As a very delicate sleeper, I was very snarly reading this, I admit.
Did you grow up in a quiet house or have a "shhh, the baby is sleeping" upbringing? I find that it affects people in the future. A lot of Finnish homes are very quiet, plus people don't want to wake the baby. Foreign parents tend to introduce more noise. Smallsteps sleeps like a log once asleep.
where compatibility was strong,... All trivial...or not, depending on the relationship :)
Exactly. We can compromise our comfort a lot, or be comfortable in less than ideal situations, when we are with people we really care about.
Not a particularly quiet house, but it being just me and my mom, I suppose the house was pretty quiet when I was small (and asleep). My extended family, on the other hand, was huge, and my cousins can sleep anywhere as a result (you can literally be learning an instrument next to them), so I'm sure you're right.