I think you misunderstood what the story was suppose to be about. It isn't supposed to be about Deacon and Sarah's relationship or even the characters we encounter such as Riki and Boozer, it's a story about moving on. Almost every character we meet in the game is holding onto something from the past. For Deacon, it was Sarah, for Boozer it was his arm.
The open world is repetitive but when you have a world that is as "big" as Days Gone, things are going to get repetitive. And I'm not sure how you were playing the game but the Hordes were intimidating as hell to me. One second I'm just driving my bike, trying to get X place, the next thing a horde is chasing after me. Of course once you develop a decent strategy for dealing with them, they become releativly easy but still.
You can also learn quite a bit about the side characters if you take your time getting to destinations.
The only real complaints I have of the game are that the second half became kind of a slog, and the infinte gas tanks, and hell I got this game two days before it offically came out so experienced it in all of it's bugginess.
Yes, I got the point of the story, that's why in the post I mention that the game makes a decision that throws away what was being worked on, since you have finished the game and I can speak with spoilers, I was referring to the fact that Sarah was alive, what was the point of all this arc of Deacon letting her go, so that in the end she was alive?, it's a twist in the story that I didn't like at all. With Boozer, they do something similar, he supposedly sacrifices himself and then 5 minutes later he's alive.
The hordes are intimidating, but fighting them wasn't that much fun.
Oh, I didn't mention the infinite gas tanks, but the game also doesn't try to hide the fact that materials are plentiful, in that sense it's the opposite of TLOU. And the bugs are still there, lots of FPS dips, oddly enough, in moments where there are no zombies.
Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it very much!
I've gotta agree with the whole Boozer thing, but I honestly loved the reveal that Sarah was still alive.
Materials are plentiful and I would have liked more a system where you had to manage your inventory more. I think the story (at least up until the second halve) is top notched. I loved how the story tried to do something different, and the complexity that is Deacon St. John. In all honesty, I'd love a DLC where it explores his and Boozer's back story.
A concept for a second game was dismissed. Who knows they might come up with a new one though.