The second round has stirred up the tables, the POLIAC spring season promises to be extremely exciting. The favourites have not disappointed. The next matches will bring answers to questions about the form of the players and their aspirations for the season!
[POL] Druga kolejka namieszała w tabelach, wiosenny sezon POLIAC zapowiada się niezwykle emocjonująco. Faworyci nie zawiedli. Kolejne mecze przyniosą odpowiedzi na pytania o formę graczy oraz ich aspiracje na ten sezon!
The second round provided plenty of excitement. Defending champion @new.things proved that he is serious about another title. I think he's not the only one. The new season record holder was @merthin, with this form, he's among the favourites too. Unlucky start to the season by @benbow2017, second game lost by a narrow margin, this time beaten by @bucipuci. The first points in the Golden League were scored by @silvertop, after an even match they beat @cezary-io. The good run continues with @fredkese and @actifit-godfish, both confidently winning their matches.
[POL] Druga runda dostarczyła wiele emocji. Obrońca tytułu @new.things udowodnił, że poważnie myśli o kolejnym tytule. Myślę, że nie tylko on. Nowym rekordzistą sezonu został @merthin, z taką formą, też jest w gronie faworytów. Pechowy początek sezonu w wykonaniu @benbow2017, drugi mecz przegrany niewielką różnicą, tym razem pokonał go @bucipuci. Pierwsze punkty w Golden League zdobył @silvertop, po wyrównanym meczu pokonał @cezary-io. Dobrą passę kontynuują @fredkese i @actifit-godfish, obaj pewnie wygrali swoje mecze.
Round 2 | 2025-03-22 | Results |
@new.things | @timehacker | 36423 - 0 |
@cezary-io | @silvertop | 18077 - 18683 (SPB) |
@erikklok | @itz.inno | 31430 (SPB) - 22311 (SPB) |
@homesteadlt | @ptaku | 10121 (SPB) - 23301 |
@browery | @merthin | 16566 - 47919 (SGLB) |
@fredkese | @danmaruschak | 30678 (SPB) - 23429 (SPB) |
@benbow2017 | @bucipuci | 17705 - 18742 |
@manuvert | @sk1920 | 23800 (SPB) - 9118 |
@actifit-godfish | @racibo | 28844 (SPB) - 10888 |
Best score in Golden League - @merthin - 100 AFIT
Best score among losers - @danmaruschak - 100 AFIT
# | Player | Points | For | Against |
1 | @new.things (+1) | 6 | 73482 | 27974 |
2 | @merthin (+5) | 6 | 69990 | 33165 |
3 | @bucipuci (-2) | 6 | 62503 | 17705 |
4 | @fredkese (+2) | 6 | 54462 | 46072 |
5 | @actifit-godfish (+4) | 6 | 46021 | 20891 |
6 | @ptaku (+4) | 3 | 51275 | 47180 |
7 | @erikklok (+6) | 3 | 50960 | 55382 |
8 | @racibo (-5) | 3 | 43959 | 48374 |
9 | @manuvert (+3) | 3 | 43476 | 34044 |
10 | @danmaruschak (-2) | 3 | 42846 | 43445 |
11 | @cezary-io (-6) | 3 | 42246 | 34686 |
12 | @browery (-8) | 3 | 41492 | 67595 |
13 | @silvertop (+3) | 3 | 31450 | 37494 |
14 | @benbow2017 (-3) | 0 | 40348 | 42526 |
15 | @itz.inno (-1) | 0 | 38910 | 53501 |
16 | @sk1920 (-1) | 0 | 25121 | 47969 |
17 | @homesteadlt | 0 | 20124 | 40478 |
18 | @timehacker | 0 | 0 | 80184 |
Ranking table for GOLDEN LEAGUE
To start with, for the rookies, I need to explain what they mean, the stamps that have appeared next to their scores. SPB is simply an indication of a player's best performance of the season. In the table, numbers have appeared to indicate an increase or decrease in the table from the previous round. From what you can see, many of you improved on the results you achieved in the first round. This did not always mean winning the duel, after all the opponent could also improve. @krakonos won the second match and remains in the leading position, but can feel the breath of the chase group behind him. The two debutants @patif2025 and @tom45p, who won their first matches, faced each other in the second round, in this duel @patif2025 proved to be better.
[POL] Na początek dla debiutantów muszę wytłumaczyć, co oznaczają, te znaczki, które pojawiły się obok ich wyników. SPB to po prostu określenie najlepszego wyniku gracza w sezonie. W tabeli pojawiły się liczby określające wzrost lub spadek w tabeli w stosunku do poprzedniej kolejki. Z tego co widać, wielu z was poprawiło wyniki osiągnięte w pierwszej rundzie. Nie zawsze oznaczało to wygraną w pojedynku, bo przecież rywal też mógł się poprawić. @krakonos wygrał drugi mecz i pozostaje na pozycji lidera, ale za plecami czuje oddech grupy pościgowej. Dwoje debiutantów @patif2025 i @tom45p, którzy wygrali pierwsze mecze, zmierzyli się w drugiej rundzie, w tym pojedynku lepsza okazała się @patif2025.
Round 2 | 2025-03-22 | Results |
@svanbo | @atongis | 4043 - 13868 (SPB) |
@elizabethbit | @krakonos | 11673 (SPB) - 18730 |
@mushanov | @ronnie10 | 13551 (SPB) - 6679 (SPB) |
@a07 | @davidthompson57 | 5033 - 7797 (SPB) |
@stefannikolov | @pinkhub | 0 - 10671 |
@alovely088 | @asia-pl | 5117 - 13475 (SPB) |
@walkerce48 | @pjansen | 0 - 10848 |
@jjprac | @cryptospa | 9859 - 18070 |
@patif2025 | @tom45p | 17738 (SPB) - 14710 |
Best score in Silver League - @krakonos - 100 AFIT
Best score among losers - @tom45p - 100 AFIT
# | Player | Points | For | Against |
1 | @krakonos | 6 | 41164 | 17907 |
2 | @cryptospa | 6 | 36328 | 9859 |
3 | @patif2025 (+2) | 6 | 32277 | 14710 |
4 | @pinkhub (-1) | 6 | 28525 | 10187 |
5 | @mushanov (+2) | 6 | 26047 | 12617 |
6 | @atongis (+3) | 6 | 24650 | 11025 |
7 | @pjansen (+1) | 6 | 22272 | 5170 |
8 | @tom45p (-4) | 3 | 31589 | 24795 |
9 | @jjprac (-3) | 3 | 23545 | 20832 |
10 | @asia-pl (+4) | 3 | 19413 | 17613 |
11 | @davidthompson57 (+1) | 3 | 14779 | 15815 |
12 | @elizabethbit (-2) | 0 | 21860 | 36584 |
13 | @ronnie10 | 0 | 12913 | 35985 |
14 | @alovely088 (-2) | 0 | 12174 | 30354 |
15 | @a07 | 0 | 10203 | 19221 |
16 | @svanbo | 0 | 6805 | 27554 |
17 | @walkerce48 | 0 | 0 | 25387 |
18 | @stefannikolov | 0 | 0 | 28929 |
Ranking table for SILVER LEAGUE
Lucky season for me maybe
Good performance
Thank you for organizing the competition. I don't think I can keep the first place, but I will try my best. My goal is to place in 9th place and make more steps for than my opponents against.
Nice :) and thank you
@tipu curate 5
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/49) Liquid rewards.
Unexpected point gain :-)
It's been two days and some people have already crossed 50K. Looking at the numbers of each contestant in the Golden League and it seems like a really tough competition over there.
Gladly there is no Bronze League. Otherwise, I would be close to relegation zone by now. LOL
In the past there was Bronze League, in seasons from 6 to 10, but then there was 48-50 participants, and a lot of work for me.
Silver League is mostly for light competition nad fun.