Blessed day friends and fellow needleworkmonday. I wish you a beautiful day. Today I share with you a simple project that I was making last night, which served as entertainment and relaxation. It is a pot holder and a pot holder mat.

Yesterday while I was cleaning my kitchen I realized that I needed a mat to place the hot pots on the table or on the counter. So in the evening after finishing my chores I looked for yarn and needle and started knitting.

For this type of kitchen projects my favorite material is pabilo yarn, either raw or colored. This thread is ideal for rugs, tablecloths and pot holders because it is very resistant to heat, the projects are very firm and the best thing is that we can wash them and the thread does not lose its color. Of course, with frequent use they get softer and there comes a time when they need to be replaced, which is not a problem because the Pabilo is very cheap and easy to get.

When I looked through my box of wicks I realized that I had many small pieces of yarn in different colors so I decided to weave the mat to rest the pots on and also a new pot holder. I actually have several pairs of pot holders but most of them are just for decoration because I don't want to get them dirty hahaha. But with this one made of scraps I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of it.

Making useful things for my home with my own hands is something that fills me with satisfaction, I am very happy to have the ability to knit and to create things that I can use in my daily life. So much for today's post, I greet you with love until next time. Blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl

La mejor manera de terminar con todos esos "chuchitos" de hilo que nos quedan!! Gracias por compartir!
I really love your project. The all look amazing. This crochet pot look so beautiful. I love the color. Thank for sharing
Esos agarraollas son super útiles, además por seguridad en nuestras cocinas. Muy buen diseño . ¡ Saludos 👍!
Necesito hacer un par de esos para colocar las ollas. En estos días coloqué una olla caliente sobre mi mesa de madera y pensé que no le pasaría nada y perdió el color en esa zona.
Ambos te quedaron muy bonitos. Gracias por compartir y servirnos de inspiración.
Muy bello y práctico. 😍
Es una gran idea, tan útil que no pueden faltar en la cocina, necesito tener unos urgentes y tengo algunos retazos de hilos que me van a ser útil y necesarios en mi cocina. Gracias por la idea. Saludos con mucho cariño amiga, feliz noche.
Te ha pasado como a mí, en otras oportunidades he tejido un tapete para colocar las ollas y luego al verlo tan lindo me da cosita ensuciarlos jeje, este de retazos a pesar de todo quedo hermoso.
Que rengas un gran día.
This is the advantage of being a crocheter. Once you needed something (that of course can be crocheted) you can easily made it right away. 😊
This is like a savior to me because I’ve been looking for this for a long time. Thank you and I love the colours
Wonderful, I have been planning to do them but keep putting it off, your post inspired me to go for it. They are very useful and it is true that it is nice to use something you made. 😊
So lively dear