Sugar, Or No Sugar

in Reflectionslast year

It's been four weeks since I started my no sugar challenge and I'd like to write about my experience one last time and cover the last two weeks, since my challenge ended. For those of you who missed my previous posts, you can scroll back and check why I started this challenge and how I survived one week, then two weeks, without refined sugar.

It's possible that this phase, I mean the last two weeks, after the initial challenge ended, is more important than the challenge itself and you'll see why.

The first two weeks served to see if I can live without refined sugar, meaning I can resist temptation. Most likely a journey like this is different for everyone but I was thinking this first two weeks might be easier as you tell people about your challenge, which makes you want to keep your word because you don't want them to say you're a quitter or a failure. This helps you resist temptation, besides, you know it's just for two weeks. But what about when the challenge ends? You're on your own and you're also free to eat sweets. What do you do? That's when the true challenge begins in my opinion.

My challenge ended on a Friday, two weeks ago and I had no intention to eat any refined sugar, even if the challenge ended. However, on Sunday I bought strudel, which is a type of layered pastry filled with apple but it is more sour than sweet. I had mixed feelings about eating it because I didn't want to get back to my old habits, but also wanted to see how I feel when eating it, or after. The first couple of bites tasted so good, but after that, I did not enjoy it at all and could only eat half of it. Usually this is when you eat the whole thing as you don't want to waste food, but I didn't.

When I started the challenge, a friend of mine told me that after 2 weeks either sugar will be the sweetest thing I've ever tasted or I'll absolutely hate it. Seemed funny at the time, but he's a doctor, he knows what he's talking about, so I had no reason to doubt his words, but you know how it is. There's always the 1%, the exception from the rule and who knows in which pot I land. In the 1% or the 99%? Well, after eating the strudel, I felt like I'm in the 99% pot and it didn't bother me at all. I was happy that I had that half strudel and did not like it, because it helped me a lot after and proved my point below.

Today I am firmly convinced that is your mindset you have to work on as your body sure doesn't need processed sugar to function. Processed sugar is not like vitamin C or D, without which you can experience severe health issues. You only crave sugar in form of sweets because it makes you feel good. When I say it makes you feel good, I'm not referring to better performance in any field in life, but pure pleasure.

After the strudel incident I was still longing for something sweet from time to time, but as soon as the craving appeared, I remembered I didn't like the strudel and sure as hell I didn't want that bad feeling again. However, I was thinking what could I eat, that it is not sweet and tastes nice. These thoughts appeared one after another, in a matter of seconds and made me realize, these cravings were purely to reward myself, like having something extra. Realizing this helped me a lot, no matter how strange it sounds.



A few years ago I had plastic surgery and on my way home, something happened that got burnt into my memory. I had a terrible headache, caused by the anesthetics, the type of headache you don't ever want in life. So I went to the grocery store to buy myself something but it wasn't groceries but stacks. I remember I bought a pack of hazelnuts in Wasabi coat and a bar of Turkish delight. Hazelnuts are not recommended in my case for health reasons and Turkish delight is a killer as well as it's full of sugar, but I bought them anyway. Why? Because I wanted to reward myself for the pain I was enduring. I clearly remember where I was standing in the grocery store, when I realized what I was doing and knew right away that was a very dangerous path, but I bought them anyway and ate them.

This type of behavior is very common actually, more common than you think. If you look deep into yourself, you most likely are going to realize you're doing it too. Maybe with other things like coffee, food, cigarettes or other substances, which can be even worse.

For the past month, I've been thinking of how I do things in life and why. In this case it's important to find answers to your questions as that's the only way of changing your behavior and your life too, as changing your life is your end goal after all. But you can only do that, if you really want to. It's very difficult to get to that stage and requires a lot of self discipline. I'd like to believe I'm at that stage with refined sugar now, but only time will tell. I would also like to be at that stage with other things in life, but I'm not there yet.

Funny how your brain works. So many times I felt like eating something after lunch. These instantaneous thoughts appear and most of the time you go and grab a snack, something sweet usually. But in my case my brain realized right away that I'm not allowed to eat sweets, or I don't want to. Then my next thought was, what can I eat, that is not sweet. And this is when you realize that this type of eating, that comes after lunch or dinner is purely for rewarding yourself.

This realization made me circle back to the thoughts I had before and after quitting coffee. At first I asked myself why I drink coffee and what coffee means to me. The answer I got was not a good one, but it was the truth. Basically I used coffee for everything. For sleepiness, for fatigue, for headaches, for boredom or for no reason at all. And this is how I ended up drinking coffee all day, every day, even late at night and got to a point where coffee had no effect on me anymore.

Most likely alcoholics do the same too. They drink when they are sad, when they are happy, when they need courage, when they meet someone, when there is a reason to celebrate and at the end of the day, they don't need a reason as they drink anyway.

I'm not an emotional eater, on the contrary. When I'm stressed, I can't eat anything and need to make sure to compensate the lack of food with lots of liquids to be able to get through the day. It's not good, but better than being an emotional eater and eating all kind of garbage because you can't control yourself. However, lately I had to realize in some situations, even if I could not eat, still had something sweet and that was sure processed sugar. Again, a very dangerous path, not the one you want to follow.

Doing this self analysis made me realize how beneficial it is and how it connects to trading. In both games you need a lot of self discipline and your success depends on it heavily. The better you know yourself, the better the results.

Be Ready To Face The Music

Yes, there's another kind of challenge that you will have to face. Although you know you've done nothing wrong, you will still have to face the music and answer uncomfortable questions, or even get ready to be bullied.

When you start your two weeks journey, or whatever length you want to go with it, people will think it's just a new craze that won't last because of temptation and you'll end up back in the old habits, just like them. As you evolve with your challenge and maybe extend it to a longer period or even manage to adopt it as a new lifestyle, it will create a discrepancy between your lifestyle and theirs. That wouldn't be a problem for me as I tend to mind my own business and not judge others for their choices but others don't think like me. There will be people that will not tolerate the idea of you doing something healthy for yourself and will hurt you intentionally. This is where your mental strength and willpower will be put to the test, and you have to choose.

I've learnt my lesson years ago and at this stage of my life I don't care who I have to say no to, or cut ties with, when it comes to my well being. If they are toxic and you've done everything you could and there's still no chance to stop them, better shut that door and never open it again. If they don't have the will to understand your decision, or at least respect it, then they are not your friends. Family is the worst as you can't just simply kick them out of your life and it hurts the most because they should be the ones supporting you, but if you let them rule your life, you lose. There's always a way to deal with such situations, you just have to find it, be strong and persistent. After some time, if they see you have no intention to give up, they will accept your decision. It's your life after all. And if they don't, it's their loss.


Yes, snacks but it's not what you think.


At the beginning of the week I went shopping and even though it was 3 weeks without processed sugar, old habits die hard and the instinct is still there, unfortunately. There were these yummy biscuits at a very good price and when I saw them, my eyes started to shine, but in the next second I realized that's a big no for me. Just look at the package. Other times I would have bought a pack or two and taste one of each, which would have meant at least 7 or 8 different biscuits. Then maybe another round? And this is how you overeat and eat processed sugar, that your body doesn't need.


What you see on the photo above could be called my guilty pleasure. Raisins in chocolate. I love them and could eat the whole pack, even though it is of 200g. The whole pack means 910 kcal, which is shocking. I took the photo for the post, said goodbye and put the pack back.


There's always a way and there are healthy snacks too and I opted for this one.


It's dried apple slices and it is heavenly good. It's sour and better and I love sour a lot. I know, it's better to eat raw apples, but I eat one every day, so that's not a problem.


As you can see, the pack is just 50g and the 74.7g sugar is not refined sugar. Plus you don't eat the whole pack.


Another healthy option is nuts. It is recommended to have them, but obviously not the whole pack as it can send your calorie intake to the roof instantly. Just a few each day.


Oh, I almost forgot. After the strudel (or half of strudel), the next day, I had a biscuit, to see if I have the same reaction to sweets. The biscuit was of a normal size, as you can see, it's slightly bigger than a Trezor. I ate it, but it was more than enough and I can't say I was thrilled. Then yesterday I had another one, the one you see on the photo and had the same reaction. It was fine but I didn't feel like eating another one.

To be honest, it was the easiest challenge I've ever done, regarding my health. I've never imagined I could do this, but it's done, 4 weeks with almost no sugar.

My plan is to keep this going for as long as I can. Most likely there will be exceptions and will have a small slice of cake or an ice cream every now and then, although I don't know how I'm going to react to these. We shall see. The good thing is I lost some weight and that means a lot.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



I congratulate you, Erikah, and yes, you have found a good alternative for your snacks: dried fruits, they are really tasty and provide the necessary amount of sugar in a natural way.

Trading is the closest thing I've seen to life, very very close indeed. In addition to being a great gauge when making decisions, they can never be the ones that come to mind first. There you are your friend and your worst enemy too. Discipline is essential for any goal you want to achieve.

A hug and I am very proud of your achievement.

Thank you very much @nanixxx! Those dried apples are very good and this week I'm going to buy more for sure.

Discipline is essential for any goal you want to achieve.

I couldn't agree more, especially in trading.

So it seems the answer is No Sugar 🙂 I try to watch processed foods in general but especially refined sugar. My weakness is as a treat when we travel or are on vacation and the desire to treat myself becomes strong. Also it is related to money for me. I am quite frugal so sometimes a sweet is a treat both for the sugar and for spending a little money foolishly.

Trezor! I have one of those somewhere... I don't remember if it has any crypto on it. Maybe some Stellar🤔

For me, at this stage, the answer is No Sugar 😁 I want to keep it that way.

When I travel, things change as I want to taste what the place has to offer, but with this new no sugar phase, I don't know what I will do or how I would react to a slice of cake for example. What I'd like to try out is ice cream, but I've always favored sour ice creams, not that those have less sugar 😄

Lol, then it's time to find your Trezor and check how big of a fortune you have on it 😁

Sugar is something I try to resist everyday especially here in Africa with the sunny weather where you’ll always look for cool drinks to take😂. I plan of taking sugar related things once a week in order to stay healthy.
I think I need a psychologist to help me out here because this is one of the hardest task out there.

Sugar is something I try to resist everyday especially here in Africa with the sunny weather where you’ll always look for cool drinks to take😂.

I should say here cool people drink water, but that would be cheeky. However, jokes aside, with soft drinks you get exactly the opposite result. They may feel good at the moment, but those make you more thirsty. I haven't had one for ages. The only occasion I drink those is it's a juice made by me, with very little added sugar, or none at all.

You’re lucky you’ve developed the habit of resisting drinks. Tell me the truth how long did it take you to cultivate the habit??

Not long. Once you understand you're ruining your health with it every single day, it's easy to quit. Trust me, those drinks are the worst. All they are is sugar, colorants and water, nothing more. Plus, as I said, they make you more thirsty, so you can buy the next one. Then why drink those?

No truer words has been said. With this I think I’ll reduce my intake and consumption.
Thank you

You're welcome but no need to thank me. Try water, it'll make you feel better.

No sugar! That's brave! Good idea tho. I have since fell off the wagon over a daily dose of gummy candies but I did go sugar free-ish (sugary treats not militant diet style) besides one cup of fruit juice per day and I saw a big difference in my skin and felt better. I have been meaning to get back.

As far as other addiction we don't think about, you are right with coffee being a big one. So many consume much more than the recommended 1 to 2 cups per day but many drink it like it's water. Sodas in North-America is the same. Having a few vices is ok but it does pile up one after another if not paying attention to our habits.

You should try coconut chips if you haven't yet.

Gummy candies? 😲 I've never been a huge fan of those, but I know someone who had 1kg of gummy every single day. I was shocked to read about it, but you know, we all have our guilty pleasures.

Having a few vices is ok but it does pile up one after another if not paying attention to our habits.

I couldn't agree more. The thing is, we don't even realize we're addicted and that's the problem.

Coconut chips would be a first for me. I don't know if I have ever seen any. We have grated coconut here, but that's for cakes and I'm not a huge fan. Let's see if I can find any.

I think you have had tremendous willpower and I admire you. If you've stuck it out until today, you've already won the fight. But why go to those tentative stores to prove yourself. I understand that. Don't provoke yourself. Take care of yourself. And thanks for sharing your experiences. Happy weekend.🥰🍏🍎🍐

Thank you @mamani, indeed, some willpower is needed, but totally worse it in the end.

But why go to those tentative stores to prove yourself. I understand that. Don't provoke yourself.

On the contrary. If you are in front of these temptations and you can resist, leave without buying any sweets, you get stronger. I have plenty of sweets at home and still don't eat any.

Have a nice weekend my friend and plenty of fruits, I agree 😘

The first month without sugar is absolute bliss. But over time, you will probably start to loosen up and indulge in something sweet once in a while. I speak from my own experience. I am currently starting 5 month and I am no longer as strict as I was at the beginning, but there is a danger that one falls into the same habit as before. After this experience, sugar is on the same level as tobacco. Quitting is easy, but for many people it is impossible to last long. I had a craving for cigarettes even after several years. After 10 years did these cravings disappear completely.

But over time, you will probably start to loosen up and indulge in something sweet once in a while.

My goal, as I stated in my post, was and still is to control my processed sugar intake, not to give it up completely.

Congrats on the 5 months achievement, it's a nice milestone.

So far I quit smoking (more than 10 years ago) and coffee (five years ago). Since then I think i had 2 cigarettes and the feeling was horrible, but have never had any coffee, not even a sip and it's going to stay that way.

Wow! It's really great to hear about your experience with the no sugar challenge @erikah . It's interesting to see how your mindset and cravings changed after the challenge ended. Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing your journey with us! Looking forward to read more of your future blogs💕

Many thanks @daenerhys.

I can't believe you surpassed these kinds of challenges. But if someone will gonna ask me what would I prefer, I would choose BOTH, because first,(sugar) sometimes (maybe twice or thrice a month), I always felt cravings for sweet like dark chocolate, coffee and others, as it was one of my favorites that I'm doing for and for (no sugar), sometimes I must skipped it for eating some sweets even though I love to eat them because there are times that I have no appetite for eating them. Instead, I prefer to eat fruits and sour foods so that the sweetness and sourness would be balance in my body.

But don't worry, this was just my own opinion and also my own habits. Actually, I will be proud of you for taking your health well. Keep it up! 😊

Thank you @fire.phoenix.

You're always welcome. 😊

I also don't sugar. A normal taste is fine with me.

That's great!

Leer tu post me dejó reflexiva, creo que uno de los sabores que mas adicción genera es el dulce e hice un análisis de cuanto azúcar consumo e imaginé iniciando el reto de no consumir azúcar. Confieso que cuando lo consumo son cantidades muy pequeñas para satisfacer un antojo o después del almuerzo un cuadrito de chocolate pero procuro no tener en casa...el desafío para mi, es no endulzar el café de la mañ logro eso, puedo con cualquier cosa en la vida.
Muy interesante tu contenido, te felicito...saludos

Many thanks @aventurerasbike!

the challenge for me is not to sweeten my morning coffee...if I achieve that, I can handle anything in life.

I understand you perfectly. I did that when I was heavily addicted to coffee and it helped a lot as you don't drink as much coffee, when it doesn't have sugar. You can do it, trust me!

Pues te cuento que hoy empecé a no consumir azúcar en el café, te estaré contando mis avances...

Es difícil estar sin la azúcar. Estoy con la misma dieta pero de vez en cuando le doy a mi cuerpo un poco de azúcar procesada

Good luck to you then, you can do it!

Four weeks already??? It felt like I just read your post about beginning this challenge on yesterday and now are four weeks? God damn, when time flew so fast? Anyway, congrats on reaching that milestone! I'm sure it wasn't easy even if eventually you got used to not having sugar in your life anymore, but not many people have this ambition, which is respectable!

Yes, 4 weeks already :D Thank you Gabriela! Actually it was way easier than it seemed at the beginning and even if I have a bit of processed sugar here and there, I'm going to continue.

Did you feel any imlrovement in your health or have you lost any weight?

Yes, I lost some weight and became more disciplined. Cravings were gone.

Awesome... sounds like a good challenge, we all should definitely think more about how much sugar we consume on a daily basis.

I agree. I'm planning to start again from Monday. It looks like I beed it.