Innovation starts with new ideas

in Proof of Brainlast month

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Today's mission is a bit special and I encourage you to take part. I have the felling that we have great new tools with decentralization and web 3.0 but that our mindsets are still stuck in the old world.

My question to you is how could we build a collaboration, a company in a web 3.0 environment?

Of course, we are not looking for the correct answer but we want to pick your brains and ask you to just give us the ideas that come to your mind when you hear this question.

People who submit an answer will get 3 credits for the Liotes ranking. If you submit more than 1 answer, you will not get more credits.

We are very grateful if you enter the challenge within 24 hours after the post is published. We will try to count entries up to 36 hours after publication.

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A project run by @ph1102 and @achim03


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I don't think it will be an easy feat to build a company with the nature of our Decentralized world, since it take time for the whole community and the stakeholder to make a fast decision. But hey, nothing is impossible right, but at the moment unfortunately I don't have any idea of what kind of collaboration that we can do to make a collaboration or company across the web3, or on Hive on a smaller scale. When it really come, I will definitely support it.

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Decentralisation and fast decision taking is not really compatible I believe. I think concepts like DAO have proven exactly that and then DAO decision making is not really working either. However, I believe that there is a way where people can come together and build something in a web3 environment like hive.

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First of all, we should work on ourselves, to have a group of people with an open mind enough to undertake a project without the particular interest of leading and centralizing the company. We would have to work on something with the same weight of work and benefit for each one that develops the different parts of the company and that they do it not only as their only opportunity to obtain profits, but for enjoying the process and wanting to achieve a sincere objective.

In these things the Achilles heel is always ourselves, thinking en masse and expecting everything to be as easy or automatic as we have been taught to do. Commitment and enjoyment are things that could help ensure good development. You have to constantly re-educate yourself. 🤣 I see it as a very difficult thing to do.

Thanks a lot for having given the question some real thinking. What you say is totally correct. We are often in the way of new ways of thinking and doing things. What we would need is a paradigm change from how we were today.

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Despite being in a WEB3 environment, a lot of this terminology is not trivial to me. WEB3 is a decentralized environment and a company or business can benefit from using many of the tools available or tools that don't exist yet. The DAO, for example, is a great way to make important decisions, as each member owns a piece of the company by having tokens for a particular project. The problem is when these tokens are centralized in the hands of a few. At HiveBR we created the HBR token, which was a way of remunerating the delegators who support our project. This token also gave us the power to vote on decisions regarding the rules and functioning of our community, but the problem I saw was that when there was a vote some members had too many tokens, which made the vote unfair.

I think that the concept of the DAO is not bad, however so far I haven't seen an instance where its implementations brought good results. As you say, often it's the stake structure that actually is all but helping a few people to define the votes. It was like that in HiveBR but it's the same with the Hive DAO. I believe we aren't were we want to be yet in this respect.

True, at Hive we have the same problem! This was certainly an excellent topic!

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Yes, it's an exciting idea, but it's not too different from a company in a Web 2.0 environment. In all these companies, collaboration is online or, more likely, done on centralized servers with project collaboration tools. For example, for coders, it's GitHub; undoubtedly, there are different tools for other projects.

If we are discussing Web 3, the company should use some decentralized tools to validate decisions via smart contracts and probably also DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) technologies. This means it should be based on blockchain, preferably in layer 2, so you don't invent a new blockchain.

Should I remember something else? Yes, there should also be some specialized AI here for support. Add some Bittensor technologies to Hive, and everything here will be ready for something like that :)

Thanks a lot for this great comment. It's true that nowadays most of the companies kind of work in geographical decentralized manner. However, they still have some ways of thinking that were never really put into question. I believe there are some basic things that could be questioned like work time equals salary or owner structure or distribution of profit or decision processes and many others. I believe that these mindsets are very fixed and it would be worth to try to get out of them and think about such things from a fresh start :-)

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In a Web 3.0 environment I think in Hive like a big decentralised company. I hope the future smart contracts will become a game changer for the ecosystem. Enterprises could benefit from them a lot.

I think there is an aspect of hive that could revolutionize the way we work together. In my opinion it's the win-win nature of the blockchain. I like your work and you earn while I earn as well. We have ways to distribute money in a totally different way here on hive. We can delegate, we can transfer, we can create reward pools or we can swap tokens. I believe that we could start a revolution here on hive how work is perceived and executed in a decentralized environment.

Yes, comparing the types of companies, I think the most similar would be a cooperative.

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Perhaps an agreement could be reached to use LEN as a means of payment.

We had already implemented it into the shop that we had created at the beginning of the project. It actually worked quite well :-)

Do you have a link to more information about this shop project?

On our website, we were running a shop with woocommerce. We were selling and renting splinterlands cards and tribe power. We used a plugin that allowed to accept Hive Engine tokens. It worked quite well until Splinterlands brought out their own rental market that was much better than ours :-)

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I believe that the main thing is to define the business model, so we would introduce the idea of ​​DAO, which is not very well known by many users. I think that by showing that decisions can be made collectively instead of just one person deciding everything, it could be a good attraction.

Another point is to think about dApps that can attract attention, try to understand something that does not yet exist in web3 or blockchains and thus create an application for that. I feel that we have many dApp games, but what about other types of apps, for example, to track the exercises you do at a gym or a recipe book?

Finally, I believe that gamifying or in this case tokenizing the entire process would be interesting, transforming the process that we are creating into a game, so that the tokens would be to reward contributions, strengthen the stake and the economy and enable decentralized governance.

Thanks a lot for this nice comment. I've taken part in many DAO's and I had the feeling that everything was pretty complicated and the results not really satisfactory. I think the basic idea is great but it has to become more "usefull" I would say. Also, you are totally right that at the moment a lot of things turn around games and there are many other ways out there that could be created.

The great thing of a blockchain like hive with its many 2nd layer tokens is that you can basically build any type of financial structure to offer incentives. However, it's not used in a very efficient way so far I believe.

The great thing of a blockchain like hive with its many 2nd layer tokens is that you can basically build any type of financial structure to offer incentives. However, it's not used in a very efficient way so far I believe.

Your analysis is perfect, a great organization is needed on the part of those involved to really get somewhere or take better advantage of what the DAO can offer us. I also feel this difficulty and a lack of better organization.

For something like a DAO to work properly, I believe a lot of rules are needed. When I see what happens with Hive or Splinterlands DAO, I'm not sure we have a good solution in place yet.

I see, it's really good to have rules for a good operation, applying them efficiently that can be the challenge haha. Anyway, it's a good subject to exchange ideas and think about how to improve the process.

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It's a question that has been asked, I think it could even be a bit of a utopia, because how can we decentralize and organize so that the "company's gears" don't lose their purpose and freedom? It's a difficult line not to branch out and change.

it could even be a bit of a utopia

I think that we haven't really come up with a new paradigme that would allow to cover that. Maybe it's not possible but maybe there is a solution that nobody has come up with yet :-)

I totally agree, today it may seem utopian, as many things seemed in the past, but at the present time it is difficult to think of a way to change this, we are going through times where everything is revolutionizing very quickly.

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That's pretty much the $64,000 question, isn't it? The tools continue to be added but no one has really figured out what to do with them. Between AI, web-building services, play2earn, and social media, you would think there would be something out there. I think Inleo is on the right track with the whole building Monthly Active Users and then supporting its token with outside advertising revenue, but as we can see with the price, it is certainly not there yet. Basically, at this point, it's still about either a subscription model or advertising revenue. You've got to get further out of the box than I can think of right now in order to come up with something that might work.

Someone is going to do it at some point, and make it look obvious, and we'll all sit back and say "Why didn't I think of that?".

The tools continue to be added but no one has really figured out what to do with them

That's so true. At the moment I have the feeling that the tools are rather nice to have stuff but nobody really managed to put 2 and 2 together to build something new.

You've got to get further out of the box than I can think of right now in order to come up with something that might work.

I believe that we are still too much conditioned by the way we consider business and work to get outside of it and look at possible potentials. I hope things will evolve in this direction soon :-)

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On blockchain we have multisigs, DAOs, or simply informal agreements on who handles what in a project with multiple facets. What we do with them is the tricky part sometimes. But slowly we learn to better use them and combine the strictness of the code with the malleability of human agreements.

combine the strictness of the code with the malleability of human agreements

I believe Hive is a very good example of what you are saying. The code defines a lot but what is not defined has to be defined by compromise and I'm not really sure that it works that well :-)

Yeah, the bigger the project the more complicated it is to be run in a decentralized manner where the social component is present. Looks like bitcoin is working, with its simple, unchanged rules. But they have their conflicts too.

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How? I just always think of 1 thing for collaboration, a win-win solution. Any collaboration should look at other projects too and make them a good one. At least the collaboration has one of the benefits below:


  • Burn tokens from both projects
  • Increase the market activity, especially when buying tokens or merchandise.


a win-win solution

This is a very good point. If you can reach such a situation, everybody involved has an interest in working together. The more win-win's the better for everybody.

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I think it's hard to have a solution for this. I think a sustainable solution that is a win-win for both the project and the company is needed. I just don't think Web3 is at that stage yet where the profits can last. So it would have to be for something that benefits both sides.

something that benefits both sides

I think this is the very basic element where such a project should be built upon. Only if there is a win-win, there is a way to achieve something together.

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Collaborating with others on a business through a decentralized environment and system could be challenging, especially since like you said, we are so used to the old ways and sometimes, people tend to like being on their own than partnering with others. But yes, it is not impossible. As to the how, let me try and construct my thoughts first, lol!😅

I would be glad to hear your thoughts in this respect :-)

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It's a difficult question. I think the first thing that came to mind is that you need a good and unique name for the company. Then probably you need a whitepaper. And spread the message, be it through posting, chatting, attending events.

I agree that the question isn't easy. A good name goes a long way already that's true :-)

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Building a collaboration or enterprise in a Web 3.0 environment involves leveraging emerging technologies, fostering a culture of open collaboration, adopting principles of decentralization, and ensuring security and trust in business operations.


What you say is very pertinent and true. I think however that we haven't come up with these principles in a satisfactory way yet.

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Hey @liotes, here is a little bit of BEER from @edgerik for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

A good option would be to exchange tokens to benefit both businesses and better implement synergies.

That's an idea...

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The problem with decentralization is the lack of a figurehead. As much as I did not like the idea of a certain person when HIVE was called by another name, I do feel that having a leader to promote the chain is effective.

I have often the feeling that decentralisation is one of these concepts that is used when it is arranging the interests of a group. When I look at what is called decentralised, it's often not really the case...

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Spending the marketing budget on hiring some influencers always gets some attention. Then see if anything sticks after that. Whether that works or not is another matter. :)

Influencers could be used for marketing purposes I agree.

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I have no answer for this, because I believe company needs to generate good amount of revenue which ends on profit, and all of web 3.0 can not get sustainability in this term. Maybe one day we can, but right now no real role model for this

I was rather thinking of using web 3.0 to build a business model that can generate revenue.

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