
@coquicoin I love coconut milk lattes and if you add chocolate it would be super delicious. Coconut milk is ideal for those with lactose intolerance and dairy allergies.

I don't have issues with lactose but I should drink skim milk to keep my cholesterol under control. And I'm not sure if coconut milk is recommended to keep it under control.

I think that the oil in coconut milk will not increase your cholesterol because it is a vegetable fat, and it is also less frequently consumed so I don't think you are going to overdo it. Don't stop enjoying its sweet flavor @coquicoin

 last year  

Wow! That combo of coconut milk, cocoa powder and coffee, sounds like what I need on the wet miserable autumn day.👍

It sounds great, doesn't it? It's not autumn here, hehe, but it's a miserable rainy morning. So perfect for that combo too ☕️😍

 last year  

It's autumn, but we hardly had summer.🙄