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RE: Coffee business

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

It's amazing what a face to face conversation can accomplish. So much is lost when people talk electronically. It sounds like this went very well and the rapport you built with him over coffee will probably go a long way in the business relationship. 👍

This part is kind of funny. Challenging though when you're not on the same page, or don't have the same working style as someone.

He had thought I was moving too fast, (I had thought I was moving at a snail's-pace), and he felt unable to keep up.


I agree with you with electronic communication. I have a saying:

The phone is for making appointments, face to face is for doing business.

It has been a very productive way to operate, but of course, it's not always possible.

What a brilliant phrase, as if its author is also Bernard Shaw)

George Bernard Shaw said this?

I see. I didn't know that. Where did you find this interesting information?

 3 years ago  

That's a good saying. Very true.