Yes, every shepherd needs a sheepdog 😀
At first I thought oh' sh*t this damn stupid farmer, but these thoughts last only a few moments, because there were plenty of flowers besides the path. I have just had this image in my mind with me sitting in the field taking photos ;) lol
Good morning JJ, I hope your day is as beautiful as ours is looking at the moment: the sun is shining from a blue sky 🔆 but they predict rain for the afternoon and for most of next week.
Today some shops open again and I need a few parts for my motorcycle. I am curious if there will be many people and how the restrictions are (mask, a motorcycle length distance). If there are too many people and I have to wait I'll come back next week, but if not I will work a bit on my bike this afternoon and if the weather forecast is wrong I'll take a ride. So I don't know if I'm online until late, but I'll see...
Ohh yeah I can imagine i know you cant blame the Farmer but of course it is the first thought that comes to mind :)
Good morning I hope your morning has gone well will be interesting to see how it is out there for you today I hope people are being sensible and safe
Have a great day and weekend :)
Hi JJ :)
I didn't go shopping today because when I arrived at the shop many people have been waiting outside already. They only let a certain number of people into the shop at the same time and I might have had to wait for an hour or even more. That's too long and I'll try it next week again.
Yeah if you dont need anythign urgent , waiting for the initial rush to die down is a good thing, we just got our delivery order, got most things except for the red meat we had ordered but at least we got some chicken and fish
No, I wanted to buy just some things I thought I would need - maybe it was good that I didn't go into this shop today, because on Monday I might not need some of the things anymore ;)
I think we could order food at some bigger shops too - order online and get delivered from the nearest shop or so, but that's something we haven't tried yet. I don't know why, maybe because in a shop you can choose yourself what you buy.
I would prefer shopping myself i hate online ordering of groceries, but at this time my wife is adamant not to go to the supermarket and I do tend to agree with her
I love online ordering, but as said, we haven't tried ordering food yet. So I can't say whether we like it or not, but I think buying food is really something I'd prefer to do directly in the shop.
But I can completely understand you and your wife, especially after my wife was shopping the other day and said she didn't feel very secure because many people didn't care about distancing and wearing masks and such.
Ohh you and me both , people talk about things they look forward to when things return to normal, for me a walk around a supermarket is one of those things LOL
Here most of the restaurants are open for curbside pickup or delivery, but we haven't tried it as my wife has strict dietary concerns so its better for us to cook for ourselves