774
4⬇️(-2) @pjansen27132509112733
5➡️ @silvertop24142521113132
6⬆️(+1) @krakonos24127093114390
7⬆️(+2) @atongis24111129109821
8⬇️(-2) @jjprac2112872699011
9⬇️(-1) @pinkhub2110454691553
10➡️ @cryptospa18123885116097
11➡️ @kap115118376127469
12⬆️(+1) @svanbo12100058148460
13⬆️(+1) @elizabethbit1295599103069
14⬇️(-2) @awah1285267108003
15➡️ @alovely088969131114761
16➡️ @asia-pl673478108472
17➡️ @stefannikolov343306137857

Ranking table for SILVER LEAGUE

Piotr A. Marszalek.png


Still last with a win

It's really painful to loose with 16600 steps, actually at the only day in the week where I can register a lot of steps !INDEED !LOLZ

20thousand steps is for golden league standards already. 🤣 @cryptospa is not joking this time

You bet.... !INDEED !LOL

What's a spy's favourite confectionery?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of svanbo



@itz.inno, I sent you an

What do sea monsters eat for lunch?
Fish and ships.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of svanbo

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@poliac, I sent you an

You used the word loose instead of the correct "lose" only once within the past 30 days. 🤓😅 !LOLZ !DIY

The inventor of autocorrect has died
His funnel is tomato

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester



@svanbo, I sent you an

improving.... !LOL !STRIDE

What's the difference between a well-dressed man and a tired dog?
The man wears an entire suit, the dog just pants.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of svanbo

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@savvytester, I sent you an

Maybe you are winning the "battle" against the "lose" word, but still losing against the "war" against all those typos. 🤔🤯😆😅 !LOLZ !DIY

What's the most modern plant?
A courant bush.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@svanbo, I sent you an

Bit by bit, one step at the time !STRIDE !DIY !HUG

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @savvytester, you just got hugged. on behalf of @svanbo.

Hope you do not mean that you are losing "one step at a time"! 🤯🤗🤯 !LOLZ !DIY

No wonder everyone's attracted to the earths center
It is pretty hot

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester



@svanbo, I sent you an

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @svanbo! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@svanbo just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @savvytester! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @svanbo! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @svanbo! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:


$PIZZA slices delivered:
savvytester tipped svanbo
(3/10) @svanbo tipped @savvytester