Twenty-eight round with an average step count of 14695 and attendance below 90%.
[POL] Dwudziesta ósma runda z przeciętną liczbą kroków 14695 i frekwencją poniżej 90%.
@bucipuci would like to forget this weekend as soon as possible, as his chances of defending his title are gone for good and the podium is also in doubt. The Czech has finished on the podium fourteen times so far this season, so everyone expects him to do so every season. We'll find out next week. @new.things defeated @erikklok to maintain a comfortable lead over his rivals. @ptaku and @fredkese also won their matches, but will have to be careful in the next rounds as @benbow2017 is lurking behind them. The Bulgarian's recent results show that he has ambitions to finish the season on the podium. The last day of @racibo's sick leave, but rather his place in the TOP10 is not in jeopardy, @browery this season must be considered unsuccessful, but before the old competition his minimum plan was to stay in the GL, which he succeeded.
[POL] @bucipuci chciałby jak najszybciej zapomnieć ten weekend, bezpowrotnie stracił szanse na obronę tytułu, a i podium stoi pod znakiem zapytania. Dotychczas Czech czternaście razy kończył sezon na podium, więc wszyscy oczekują, że tak będzie w każdym kolejnym sezonie. Przekonamy się o tym już za tydzień. @new.things pokonał @erikklok i utrzymał znaczącą przewagę nad rywalami. @ptaku i @fredkese również wygrali swoje mecze, ale muszą uważać w kolejnych rundach, bo za ich plecami czai się @benbow2017. Ostatnie wyniki Bułgara pokazują, że ma on ambicję ukończyć sezon na podium. Ostatni dzień zwolnienia chorobowego @racibo, ale raczej jego miejsce w TOP10 jest niezagrożone, @browery ten sezon musi uznać za nieudany, ale przed starem rozgrywek jego planem minimum było utrzymanie się w GL, co mu się udało.
Round 28 | 2025-01-26 | Results |
@manuvert | @racibo | 28914 - 0 |
@sk1920 | @ptaku | 7415 - 22432 |
@benbow2017 | @cezary-io | 36059 - 10288 |
@trezzahn | @actifit-godfish | 0 - 15167 |
@danmaruschak | @bucipuci | 24790 - 20137 |
@browery | @homesteadlt | 13456 - 6854 |
@jjprac | @fredkese | 7799 - 15881 |
@erikklok | @new.things | 20802 - 32063 |
@timehacker | @merthin | 15014 - 20989 |
Best score in Golden League - @benbow2017 - 100 AFIT
Best score among losers - @erikklok - 100 AFIT
# | Player | Points | For | Against |
1 | @new.things | 75 | 869909 | 549055 |
2 | @ptaku | 66 | 752772 | 561243 |
3 | @fredkese | 66 | 675632 | 489869 |
4 | (+1) @benbow2017 | 60 | 815249 | 613559 |
5 | (-1) @bucipuci | 57 | 853174 | 531217 |
6 | @merthin | 57 | 641592 | 526760 |
7 | @manuvert | 57 | 594755 | 519634 |
8 | @danmaruschak | 51 | 648938 | 509696 |
9 | (+1) @actifit-godfish | 48 | 529784 | 523201 |
10 | (-1) @racibo | 45 | 520618 | 551352 |
11 | @browery | 39 | 433699 | 494718 |
12 | @cezary-io | 33 | 477192 | 553716 |
13 | @sk1920 | 27 | 382720 | 508584 |
14 | @erikklok | 21 | 373907 | 574875 |
15 | @homesteadlt | 21 | 324832 | 443825 |
16 | @timehacker | 18 | 316392 | 570226 |
17 | @jjprac | 9 | 327269 | 578729 |
18 | @trezzahn | 6 | 113915 | 552090 |
Ranking table for GOLDEN LEAGUE
At the top of the SL is still @itz.inno, but he still has a super-important match against @silvertop. This duel in the next round will decide the order at the end of the SL season. Other than that, not much has changed on the ladder, and it looks like it will stay that way until the end of the season. The points difference between the players is enough to maintain the current position.
[POL] Na czele SL wciąż @itz.inno, ale przed nim jeszcze jeden superważny mecz z @silvertop. Ten pojedynek w następnej rundzie zdecyduje o kolejności na koniec sezonu SL. Poza tym nie wiele zmian w tabeli i tak pewnie będzie do końca sezonu. Różnice punktowe między poszczególnymi graczami są wystarczające do utrzymania aktualnej pozycji.
Round 28 | 2025-01-26 | Results |
@awah | @alovely088 | 0 - 10247 |
@mushanov | @davidthompson57 | 22383 - 8695 |
@asia-pl | @pinkhub | 5032 - 0 |
@cryptospa | @kap1 | 17659 - 0 |
@pjansen | @atongis | 10317 - 10958 |
@itz.inno | @svanbo | 10910 - 8380 |
@stefannikolov | @silvertop | 9667 - 14421 |
@elizabethbit | @krakonos | 10679 - 538 |
Best score in Silver League - @mushanov - 100 AFIT
Best score among losers - @pjansen - 100 AFIT
# | Player | Points | For | Against |
1 | @itz.inno | 81 | 419348 | 240575 |
2 | @silvertop | 78 | 446520 | 273391 |
3 | @cryptospa | 60 | 415168 | 248704 |
4 | @atongis | 54 | 307388 | 272229 |
5 | @mushanov | 51 | 338422 | 309722 |
6 | @pinkhub | 45 | 301176 | 266374 |
7 | @davidthompson57 | 43 | 279840 | 275875 |
8 | @elizabethbit | 42 | 281476 | 281720 |
9 | @pjansen | 36 | 279553 | 307990 |
10 | @stefannikolov | 36 | 205265 | 281956 |
11 | @awah | 33 | 187518 | 283027 |
12 | (+1) @alovely088 | 30 | 257498 | 272345 |
13 | (-1) @krakonos | 30 | 247998 | 283661 |
14 | @asia-pl | 24 | 211371 | 278458 |
15 | @kap1 | 15 | 121723 | 304461 |
16 | @svanbo | 13 | 111574 | 231350 |
Ranking table for SILVER LEAGUE
Hopefully, I dont give out my spot
oh silver league ends on the 28th.
is the gold league longer? waaah
I've got the Actfit app installed in my new phone now but the 8000+ steps have not been enough for a winner, unfortunately...
I said is that a fret?
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of svanbo
@poliac, I sent you an