I've been working on a large deal with a major trucking company over the last few months and, I'll not lie, it's been a lot of hard work. It's not so much putting the quotes and deal together, although that's been complicated in itself; no, it's been the person on the other end of the deal, my company's customer, that has made the process onerous, to say the least.
My communications with the trucking company's representative have largely been by email with about twenty percent being phone conversations. I'd concluded that the fellow had a prickly demeanour, to put it nicely; in short, he was a dick head. Well, that's how he'd acted over the course of the quote and deal process anyway.
He was difficult to get hold of, answered my detailed emails for specifications and requirements sporadically and incompletely and rarely gave me the information I needed in full. That made it very difficult to get my job done and, because I'm structured, systematised and work to deadlines, it drove me bonkers.
We're not talking about a small amount of work here; the overall value of the contact will be just below $600,000AUD and, whilst this trucking company is one of Australia's largest and that value is only a very small figure compared to what they spend overall, it's still a lot of money. I was having trouble doing business with the guy and that was affecting my performance and motivation and those are two things I don't like to compromise. Ever.
I decided to take another path.
Late last week I suggested we meet at a café for a chat to finalise the specifications which would permit me to finalise the quote. It was a last-ditch effort to get things on track and I'd expected it to be an exercise in futility as I didn't think he'd agree. But he did.
I met the guy at a café of my choice, which was close to me and a fair way from where the trucking company is located; I did that on purpose to see how committed he was to the meeting. He agreed, and we met at close to the appointed hour. He was late.
We had a couple coffee's together and over the course of an hour came to understand each other a little more and moved the whole thing forward in leaps and bounds. An excellent meeting indeed.
As it turns out, the old fellow is extremely novice when it came to technology. He's on old trucker that has worked his way upwards through the company through hard work, sheer determination, and effort. He knows a lot but has trouble translating it electronically which was behind the disconnect he and I had experienced over the last couple of months.
He had thought I was moving too fast, (I had thought I was moving at a snail's-pace), and he felt unable to keep up. Excellent, now we're getting somewhere. Essentially, the issues were occurring as we were not communicating effectively which was causing roadblocks along the way; he zigged when I zagged and vice versa.
The meeting went really great; we have a lot in common outside of our jobs and I think, since the meeting took place, we're on the same page as one another, at least as far as the communication goes.
He understands what I need and why and I understand why it's so damned difficult for him to get it to me...His non-tech savvy nature. Over a couple cups of coffee, we came up with a workable plan and in the several days since the process has jumped forward, so much so the deal is almost secured. Thanks coffee!
I've done a lot of business in coffee shops over the years and, invariably, a cup of coffee or two ensues during the meetings and things tend to go a little more smoothly.
I'm not sure if it's the fact all parties are a little more relaxed in that moment or if coffee has magical powers, however I believe business dealings can be a little easier in situations like that. Maybe it's because a coffee shop is neutral ground? I don't know, however I'm grateful.
Getting this deal over the line is a good thing for me; not because I make more money or the Director will be happy, but because I'll be happy with myself for getting it done. Locking this one in will be a great moment and, when I look back, I think the lessons learned along the way will be as valuable as winning the deal.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image is mine
Face to face, it works almost every time. Communicating behind text can be just so hard and sometimes as you have seen you don't realise what the issue is. All hail the coffee! (again)
Coffee...I bet if it had a face it'd have a smug fucken look on it all the time.
Hahaha, it would be unbearable!!
Hey Boomy...
Haha, you know, I checked that this morning and was like wooooooo!! :OD
It's sitting back in first class sipping some Moët & Chandon, nibbling cheese and caviar and chatting up the hosties...Oh, hang on, that was me on my last trip to Europe. 😂
Hahahahah!!! Thats me on all of my trips!
It will be lurking in the hold thinking to itself. As long as I dont end up somewhere cold. I cant stand the cold... :OD
Hello Galen, that's such an interesting story, and the quote is funny but 100% accurate.
I think it was an excellent suggestion on your part to meet with the client, (and yes, coffee has magical powers) to communicate in a different way.
I totally get the frustration you felt, as I too hate my performance and motivation to be compromised with my work.
Personally, I still prefer face-to-face customer service, as there's a limit to the connection one can make virtually.
I understand you being pleased with accomplishing your job, but can you imagine the burden off that man's shoulder, just being able to communicate to you that he is not tech savvy?
Good job on getting over that hurdle to secure the deal👏
I think he was that keen to meet with me he would have travelled twice the distance. He was grateful I proposed the meeting and that we could communicate in a more traditional way. We're moving forward and things are looking very good indeed.
I want to take all the credit but, as we know, coffee is always the star of the show. 😀
"Coffee and the Genius"
Doesn't this sound like a potential blockbuster?
I can't agree more. As much as I prefer to work alone where possible, when it comes to negotiating, face-to-face at a coffee shop or restaurant always works better.
Good coffee IS magic!!!
The other advantage of meeting at a coffee shop/restaurant is that you will have 100% of the other person's attention. No phones/emails/texts to distract.
Back in 2010, I was working on upgrading a large software tool. The vendor and I met at a restaurant, discussed price, options, features and where we could each push or pull. At then end of a 1.5 hour lunch, we'd agree to drop the price of a $5M tool by 8% from the firm quote we had started with. That was one of the few days in my life where I wished I made some form of commission.
It's funny sometimes when I watch the news. They talk about some politician going out and having a lavash dinner with a vendor. The dinner, is paid by the taxpayer, sometimes comes to around $1k. But the media never has the other half of the equation. What if that $1K just saved the public $1M? But I digress.
Good coffee is good, bad coffee is bad.
I know, it's a wise quote I just came up with. You're welcome. 😂
The neutral ground aspect of the coffee shop for business is a big factor, the casual environment also, and yeah, the lack of other work distractions helps too.
Thanks for that point you make about the $1K lunch...I'd not thought of it that way. Of course, loads of those lunches are pointless I guess.
Good coffee is good, bad coffee is bad.
I know, it's a wise quote I just came up with. You're welcome. 😂
The neutral ground aspect of the coffee shop for business is a big factor, the casual environment also, and yeah, the lack of other work distractions helps too.
Thanks for that point you make about the $1K lunch...I'd not thought of it that way. Of course, loads of those lunches are pointless I guess.
Excuse me? Lol you must know of the legendary magic powers of coffee by now! Everything and anything is possible with enough coffee. "Give me a leve
rl cup of coffee - and I can move the world"As I just quoted in another comment...A wise quote I devised in about one second:
Good coffee is god, bad coffee is bad.
The end.
So many things go wrong with a lack/ wrong communication.
I have never liked communicating electronically or over the phone, since I feel so limited. The best way to communicate is in person where yoh can feel each others energy and feelings.
The term, lost in translation exists for a reason right?
Thanks for your comment.
Locked in?
First Check clears.?
Or just signed contract..?
Do You still keep credit and commission if customer later balks (backs out) horrible to think that I know.
But deals fall thru. And all our futures are so unsure right now.
It must be hard for a huge company to spend also. I have put all non essential on hold here.
A few years ago, before the fraudulant rotting corpse conned his way into power. I spent $1.959 p/gal. (usd) Yesterday, I paid $5.199. $520 bucks for half a fill up... SMFH.!! And that may double quickly. Way quicker than rates or surcharges to match. I am considering parking it for a few weeks/months?
Micro compared to giant companies. I know, But same factors apply...
Original R.R...

2022 NATO Version...

We work off purchase orders generally although for an order of this size we'll expect 20% down. The trucking company is huge, over 5,000 prime movers and cab-chassis vehicles so they're good for it.
Just on the diesel cost...It's $2.20/L here. (3.78541 litres in a gallon.) That's a $264 cost to fill my Land Cruiser.
I'd say parking up the prime mover and having a little break is a good idea. You deserve it anyway.
I'm sure the coffee helps, but it is the in-person contact that makes the magic.
Somehow, when we connect on the phone or online, we do not really get "engaged" to the other part. It is very hard to transmit confidence and our daily work pressure usually makes us think the other part is a jerk.
I am glad you managed to smooth things down and speed them up in your meeting. Most of the time, real in-person meetings work well, but sometimes they can be the end of the deal :)
Ah yes, you're right...There is a flip-side to F2F meetings. Sometimes personalities clash and what went relatively well via digital comms cold fall apart due to that clash. I've had it happen and always regretted it, but it's how things go sometimes. For me, well I'm adaptable and have the knack of making things work mostly...Still, there's moments. You know?
🤣🤣😂 it must have been the coffee since you both are more relaxed. Someone joked, "How can we be on the same page when we are not reading from the same book." The disparity came from his inability to translate things and you seem miles ahead of him. Glad the coffee could knock him back into your path but I feel you picked the right spot too sir
It was strong coffee, so had a powerful effect. 😁
😂😂🤣 I agree.
Thank you coffee !.... That made me laugh !
I'm having some now as I type, just plain black coffee this time.
I'm glad you got together and it seems to be working out better.
One must thank the forces of good that help provide gooditity in one's life. 😆
How you were able to reach an agreement with the other person over a cup of coffee reminds me of Lipton advert.
I have to agree that the coffee did the trick. Calmed him down and made him see your point and you met him half way too. We should grab one together soon sir 🤣🤣😂
I'd have a coffee with you.
I would be so thrilled.
It's a long way to Australia but if you're here, let me know.
Absolutely, sir ☺️🥰
Meeting in a coffee shop to talk about business is the sensible thing to do, since the atmosphere is different and relaxing, ideal for work or even family meetings. The other thing that helped was the personal meeting between the two, that was really a very good idea because that way they could clarify many doubts on both sides.
I am glad that everything was solved. Best regards.
It was a productive meeting and has allowed the situation to move forward with much greater confidence. Thanks for commenting.
It's amazing what a face to face conversation can accomplish. So much is lost when people talk electronically. It sounds like this went very well and the rapport you built with him over coffee will probably go a long way in the business relationship. 👍
This part is kind of funny. Challenging though when you're not on the same page, or don't have the same working style as someone.
I agree with you with electronic communication. I have a saying:
The phone is for making appointments, face to face is for doing business.
It has been a very productive way to operate, but of course, it's not always possible.
What a brilliant phrase, as if its author is also Bernard Shaw)
George Bernard Shaw said this?
I see. I didn't know that. Where did you find this interesting information?
That's a good saying. Very true.
Congratulations :) Who knows, maybe that will be the basis of a long term friendship!
Probably not, but anything is possible I guess. I'm not looking for friends, however a good working relationship is better than a poor one and will mean more business secured in the long term.
Yeah, and it's just more enjoyable if you can depend on the other person to cooperate!
I had something similar happen to me and it was only after meeting the person, well... two people in my case that our issues were addressed and ultimately solved. I am not even going to repeat the things I said in frustration prior to the meeting, but as you hinted, communication is the key. I am happy everything has been ironed out.
It's important to communicate well I think, especially in this society where people generally do not. This chap is quote old and not up to date with all the latest tech stuff, so I'll go a little slower and take that into consideration.
Good idea. I think we take it for granted sometimes that everyone is au fait with technology. I have to remind myself often that it is not that people are Luddites, they just come from a different generation. Insightful piece btw.
Thanks for your nice comment and for your use of the word, luddites; one doesn't hear it often enough these days.
Face to face, upfront conversations, meetings are still key. Texts, voice or video calls, they sure do help every now and then. But when it comes to living in the moment, making memories out of the simplest of meetings, that can only be done the old school way.
I agree. Once is more able to read the smaller nuances of communication like voice inflection, tone and body language. It's a better way to go. These days it's not well regarded I guess; people feel they are too busy for it...I disagree.
Perfectly said brother, especially the part about tone and body language.
I'll have to disagree here as well. To me it's all about your priorities and making time. One simply does not "have" time for something, you have to make time for whatever it may be. And I believe face to face, human interaction is going nowhere, it will forever be a necessary part of "being human".
I think that with such an attentive approach to people, you will go far. Good luck!
Coffee is awesome! 😊
my whole website is dependant on coffee 😂😂
Yep...My whole life is!
I have realized that face of face conversation is 100% effective in business dealings. You are both clear on what you want to do. Phone conversation might not do it 100% because you may want to quickly drop the call, maybe be distracted too.
I am glad you both reached an agreement.
Distractions happen in any and every circumstance. The key is to maintain focus despite them, to have goals or desired outcomes from meetings and to stay on track. Thanks for your comment.
stay on track
This is just the summary of everything. Thank you for sharing.
You're welcome Joy. Have a nice weekend.