Being happy is a decision - Emotional freedom - Reflection and learning (EN-ES)

in YouHive2 months ago

The path of self-knowledge takes time and a period of healing from things that we do not control, that are inherited and that condition our lives, but we can achieve emotional freedom.

El camino del autoconocimiento lleva tiempo y un período de sanación de cosas que no controlamos, que nos vienen heredadas y que condicionan nuestra vida, pero podemos conseguir esa libertad emociona.


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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Muchos que me conocen, ya los saben. Mi camino de autoconocimiento y sanación comenzó hace mucho tiempo, en el año 2012. Sin ese autoconocimiento y la toma de conciencia de quienes somos y de dónde venimos no es posible sanar.

Y no me refiero a sanar una enfermedad grave, sino a sanar muchas cosas, patrones que repetimos, la carencia, el sufrimiento, los padeceres de la vida, dolencias físicas y mentales. Siempre hay algo por sanar.

En ese tiempo después de haber hecho un curso de grafología, y dando clases de informática, una de mis alumnas me envió, a modo de práctica, un video por correo. No hay casualidades sino causalidades. Ese video ya no existe, fue borrado de YouTube, pero si me queda que a partir del mismo comencé el camino y jamás paré de aprender y mejorar.

Many who know me already know this. My path of self-knowledge and healing began a long time ago, in 2012. Without that self-knowledge and awareness of who we are and where we come from, it is not possible to heal.

And I don't mean to heal a serious illness, but to heal many things, patterns that we repeat, the lack, the suffering, the pains of life, physical and mental ailments. There is always something to heal.

At that time, after having done a graphology course, and giving computer classes, one of my students sent me a video by mail as a practice. There are no coincidences but causalities. That video no longer exists, it was deleted from YouTube, but I do know that from that video I started my journey and I never stopped learning and improving.

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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

La persona que hablaba en ese video es muy conocida, pero por derechos de autor e imagen no puedo traer un video de su escuela o instituto. Pero lo que me enseño en la vida y cuanto he sanado se lo debo a esa persona. En ese camino también encontré este otro canal que si puedo traerles y que es muy fácil de comprender en sus enseñanzas y del cual he visto muchos videos.

La biodescodificación cambió mi vida para siempre. Deriva de una nueva forma alemana de entender la medicina y complemente a la medicina tradicional. Es una ayuda invaluable para la misma.

De ella se desprende de que todas las enfermedades desde un resfriado hasta la enfermedad más grave tienen una raíz emocional. Pero no sólo eso, sino que esta nueva forma, nos enseña analizar nuestro árbol transgeneracional y sanar aquellas creencias o programas que traemos desde nacimiento.

The person who spoke in that video is very well known, but due to copyright and image rights I can't bring a video of his school or institute. But what he taught me in life and how much I have healed I owe to this person. On that path I also found this other channel that I can bring you and that is very easy to understand in its teachings and of which I have seen many videos.

Biodecoding changed my life forever. It derives from a new German way of understanding medicine and complements traditional medicine. It is an invaluable aid to it.

It shows that all illnesses, from a cold to the most serious illness, have an emotional root. Not only that, but this new way teaches us to analyse our transgenerational tree and heal those beliefs or programmes that we bring with us from birth.


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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Recientemente leí un post sobre las cosas que nos hacen felices y pensaba cuanta gente no sabe cómo ser feliz, o que cosas la hacen feliz. Aquí les dejo el primer video de Fernando Sánchez.

Aprendí que la felicidad se genera en el interior de uno mismo, no proviene de cosas o personas fuera de nosotros y él explica cómo llegar a la misma.

Hay mucho por hablar de este tema, y si les interesa que siga sobre esto dando mi testimonio, por supuesto los leo en los comentarios.

I recently read a post about the things that make us happy and I was thinking how many people don't know how to be happy, or what things make them happy. Here is the first video by Fernando Sanchez.

I learned that happiness is generated within oneself, it doesn't come from things or people outside of us and he explains how to get there.

There is a lot to talk about this topic, and if you are interested in my testimony, I will of course read it in the comments.


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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

En este otro video, que es de los más viejos en su canal, trata justamente lo que aprendí hace muchos años y que se convirtió en mi filosofía de vida.

En resumen, les contaría que estudiando y analizando nuestros pensamientos y emociones podemos saber para que tenemos una dolencia o enfermedad. Hasta una migraña. Todo tiene raíz emocional.

Estudiando mi árbol comprendí que soy una yaciente, esto significa que antes de mi tuve un hermano que falleció, no pudo nacer. Mi madre no tenía fuertes sus tejidos y perdía los embarazos. Ese ser que no nació venía con una misión, podríamos llamarla así para que se comprenda. Se denomina proyecto sentido. Esa misión era liberar a mi madre de dolores insoportables por tener quistes en los ovarios.

El médico le dijo que quedando embarazada eso se iría y así fue, pero mi hermano no nació. A los tres meses de embarazo mi madre lo perdió. Luego quedó embarazada de mí y además de mi propia misión tomé la de mi hermano. No sé cómo, pero sé que era varón.

Es la primera vez que hablo de esto en público, pero es un testimonio que puede ayudar.

El día que mi madre me contó todo eso, sentí que debía biodescodificarme, quitarme el programa de mi hermano. Y porque preguntarán ustedes. Porque yo sufría de dolores incalculables al tener el período, sufría demasiado, no había pastilla que me calmara y lloraba del dolor.

El día que supe que mi hermano venía con ese propósito, mi cabeza hizo un clic y sentí que me liberé porque tomé conciencia que eso no era mío era de otra persona. Tomar conciencia de la verdadera causa de una dolencia es el paso a sanar. A partir de allí se entra en un período de tiempo que depende de cada persona para sanar. A los tres meses de ese momento, jamás, nunca más tuve dolores hasta el día de hoy. Han pasado 12 años desde ese día.

Como este testimonio puedo dar varios de personas que conozco, míos propios.

In this other video, which is one of the oldest on his channel, he discusses exactly what I learned many years ago and which became my philosophy of life.

In short, I would tell you that by studying and analysing our thoughts and emotions we can know what we have an ailment or illness for. Even a migraine. Everything has an emotional root.

Studying my tree I understood that I am a recumbent, this means that before me I had a brother who died, he could not be born. My mother's tissues were not strong and she lost her pregnancies. That being that was not born came with a mission, we could call it this way so that it is understood. It is called a meaningful project. That mission was to free my mother from the unbearable pain of having ovarian cysts.

The doctor told her that if she got pregnant it would go away, and it did, but my brother was not born. Three months into the pregnancy my mother lost him. Then she got pregnant with me and in addition to my own mission I took my brother's. I don't know how, but I know it was my brother's mission. I don't know how, but I know it was a boy.

This is the first time I am talking about this in public, but it is a testimony that can help.

The day my mother told me all that, I felt that I had to biodecode myself, to take away my brother's programme. And why, you may ask. Because I suffered incalculable pain when I had my period, I suffered too much, there was no pill that could calm me down and I cried because of the pain.

The day I found out that my brother was coming for that purpose, my head clicked and I felt that I was liberated because I became aware that it wasn't mine, it was someone else's. I became aware of the real cause of the pain. Becoming aware of the true cause of an ailment is the step to healing. From that point on, there is a period of time that depends on each person to heal. Within three months of that moment, I never, ever had pain again to this day. It has been 12 years since that day.

Like this testimony I can give several testimonies of people I know, my own.


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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Siempre hay cosas por sanar, y muchas veces no son propias, sino que derivan de nuestro árbol, patrones que se repiten, alergias de nacimiento y mucho más, como por ejemplo el tema de la carencia, los escases, ese es un tema que estuvo en mi familia toda la vida y que viene de los ancestros. Gente pobre y que tenía que trabajar con mucho esfuerzo para poder sobrevivir, no vivir, sino sobrevivir. Esa es una de las creencias y programaciones más difíciles de quitar y reemplazar por una nueva.

El canal de Fernando Sánchez es muy completo, tiene videos cortos con temas específicos y otros que se exponen conferencias completas o seminarios y de allí es de donde más he aprendido, de las experiencias de las demás personas. Y así he sanado muchas cosas en mi vida, para justamente ser feliz internamente y compartir esa felicidad con quienes me rodean.

He tomado hace muchos años esa decisión de saber quien soy, mejorar, aprender y enseñar, pero sobre todo ser feliz.

Esta es otra de mis participaciones en la iniciativa de reflexiones, que culminaría el 19 de este mes, pero la extenderemos un poco más para que puedan participar. Invito a la iniciativa a participar a @vezo y @zullyscott y conocer sobre sus reflexiones.

Gracias a todos por ver y leer hasta aquí. Los videos que les dejo son a modo de ejemplo, pero pueden buscar en su canal, hay de todos los temas. Les envío a todos muchos saludos.

There are always things to heal, and many times they are not our own, but derive from our tree, patterns that repeat themselves, allergies from birth and much more, like for example the subject of lack, scarcity, that is a subject that has been in my family all my life and that comes from our ancestors. People who were poor and had to work very hard to survive, not to live, but to survive. That is one of the most difficult beliefs and programming to remove and replace with a new one.

Fernando Sanchez's channel is very complete, he has short videos with specific topics and others that show complete conferences or seminars and that is where I have learned the most, from the experiences of other people. And so I have healed many things in my life, just to be happy internally and share that happiness with those around me.

I have made the decision many years ago to know who I am, to improve, to learn and to teach, but above all to be happy.

This is another of my participations in the reflections initiative, which will end on the 19th of this month, but we will extend it a little longer so that you can participate. I invite @vezo and @zullyscott to participate in the initiative and learn about their reflections.

Thank you all for watching and reading this far. The videos I leave you are as an example, but you can search their channel, there are of all topics. Best regards to all of you.

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Hey, good of you to share this information, this is the kind of high quality, mind and soul nourishing channel that many need and few know exists. I have coincided a few times with these videos at random, but now that you bring it to us I will take the opportunity to subscribe to not miss any detail, thank you very much for this...

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It is something that has helped me a lot in my life and can help others. Thanks to you!🤗

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Qué bueno que traes estos videos y estas experiencias que has vivido. Gracias. Son difíciles de asimilar, pero alguien se animará a profundizar en ellas seguramente, si no lo han hecho todavía.

Concuerdo en que la enfermedad es parte de cosas reprimidas y del estrés. Y también de cosas que tenemos programadas en la mente. Historias que nos contaron nuestros mayores... creencias de otras personas que no tienen por qué ser las nuestras. Esto lo he comprobado por mí misma. He estado con gente con una gripe super contagiosa, les he abrazado y no se me ha pegado nada de lo que ellos tenían. Lo mismo con estar bajo un aguacero. En otro tiempo, sin el trabajo que estoy haciendo hoy en mi mente, hubiera salido enferma de ambas situaciones.

La última vez que tuve una cosa parecida a una gripe, o yo no sé si era dengue, o qué era, se me quitó en dos días. Porque le ordené a mi cuerpo que se restableciera y mantuve buen ánimo.

Hay que beber agua y hacer ejercicios. Hay que hacer lo que nos hace feliz y ser lo que queremos ser, sin ataduras. No se puede estar, por miedo a la soledad, atada a personas que no nos valoran o no nos quieren o abusan de nosotros. Creo que por eso hay tanta gente enferma por ahí. Yo también enfermaba mucho por eso. Desde que me liberé de todo eso me siento mejor físicamente y espiritualmente también.

Nunca estamos solos, estamos con nosotros mismos.


It's good that you bring these videos and these experiences that you have lived. Thank you. They are difficult to assimilate, but someone will surely be encouraged to delve into them, if they haven't already done so.

I agree that illness is part of repressed things and stress. And also stuff that we have programmed in our minds. Stories our elders told us... other people's beliefs that don't have to be ours. I have experienced this for myself. I have been with people with a super contagious flu, I have hugged them and nothing of what they had rubbed off on me. Same with being in a downpour. In another time, without the work I am doing today in my mind, I would have been sick of both.

The last time I had a flu-like thing, or I don't know if it was dengue, or what it was, it went away in two days. Because I ordered my body to get well and I kept my spirits up.

We have to drink water and exercise. We have to do what makes us happy and be what we want to be, without ties. You can't be, for fear of loneliness, tied to people who don't value us or don't love us or abuse us. I think that's why there are so many sick people out there. Since I got rid of all that I feel better physically and spiritually as well.

We are never alone, we are with ourselves.


Eso último que me mencionas me lo dijo alguien hace mas de ... creo fue en el año 2010... me tengo a mi mismo me dijo y yo no lo entendía, hoy si lo comprendo y es grandioso. Hay mucho más de mi experiencia, imposible compartir en un post pero sentía que a alguien podía servirle. Gracias!!

Buen día, Amonet. 😊

Buen día Nani!!!!🤗

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Thank you so much @indiaunited and @steemflow 🤗

How powerful what you say about your unborn brother. You carried his mission so to speak. This is actually very useful but it takes time to put it into practice. I have that belief of lack, it was always instilled in me and it is difficult for me to shake it. I should learn more from the lessons of my teacher, that is, you. TQM 😍

It is a very strong belief and even more so if it comes from the ancestors, little by little we work on it, I am still working on it. It can be done!😃

I once read that people don't actually die of cancer, they die when they find out they have the disease because it hits them hard emotionally 💔 I guess it applies to all diseases. When I got sick, I don't know if it was because I was little, but I didn't pay attention to it, I continued living as if I was healthy even though the symptoms wanted to tell me that I wasn't haha I didn't even pay attention to it, I didn't understand the seriousness of my situation, but well, when you grow up you start to understand.

The story of your brother who was not born really had a purpose, both for you and for your mother, everything happens for a reason, life puts things where they should be, even if they are painful and unfair many times 💔

I have helped some people and I have seen them heal in front of me, because of issues they had to have surgery for and that's why I believe in it and believe in it so much, some will say seeing is believing, but it's fantastic. Yes, whatever happened to you is emotional, if it is before the age of 10 it is somatization of a mother's problem, then it is your own.
It's a subject that has fascinated me for 12 years. Thank you!

En español, mi comentario es que no voy a comentar, creo que sabes por qué. Y duco esto es:, me extrañaba que no hubieras presentado un vídeo cono este antes.

Feliz fin de semana, @avdesing.

No puedo reseñar el autor que yo quería porque hay derechos de imagen, pero traje a otro que trata el mismo tema y también me ha ayudado mucho.

En la diversidad está lo bueno, muchas gracias por pasar!! Me tardé un poco en traerlo y podría hablar o escribir horas!!

Muy buen fin de semana!

Lo sé 😔. De nuevo, feliz fin de semana. Te veo mañana 😀

Hasta mañana!!


Este post no tiene desperdicio, está buenísimo @avdesing 💙. No conocía a Fernando Sánchez, lo buscaré en Youtube, nada más escucharlo me dio tranquilidad 🤗. La anécdota personal que compartes me pareció muy poderosa, yo también creo que sanando ciertos patrones podemos evitar enfermarnos o enfermar más. Me dejaste pensando con lo del ciclo menstrual, los míos siempre han sido muy dolorosos sin tener ninguna patología 😱. Gracias por la invitación a la iniciativa, tengo pendiente dejar mi aporte por aquí 🤗.

This post has no waste, it's great 💙. I didn't know Fernando Sanchez, I will look for him on Youtube, just listening to him gave me peace of mind 🤗. The personal anecdote you shared seemed very powerful to me, I too believe that by healing certain patterns we can avoid getting sick or getting sicker. You left me thinking with the menstrual cycle thing, mine have always been very painful without having any pathology 😱. Thanks for the invitation to the initiative, I have pending to leave my contribution here 🤗.

Luego de tres meses de biodescodificarme... no más dolor, no más nada, todo normal. Ni yo lo podía creer por eso comencé a probar en otras cosas y fue genial!! Gracias Vanessa!😘

What an interesting post, to be honest I was unaware of all this information
I'm sorry for what you and your mother had to go through, and it's great that you found out about this system that allows you to heal from within
I appreciate you sharing all this information and your own experience with us
Have a beautiful morningGood morning dear friend @avdesing

One experience can help others and that is very good. It is an excellent channel and helps many people. Thank you very much!

It's a shame that the video your student sent you no longer exists, but it's good that from there you have gained self-knowledge
The "Fernando-Sanchez" channel is very interesting, I appreciate that you shared his information
Have a beautiful dayHello @avdesing, good day

It is a very good channel and helps people a lot. Thanks to you!