Memory Monday. The favorite memory I have of my Father (Es-Eng)

in GEMS11 months ago
Como están mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨GEMSCommunity¨:  Es increíble como pasan los días, nuevamente es lunes, día que aprovecho para invitarlos a participar de una genial iniciativa creada por nuestro amigo @ericvancewalton. Como se trata de un desafío de los días lunes, no se podría llamar de otra manera que #memoirmonday; la idea de esta iniciativa es compartir nuestras memorias y almacenar en nuestra ¨blockchain¨, como saben, todas las cosas que compartimos y pasado una semana, no se puede modificar y quedara guardada en la web por siempre, una idea genial, ya que nuestros descendientes podrán ingresar a #memoirmonday y conocer detalles de cómo han sido en vida sus ancestros

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this wonderful ¨GEMSCommunity¨:  It's incredible how the days go by, it's Monday again, a day that I take advantage of to invite you to participate in a great initiative created by our friend @ericvancewalton. As this is a Monday challenge, it couldn't be called anything else than #memoirmonday; The idea of this initiative is to share our memories and store in our blockchain, as you know, all the things that we share and after a week, it cannot be modified and will be saved on the web forever, a great idea, since our Descendants will be able to enter #memoirmonday and learn details about what their ancestors were like in life

Si desear dejar un mensajes a tus descendiente, y participar del desafío, ingresa al link de enlace que les dejo de ¨esta iniciativa¨:  Tienes que saber que participar del desafío es muy sencillo, solo tienes que estar atento a la publicación de nuestro amigo Eric de los días domingo, donde hará una pregunta, y tienes toda la semana para responder. Esta semana la pregunta es muy emotiva, y seguramente te llevara al baúl de los recuerdos

Source: Family Álbum

If you want to leave a message to your descendants, and participate in the challenge, enter the link that I leave you at ¨esta iniciativa¨:  You have to know that participating in the challenge is very simple, you just have to pay attention to the publication of our friend Eric from Sundays, where he will ask a question, and you have all week to answer. This week the question is very emotional, and will surely take you down memory lane

Para ser honesto, no tengo muchos recuerdos de mi padre, con el tan solo vivimos ocho años, y de esos, muchos de ellos el no estuvo en casa con nosotros. Mi Papa tenía como profesión mecánico naval, y por la rareza del trabajo, no había muchas personas que se dedicaran a las reparaciones de barcos. La empresa para la cual trabajaba, le asignaron cinco barcos al que debía mantener operable, ya que estas naves viajaban por el mundo entregando petróleo, era la razón principal para que estuviera siempre ausente en mi casa

Source: Family Álbum

To be honest, I don't have many memories of my father, we only lived with him for eight years, and of those, many of them he was not at home with us. My dad had a naval mechanic as a profession, and due to the rarity of the job, there were not many people who dedicated themselves to ship repairs. The company for which he worked assigned him five ships that he had to keep operable, since these ships traveled around the world delivering oil, it was the main reason for him to be always absent from my house

Recuerdo que mis padres discutían mucho, siempre esperaban a que yo me durmiera para hacerlo, pero sus gritos eran tan fuertes que era imposible no despertarme, aunque después de un tiempo el sueño me vencía y me volvía a quedar dormido. Al despertar estaba todo bien, es como si nunca habían discutido, y lo sucedido había sido un sueño, algo que les hacía saber a través de mi comportamiento que me daba cuenta de lo que sucedía. Por esa razón, y tratando de apaciguar mi mal humor, mi Papa me sentaba en sus piernas y me contaba un cuento o mejor dicho un chiste, la verdad siempre me causaba gracia y me robaba una sonrisa, pero no era porque el cuento era gracioso, lo gracioso era que sabia de antemano el remate del cuento, dado que siempre me contaba el mismo chiste, lo bueno de la historia, es que el pensaba que realmente me había hecho reír

Source: Family Álbum

I remember that my parents argued a lot, they always waited for me to fall asleep to do so, but their screams were so loud that it was impossible not to wake me up, although after a while sleep overcame me and I I fell asleep again. When I woke up everything was fine, it was as if they had never argued, and what had happened had been a dream, something that let them know through my behavior that I realized what was happening. For that reason, and trying to appease my bad mood, my dad would sit me on his lap and tell me a story or rather a joke. The truth was that it always made me laugh and made me smile, but it wasn't because the story was funny. The funny thing was that he knew in advance the punchline of the story, since he always told me the same joke. The good thing about the story is that he thought he had really made me laugh

Otra cosa que recuerdo que era un muy buen cocinero, y lo hacía siempre que tenían con mi madre una noche de discusión, era tan buen cocinero, que nos mejoraba el humor con la exquisita comida que preparaba, mi favorito era el plato de ¨locro¨: , una especie de sopa o caldo con muchos ingredientes, básicamente se prepara con un maíz blanco, pero lo bueno de su receta estaba en la variedad de ingrediente que incluía, que hacía pasar el malhumor a cualquiera que viviéramos en la casa

Source: Family Álbum

Another thing I remember is that he was a very good cook, and he always did it when my mother and I had a night of discussion, he was such a good cook that he improved our mood with the exquisite food he provided. prepared, my favorite was the dish of ¨locro¨: , a kind of soup or broth with many ingredients, it is basically prepared with white corn, but the good thing about its recipe was in the variety of ingredients it included, which made anyone living in the house feel grumpy

Otro grato recuerdo que tengo estaba asociado a un obsequio que me hizo, para entonces mis padres ya estaban separados, y en las vacaciones de verano deshicimos con Mama que pasaría en casa de mis abuelos paternos, fue entonces que mi Papa vino de visitas y se sorprendió que estuviera en casa de mis abuelos, así fue, que para tener un acercamiento y hablar con migo, fue de compra de un juguete que estaba de moda, es decir, todos los niños de mi edad lo tenían, y él estaba al tanto de esa moda y fue tras él. Creo que este es mi recuerdo favorito de mi Padre, ya que algunos años más adelante, yo dejé mi ciudad para visitar la capital del país en busca de un mejor futuro y nunca más lo volví a ver. Fue en esa oportunidad que me dijo que me quería, y que estaba arrepentido de como han sido las cosas, que no se había portado bien con nosotros, que por la edad yo no entendería los motivos si me explicara, yo lo escuche y permanecí en silencio, para ser honesto, no me salió decirle nada, la verdad no me esperaba algo así de él, y mucho menos que esa sería la última vez que lo vería. Trato de no pensar mucho en eso, no quiero que sea una carga emocional, ya que las cosas que no se dicen en el momento, jamás se podrán decir

Source: Family Álbum

Another pleasant memory that I have was associated with a gift that he gave me, by then my parents were already separated, and during the summer holidays we and Mama decided that she would spend at my paternal grandparents' house, It was then that my dad came to visit and was surprised that I was at my grandparents' house, so it was, that to get closer and talk to me, he went shopping for a toy that was fashionable, that is, all the children of They had it my age, and he was aware of that trend and went after it. I think this is my favorite memory of my Father, since a few years later, I left my city to visit the capital of the country in search of a better future and I never saw him again. It was on that occasion that he told me that he loved me, and that he was sorry for how things had been, that he had not behaved well with us, that due to my age I would not understand the reasons if he explained it to me, I listened to him and remained indifferent. Silence, to be honest, I couldn't tell him anything, the truth is I didn't expect something like that from him, much less that this would be the last time I would see him. I try not to think about it too much, I don't want it to be an emotional burden, since things that are not said in the moment, can never be said


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

I'm very sorry to hear about the relationship you had with your father. I can't imagine how hard that was to deal with. Despite the hardships you've turned out to be a great human being and haven't continued the cycle, which is a major accomplishment! Thanks for, once again, taking part in Memoir Monday my friend!

These are things that life has, and the best of all is that you learn even from bad examples, those things that you don't have to do!
Thank you very much for all the support you have always given me.
Have a splendid day dear friend @ericvancewalton

Good memories, friend

Yes, that's right, indelible memories
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit


Muchas Gracias Querida amiga
Que tengas un bonito dia


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Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind
Have a splendid day

Hey bro, que interesante esto. Parece una gran idea para los Lunes. Gracias por compartir tu post, así varios de tus fans nos enteramos de la iniciativa, y por cierto, espero participes un día en los Jueves de #tbt, por si no tienes ideas para ese día en particular, ya sabes que te esperamos con los brazos abiertos 😉

Si, es una hermosa iniciativa y una oportunidad para dejar un mensaje a tus generaciones futuras, o mejor dicho, para que tus descendientes tengan la oportunidad de conocer como eras en vida
Muchas gracias por la invitación, voy a pasar para ver las normas
Que tengas un gran día, un abrazo enorme para vos y tu prometidaBuen día querido amigo @jesuslnrs

Wow that's aroller coster ride of emotions and relationship with your father. The statement that 'things that are not said in the moment, can never be said' just moved me.
I am sorry to hear about separation but happy that you have some good memories.
Cheers friend @jlufer

Yes, the things that we don't say at the moment, it can be too late when we want to say it, that's what happened with my dad, he never responded and I never saw him again
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.
Have a wonderful dayHello dear friend @sahiba-rana, good morning