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RE: Bound together...then not

in Reflectionslast year

I am struggling with a decision whether to cut some major ties in my life. On one hand, I feel duty-bound to help where I can. On the other hand, the strain is causing me to unravel bit by bit. So I cope with indecision through a combination of dark humor and bad puns.

Since you won't go into detail about your loss, I can't really commiserate, and it feels trite to offer condolences across the internet, but for whatever it's worth, the sentiment is there.


I've done the same, struggled with similar decisions so understand to some degree how you may be feeling. Duty, honour and integrity are things that mean something to me so it makes decisions like that a little more complicated although we (I say that generally) have to be true to ourselves and make decisions based around our needs

On the commiseration thing, thanks for saying what you did. I know people just want to say something nice, show some empathy, but it's difficult without the details and perspective which I have purposely omitted. The sentiment is plenty, thank you.