Sombre Ombrella

in Reflections9 months ago

Do you see that umbrella on the right?

It looks more like an 'om'brella*
and it might have felt a bit sombre,**
being on its side
(not) standing out from the rest
laying down
and not being upright
nor uptight,
like its fellow parasols.

Perhaps it was just more laid back than the rest.

Who knows?

If only parasols could talk,
I would have asked it.

After all, I spent a couple of hours on this beach, this afternoon.

By then though,
the 'om'brella
or laid back parasol
had been erected,
once again

by some men
who thought that that was right

I wish they had left it

laid back,
chillin' on its side

I guess that
to some people,

I might seem like the laid back parasol

(not) standing out from the rest.

While they work their jobs,
whether it's serving food and drinks at a terrace
or farming the land,
they never see me work.

In fact,
they might mainly witness me
when I'm eating and drinking
or chilling at the river beach,
while they drive by, being 'busy'.

They might wonder
if I'm perhaps already retired,
young as I look

Most are unaware of the fact
that I work in different ways,
investing in cryptocurrency
and writing
'working' on myself
by spending a lot of time, alone.

That I 'work' hard
to free up more time
to actually do less
and not work hard
to 'unstress'
as much as I can.

Something that is easier said than done.

Now had you told me,
a decade ago,
that this would become my life,
I would probably have laughed at you.

Now I just smile.

I no longer mind being that ombrella, doing things differently.

It was about time that I wrote a multi language/word joke post that is probably not very funny or won't make sense to most people ( who don't speak Dutch, English and Portuguese or, perhaps, French ).

*om is Dutch for over, usually followed by a verb, as in: omgevallen ( overturned/ fallen ), omgegooid (overturned) etc.

** sombre is English for 'sad' ( somber in Dutch ) and sombra is Portuguese for 'shadow' and French for 'dark'.

FYI: Two months ago, I was reminded of the fact that I have been wanting to write a book in multiple languages for 15 years now. More on that in A Book in At Least 6 Languages for (Cool) Weirdos Like Me
Today's write up was inspired by this. Although the above parasol jokes came to me spontaneously, while thinking of a story to add to the picture I took this afternoon.


I love this, an example of your wondering storytelling skills.
You as the parasol, leaning, resting, chilling, not wishing to be seen, but their you are doing you and doing it well.
Big hug my friend xxxx

And - later - by another friend ( who is not on Hive ) and his son and daughter.
I played football with this 6 year old boy and his dad.
Also, the little beach filled with more and more people,
throughout the afternoon.I didn't share that I was actually joined by a friend, @vindiesel1980 , on the beach.

I think I was a (people) magnet today ;<)


That is quite a full day indeed, people magnet indeed, I can understand why xxx

people magnet indeed, I can understand why xxx


Thank you! That's why this 'people magnet' must be protective of its time and energy and is getting better and better at setting healthy boundaries.

I’m trying to think about how long it took you to learn Dutch, Portuguese and other languages you know
That’s amazing though
I wish I could speak so many languages too

Dutch was the easiest, as I am born Dutch ( in The Netherlands ).
I started learning English when I was about 10 years old ( in the days before the Internet, YouTube and cable television ). I had German and French in high school ( from the age of 12 onward ) but already learnt some French when I was a little boy, on holidays in France.
I only learnt Portuguese in my 30s. Am still learning. It's not an easy language.
And I started learning Spanish when I was 25.

That I 'work' hard
to free up more time
to actually do less

...I have had similar thoughts and questions in my head lately, it feels good to relate:)

I know you get it ❤️
I have had these thoughts for many years but I start to see - more and more clearly - that it is true.
Have you ever looked into 'slow productivity'? I recently stumbled upon (a book with) that (title) or, at first, a podcast about this book and realized that describes (people like you and) me.

Aha, that sounds interesting! I'll have a look at it:) Is the podcast by the same guy who wrote the book?

Yes, in all honesty: I only listened to the podcast and it was more of a summary of his book, per chapter. Short fragments with back story and a bit of talking on the creative process. The guy is called Cal Newport.

I love the wordplay nonsense regardless of whether it makes sense or not XD

I feel like most people who read Dr Seuss growing up either would or wouldn't, it was 98% nonsense

Let's 'blame' it on Dr. Seuss indeed.
I have only ever read The Cat in the Hat of his but that must have been enough ;<)

If you're ever around a library see if you can find anymore, they'll take seconds to flick through being kids books. We still have all of ours even though the kids have long outgrown them XD

I like how you see yourself as the laid-back parasol, finding peace in doing things differently. It's a beautiful metaphor for living life on your own terms. Good one dear friend

I like how you see yourself as the laid-back parasol, finding peace in doing things differently. It's a beautiful metaphor for living life on your own terms.

I agree. If more of us would do this, a lot of unhealthy and unhelpful stress will slowly disappear from this world.

Have you ever looked into 'slow productivity'? It sure suits me.

Hehehehehe definitely something to give a thought to and infact try it.... I usually get a lot of stress and it stems from to many problems. Gotta start thinking differently hehehe

Gotta start thinking differently hehehe

Exactly and that is the hardest thing to do
but not impossible.
It's daily work and comes with many ups and downs but we can change our neuro pathways/thinking patterns and our habits and thus improve our health and life ).✨

you're absolutely right on that friend

Sending you an Ecency curation vote

Obrigado! Thank you :<)

A lot of people may think working on the system is easy but it’s not.
Writing takes a lot of time and may be kinda stressful at times
Kudos to you
And I think only chickens can stay under that “ombrella”😅

And I think only chickens can stay under that “ombrella”

Haha! Why only chickens?