
Lately that tool is making me excited a great deal. So many possibilities!

I agree! I like the KE Ratio. So far that has been the only thing I have used. Been taking a look at who I follow. Most have good KE but not all. Got to look into the ones that don't have good KE. May unfollow them.

It’s a simple measure of who is committed and who is here to exploit

Yep that's for sure. It keeps people honest about there intentions.

He cherry picked 125 random accounts. This is not a representation of LEO Holders.

He picked a random thread, not a random number of accounts. Do your research before you comment. And I looked into that same thread that @azircon picked. The accounts that hold no HP are threaders. They have no posts only comments. And those comments haven't earned much or even calmed what they have earned. Not saying that is good or bad. That is up to the reader to decide.

I already started removing my support for other reasons. It started with this post all leo holders must read this.. Where I'm being told if I hit 100 LEO I will be harassed for not having a phone that I can put telegram on. This is why I don't support LEO proposals.

What follows is a simple call-to-action for all LEO stakeholders. If you have 100 LEO POWER staked or more, I will be personally tagging you in threads and posts to come to see if you are getting active in the Telegram.
The rent seeking is coming to an end. If you own LEO, we expect you to get involved. If you don't, the community will start calling people out. It's time to come together as a community. As a tribe. As Lions.

But I didn't completely stop supporting LEO because I saw the good things LEO was bringing to HIVE. I was giving LEO a chance.

But looking at my staked LEO I can see that you see that I supply no value to you since I haven't received staking rewards ever since I removed 5 LEO from @leo.voter and @lolz.leo to increase my LEO vote value to reward creators on LEO. Because of that I have not been on LEO much. Before this post I tried to login to INLEO, it took about 6 tries before I managed to get it logged in. Looked at the dashboard to figure out what was going on, to discover my settings were changed from stacked earnings to liquid earnings and that I am suppose to earn 0.0499 LEO for my delegation. Since I have not been receiving those rewards, I will be removing my delegation and sending to lolz.leo. They provide me with more value. And I am considering removing my stake in LEO:LBI instead of slowly increasing it to get the LEO rewards that I am not getting yet. Not worth my $0.02. I think will put the LEO in the CENT:LEO to get my CENT rewards, since it provides me more value then LEO does. The Diesel pools and the LEO creators are the only thing I will support from now on. You want my support beyond that, prove you are worth my time.

I chose a random sample. In scientific studies we always do that. The assumption is a randomly chosen sample should represent the population! This is fundamental of statistics.

Here, I have chosen another random sample and made a plot.

Do you see any difference? I don't. I can look at a bigger sample, I can look at half of the population and I can look at the entire population. I will find the same answer.

~57% of the accounts hold less than 1 hive or 20 Leo worth of assets

It matters not if all the Leo users cumulatively hold 10M hive or 20M hive. The above hypothesis is solid so far. Even if that number is half that, say 28%, that is still dismal!

I see no difference in the numbers you present.

I looked at your previous sample and all I could find was one 2024 with over 6k hp, 18 from 2024-2025 that are under 400hp and the rest of the 2024-2025 haven't earned or claimed. This is all that have been on-boarded to HIVE. 34 of the big accounts are from before 2022. I hope when you break down the numbers @khaleelkazi you at least break it down by year so we know how many new have put in.

57% of 125 of your chosen sample haha 💀

Why choose a random sample when we have an open source blockchain with the data?

That is an accepted scientific method.

When I have the time I can look at a bigger sample. This is my blog. I decide what I do here.

Who are you to ask me and direct me what to do?

You’re misrepresenting data by choosing a sample set that fits your narrative

It’s irrelevant now because we’ve already pulled the data and put it in a dashboard. As shown in my previous screenshots. LEO monthly active users have over 16M Hive power

Your numbers are like walking into a hospital and polling the people in it for general health statistics on a broad population

And you are vote begging, and you don't even know how to do it.

get the fuck lost

He cherry picked a thread container that had 125 accounts in it. Thread containers are created roughly every 3 hours (sometimes more, sometimes less).

Regardless of everything else, I’m tired of false data and cherry picked data being used.

The facts are all on chain and I’ve decided to shift my entire dev team to building a dashboard that shows THE REAL DATA. Not the cherry picked bs shown here.

The real data will be live on a real-time dashboard by end of day today for anyone that doesn’t want fake news.

So that must be enough hive to get your proposal above return, right?

Why don't you work on it as opposed to calling me stupid and spend time on my blog.

Get lost..........please!

I look forward to what you present. But I not voting for the proposal any time soon. We will see how I feel when I get past 100 LEO! Depends on how I am treated, since you already threatened to harass me for not Telegram if I reach 100 LEO. Not to please about being threatened. Not a great way of doing business. Not very professional in my opinion.