I'm lettucing you know that I definitely want to see Part II. Loved the video, I've watched his before, not seen this one. You've covered this topic very well and brought up multiple points for consideration.
Perception is subjective and static packaging that locks one into what I describe as box-thinking. It's a self-trap. I'd suggest that it's important to take a good look in the mirror before slinging mud at anyone for their choices.
I'm highlighting one of the many salient points you've brought up; this is a crucial one at the current time, imo:
I'd say that one of the single biggest reasons not to create unmeritorious divides against other people, especially strangers that you'll never meet, on topics that are of little importance, is that it makes an "other." These others we invent end up occupying consciousness and soak up our precious awareness mana.
Very true. I hope it didn't come off like I was slinging mud at the K-Pop guy. Some days I look in the mirror and see a Somalian Pirate. On rare occasions, there's a lesbian trapped in a man's body staring back at me. And other times, I am the smoke creature from lost. I'm pretty sure I am almost all of the things and more. I'm very reality-fluid, but I also don't expect people to recognize, respect, or buy into my B.S. O.L.T. (Belief System, Or Lack Thereof). Reality is a game that we all play.
Box thinking is so harmful, and these younger generations, as fluid as they are in whatever area, often don't realize they can hop into any box they want at any given time. But, they don't have to live there, forever. And this is why it concerns me when so many of today's youths are turning to life-altering, and many times, irreversible surgeries so they can entertain a whim or cave to peer pressure promoted by head-shrinkers.
They're so used to affixing and creating various new labels and then sticking their voodoo doll representations of people inside the boxes they have in their heads. They've let the game of life become a religion unto itself with a dogma so strict that they're willing to cause harm to people if you don't speak to them using the language they've prescribed for you. We live in some very surreal times, and I expect the adventure to keep on adventuring.
As an aside, the K-Pop guy was initially the inspiration for this post, and then it bent and morphed into something about reality-bending, blah, blah, "advanced lessons." I just let the writing do what it did. Then as it approached the end, I remembered the original inspiration and kind of threw him in there along with my thoughts about it.
I gather that the guy will get a lot of ridicule, and considering all the body mods he's undergone this far, I don't think he will quit modifying anytime soon. I hope he finds peace and contentment with his new station in life as a caucasoid male who identifies as Korean. For whatever reason, the absurdity of identity politics does have the ability to hijack people's attention mana. And this post is proof of that.
At some point soon, I'm going to figure how I can completely ignore it. Because honestly, the whole identity politics stuff is a bit played out by now. Thank you for the nice compliment, @nineclaws, and for sharing your observations. They were entirely called for! 😄 I hope my subconscious has already started to suss what part II's focus will be. Creating fewer and fewer divides is only one small aspect of reality-bending. I should probably write out a list and see what's what. Which video again was the one that you loved?
+blessed be thy lettuce!
🙏 🌿
Not at all. I find all your writing that I've read to date to be exploring in an open way and you come across (to me) as quite balanced.
This is just it. I'd say it's many games. I'd say the ability to be fluid, adapt as the river shifts is crucial. I think other people's choices are theirs to make and none of my business, unless it causes me harm, which is a different situation.
With regard to all these alterations people make, I've had the thought that there have been steps that have lead to what is currently happening (tattoos, piercings, cosmetic implants, etc).
Identifying with any "box" as being the essence of who a person is, whether it is one's vision of oneself, or that of others creates many issues, to say the least.
I agree with your point:
I think you'll find the next in this series will come together naturally. I appreciate your writing and thoughts a great deal. I like to explore and learn and you definitely offer that in your posts.
There are several I've watched and do from time to time, although I limit my consumption of many things.
Truly and much love! 💜
Both videos you posted.