Interact with the community and receive rewards.
A chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.
If you interact with people in the post or generate good content that makes them engage with you, be aware that it won't be in vain.
So don't be surprised if you are getting rewards. You deserve.
I'm giving awaw two SPS each to two different participants in the below giveaway.
All that is needed is a comment in the official giveaway post that is linked below.
I just made a comment on the post and I like what I saw... Doing really great at gaming 👍
Keep it up sir, I hope to join you guys soon
Perfect, good luck in the draw.
Good morning all. May the dawning of a new day bring us joy and happiness.
What do You Have in your life that you would rather want less of it in your life?
Stomach pains 😩
It may sound silly but that's what I would want less of, it's almost like a routine for me to feel pains in my stomach everyday.
I've tried meditations to get it away but one of the issues is almost incurable, I just have to find ways to manage it.
But then, of I'm opportune to reduce anything in my life... It would be pains
Nice question
Sorry to hear about your stomach pain dear, if i may ask dose this pain could be related to ulcer.
I had ulcer for over five years and it was the most painful expereince i ever had in my entire life. Before i was able to get solution to it.
Ulcer is also involved with another stomach pain case that I can't remember the name 🤦♀️😢
I'll be fine, I hope
Do you mind if I recommend what I used in treating my ulcer?
Yeah please do
What is it?
If I'm to post it here it might be a little bit long. But i explained in details how i got heal from ulcer in a post below.
Go through it and if you have any question drop it at the comment section i will attend to it.
This story is based on my personal life experience and couples with ... https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@funshee/the-man-from-the-tv-station-the-beginning-of-my-ulcer-healing
Image source
Hello Pals!
Welcome back to my Conner.
This is a concluding part... https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@funshee/my-ulcer-healing-story-a
I'm sorry about that. It's quite sad the pains people go through and yet try there best to put on a smile everyday and bury those pains.
I really hope you somehow find a permanent solution to your pains.
I hope so too and I've been trying to do that, no good outcome of it yet but I'm not losing hope
BPA ( Bisphenol A ) - I think I have consumed enough in my lifetime. I wish to have less BPA and while I'm at it can you set me up with less trans fats.
Lol ..I see you consume a lot of canned products. Go easy on those, they ain't totally safe.
I do hope the BPA in your body will be less as you wish.
Well there are several Less trans fat foods you can easily get anywhere- Bread, pancakes, rice.
Stress, Sugar, Obesity, Expectations, Worries, Laziness, Tiredness and Offcourse !PIZZA 😊😬😄
😂That's A lot. I hope you find a way to reduce these. You definitely do need them less
Good morning...
Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind, Be led by the dreams in your heart...
A new day has come,
Morning. True words. Our fears shouldn't be allowed to dictate our moves. We must be courageous to follow the path of courage which wants us to pursue our dreams
Good morning to you
Beautiful one here. Follow your dreams and you will touch the sky. Defeat your fears and the sky is your Starting point.,
Do you take sunlight in the morning? I heard D vitamin source is morning sunlight and also it helps lowering blood pressure and blood sugar. So do you take sunlight in the morning?
Normally I'm not a siencentist but is what I'm be doing since when I was a kid then to now.
But I think sunlight is very good to humanity
The morning sun is essential and so beneficial since we are born, one of the recommendations is to take the newborn out to take sun baths in the morning, this will prevent some diseases.
and I am particularly a lover of nature and when the sun shines in the morning I usually open the window and the doors of my house so that radiant light enters my home. and without a doubt I expose my presence to acquire all the benefits that those rays of sunshine offer us in the mornings. ..
Good morning mate, anyway it is day break from my dear country Nigeria
Sunlight in the morning is vitamins D as proven by the medical people,but honestly it is not always sunning here in the morning and let me even say at times am always inside the office at those time
I learnt about that too since when I was a kid and I've childishly stayed under the sun in the mornings while I was growing up.
I hardly stay under the morning sun anymore but I do take advantage of it whenever I'm chanced to see the sun.
Vitamin D helps in good growth for children - strengthening their bones and it also helps our skin to look healthier.
Due to some activities that I usually undergo in the morning, I get to some it even though it's not something I voluntarily do
Even though I don't believe it, I do take sunlight in the morning, I started doing it when I was a kid..
Good morning to you.
I don't just go and sit outside in the name of taking vitamin D. But I know I receive it involuntarily when I take a walk, our whenever I find myself outside in the morning.
I usually take my sunlight in the afternoon. Is there something special about morning sunlight?
Early morning sunlight is source of Vitamin D. After like 9 am sunlight gets strong and not remain the source of D vitamin.
Smile, afternoon sun might result to malaria I guess or let me come with this ideaology that you only sit in the sun in the afternoon when you are having fever
You can get vitamin d from cod liver oil, or from eating oily fish.
People are too afraid of getting skin cancer to sunbathe.
I counted the numbers and we still have a lot of winning positions to fill today https://www.proofofbrain.blog/proofofbrain/@mineopoly/monday-s-greedy-yellow-bird
Some awesome people jumped in the comments but still room for more winners.
Seriously, it's so painful to me that I don't understand this contest and after I tried participating once I thought I was getting it all wrong so I gave way for others who know how to.
Let me check it out once again to see if I can make a participation. Thanks for sharing the link here.
You were pretty close @merit.ahama,
The goal is to count the comments and become one of the comments that gets a prize like #11, 21, 31, 41, 51 or 61.
There are enough prizes to go around but sometimes people get greedy.
Hmm I see, I'll just keep trying till I get to understand it and maybe win something
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
vikbuddy tipped mineopoly (x1)
vikbuddy tipped doziekash (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza. @rentmoney tipped @merit.ahama (x1)
Hello Friends, How are you doing?
Are you participating in Greedy Yellow Bird Contest by our favorite @mineopoly. Join now and make some noise. Also do Follow the rules. https://www.proofofbrain.io/proofofbrain/@mineopoly/monday-s-greedy-yellow-bird
There is no hurry, but the more participants join the closer we get to the 70 POB. I have full confidence our community will make it to 70 by the expiration of the post. These contests have been known to raise the dead.
Oh,that is a very good aspiration mate and I sincerely believe that we can it can go higher than that too, people like me don't stop believing even in the midst of nothing
Just tell that mountain,
Definitely, everytime it's something new and exciting. Good work. I am sure we will easily hit 100 comments next time, people are getting used to it now. 😊👍 !PIZZA
I wonder how the count is going. Maybe I should throw it off. I will check.
The counting is already off.
Great. You are guys are wonderful. I don't need to mess with anything
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Don't know what this is about but will be checking it out
If you're not checking it out, you are missing out.
See you out there.
Definitely, for we not to be missing out that means we need to be checking it out . Nice one man
Good day here and nice to see that the contest too is on ,will be taking part in this also, thanks for sharing the link and kudos to mineopoly too for the initiative
I just saw the link now, I'll be checking it out to participate. Thanks for sharing, it's kind of you