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RE: Positive and negative

in Reflections2 years ago

Of course, there's always those with legitimate mental health issues, but many people could move away from negatity if only they didn't wear it like a comfortable coat.

Ya there are people that dwell on the negatives but sometimes it's hard like you mention here with the mental issues especially depression. I think it's a bit hard to recover from depression without outside help. Even myself I had a time when I was depressed and did some stupid stuff like run away from home. Now that I look back it was really dumb but sometimes it's really hard to move on from that negative feeling as well. People sometimes get lost along the way and they really do need help from others to help them get back on track.

And then there are those who have ownership, self-responsibility and who find the courage and put in the hard work like the guy you mention.

Like this guy because he got pushed to be better by the adopted mother. I think things would be totally different if he didn't meet her or get adopted by her. So I believe a part of it is the willingness to not only move on from it but to get help from others to get out of that zone but I could be wrong.

I'm not saying it's easy, I'm sure that bloke went through tough times and had to dig deep, but staying in place, embracing the negativity and making it the reason a person doesn't move forward seems wasteful of life to me.

No worries I get what you mean. I agree with you here as well. We have to accept reality sometimes and move on and do what we can to live the best life we can. We can't really control things outside of our own life so we gotta do the best to look at the factors we can control and one such factor is our mood and feeling


I think it's a bit hard to recover from depression without outside help

Indeed it is, but the person experiencing the depression needs to do most of the work, no one can do that for them. Like you say, "the willingness to not only move on from it but to get help from others."

We have to accept reality sometimes

We should be accepting of it all the time I think, meaning that we should acknowledge and accept that what is happening is happening, that way we can add some input and influence it. Living in denial isn't going to be much of a life.

Indeed it is, but the person experiencing the depression needs to do most of the work, no one can do that for them.

Exactly, it's in their hands but us as outsiders should also be there whey they reach out. That's usually what we can only do

We should be accepting of it all the time I think,

Yes yes maybe i shouldn't have used the word sometimes oops. What you said is what I actually wanted to lean more towards.

I think I got what you meant but was just commenting to clarify I guess; I know it's sometimes/often difficult to put into words exactly what we're thinking. It's all good.

Exactly you are on point with this. It used to be worse but it's slowly getting better since I've been writing on hive

It's a great way to learn, never be afraid to write and always be open to asking questions about it if you're unsure of anything, that's the best way to learn.

Yes you are right! A lot of people are afraid to write and afraid to ask questions. It's actually not that hard to get into blogging on hive but they need to be able to have the willingness to try and learn.

I'm actually going to be doing a lesson on blogging for gamers that play Splinterlands. Going to teach them to blog here on hive hopefully they see the potential. I've already gotten a few to start like @zactian and @jadedaniel

Ok, that sounds interesting. I don't read Splinterlands posts, I'm not at all interested, but it could help them get started right?

thanks shawn for pushing me to start blogging. ill really try to write something up if its my free time. have a pleasant day!