The coffee and toasty gift


A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca -

I've had a fairly torrid week of limping from place to place due to a problem I have with one of my feet. It's being treated but the treatment has brought other complications and they're painful. I've been on pain killers all week and whilst I've been going to work it's not been easy, comfortable or any fun whatsoever.

I went through a few days, the last three, feeling very grumpy, annoyed and a little despondent if I'm totally honest. I've been worried about my foot and other subsequent complications and have had pretty bad nightmares about it. I'm used to confronting dreams but these new and improved ones? They sucked.

I've tried to be easy on myself, to stay occupied and act as normally as possible I'm general life and on Hive also - I didn't want to come across as different. Allowing stuff like this to penetrate too deeply doesn't make the problems go away, or feel any less troublesome...Being normal and persevering can help keep one's attitude in the right place...and so I hit the café like usual, albeit at a very slow limp, and pretended all was normal.

I sat there thinking about things, wrote a post for Hive and had a chat with a couple of the people that work there. But, in the main, I just watched the world go by, listened to the snippets of conversation around me and generally tried to keep the focus off my foot situation.

I listened to an older couple in the booth beside me discuss issues around their finances and whilst I felt a little rude evesdropping on their conversation I was captivated.

They are a retired couple trying to make ends meet financially, balance needs against their available funds. Prescription medicine, food and fuel were the main items of discussion and whilst I had the impression they were able to bring it all together I felt certain it was a very tight situation.

Prices have risen dramatically over the last couple years and wages aren't keeping up, for retirees on pensions it's difficult and I know many are having conversations like this. I was happy they were working through it but sad that these people had to struggle so hard in their twilight years.

But...what broke my heart was when they decided to only buy one coffee and share it. No, I wasn't having it.

I gathered my things and made to leave but before I did I stopped at the counter and paid for two coffee's and two toasted sandwiches which I asked the guy to offer to the couple after I had exited. He looked at me like I was weird but I'm a regular and he said he would do so; I paid and hobbled off and away.

As I was turning the corner I saw through the glass that the guy was with the old couple and was pointing at me...I hobbled a little faster and was gone.

Right now, I'm laying on my bed and am supposed to be going to sleep. My foot is throbbing and shooting pains up my's Monday tomorrow so I'll have to limp to work and it's almost midnight. I can't sleep though.

I'm feeling happy to have done something nice (if very small) for that couple on a weekend in which I was feeling totally miserable. It feels good to have brought a little happiness to someone who deserved it. I'm also casting my mind over my own financial situation and thinking about how well prepared I am for future eventualities; I don't want to be like those people deciding what to go without, what was most important. My parents had to when I was a kid, I heard the same conversations, and I don't want that to be me. I don't think it will be but things happen all the time and I guess one can never really know one is prepared enough...but to actively prepare means one may be able to mitigate some of the risk right?

Anyway, it felt good to gift that couple a coffee and toasted sandwich and you know, for a while after, even still, I feel less miserable. It's a good feeling.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is my own


I got up this morning after sleeping in. I did the normal morning things and came to my computer. After checking other net things, I came here, responded to a comment on my post and clicked over to read a few posts others have made. When I saw your Coffee and toasty gift title, I thought, wait, I should be drinking coffee while I am reading about coffee an toasty gifts, so I stopped, went to the kitchen and put some on. Of course then I had to busy myself with small tasks till it was done. Now I am back as you can see.

I'm sorry you are having issues with your foot and the difficulties it is causing you. I hope it resolves itself quickly or however you are treating it works fast. I know how annoying it can be when an issue interferes with your mobility.

I understand what you are saying by acting normal despite it, but reading that caused me to contemplate on it for a moment, how most of us want how we present ourselves to others, to show we are FINE.... all the time... fine! The truth probably is, that most of us have something going on a lot of times that is not FINE!, but we keep most of those things private. I know these things are not always everybody else's business, but I'm thinking FINE !... is just a good social cover.

It was very kind of you to provide coffee and sandwiches after eavesdropping one that couples conversation. LOL !! I'm sure it warmed their hearts as it did yours. I've been a giver all my life and I know how good that feels. I sometimes think I get a LOT more out of it than the recipient. It's almost selfish ! ha ha.... giving is selfish.... that is a funny ... right ?

It seems you needed that as much as they did. It was a very positive thing in the midst of a trying moment. A gift for them and a gift for you.

Hi Jacey, I hope you're well.

When things are going well we have a tendency to dwell on it and and sometimes that can help bring the problem to a resolution easier, sometimes not. No matter how much dwelling and worrying I do is going to fix my foot, but I did it anyway and that led me to feeling pretty miserable which is why I turned it around, or tried to, by acting as normal as possible. I also get tired or people asking what's wrong so try to walk normally so they do not.

I didn't feel at all like hitting that café but am glad so did and glad I eavesdropped also as it was a nice reminder that, whilst our troubles are different, we all have them.

Thanks for taking the time to comment and I hope you're coffee and toasty were scrummy.

Love the quote. Love your special gift. But what is going on?

My grandfather (also on insulin) used to have trouble with his feet. But more because he didn't like wearing shoes and in our hot climate and his diabetic condition he couldn't feel the heat of what he was standing on. He used to burn his feet. Is it not related? I know the nervous system gets affected. Have you tried reflex? I'm not advocating treatment or any unasked for advice but the simple foot massage may help stimulate blood circulation and trigger healing. Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain

Hey there, I hope you're well.

The foot issue isn't diabetes-related although, as a diabetic, the feet are a constant focus as you've mentioned. So, because of that aspect I guess I'm a little more stressed. I'm ok though, it takes more than an ouchy foot to keep the old G-dog down. 😊 (Although, the last week has totally sucked!)

Thanks for commenting and have a great week.

Well may this week be an amazing week for you. Good that the ouchy doesn't get you grouchy

Look who made a rhyme! 😀

Historic moment. That's as far as my poetic abilities go

I'm sorry for the pain and your foot problem but I loved that despite how bad you felt you were able to be empathetic and give a little happiness to others. You were very kind to that couple.

I was always obsessed with being prepared for the future. At my parents' house, they had to go without some things, even though my sister and I never lack anything. But I always tried not to go through the same thing and don't have to give up on things when older. And I worked hard for it. But unfortunately, we can't control all the circumstances around us. At this point, I would have liked it not to be a worry, but it is. And I continue to work so that it is not.

I hope your foot gets better soon as your mood. :)

A little preparation is better than none at all and if it brings a feeling of comfort, no matter how small, than it's done its job. Furthermore, most often, it gets some momentum going and one will find that carries forward into more preparation. I don't see a downside.

What a lovely gesture! I am sure it was heartfelt and appreciated by them. Random acts of kindness can change the world.

My parnts used to fight about money A LOT. It scared the hell out of me as a kid because through time I became more and more convinced that I wouldn't be able to survive in the world as an adult. It's the worst thing to fight about and can erode a relationship down to it's core.

I hope that your foot feels better tomorrow and that you are less grumpy.

The conversations my parents had (trying to balance their financial obligations) helped teach me things about money, its importance and the value in knowing how it works. I learned those lessons young and built on them. Good lessons. They set good examples and I'm glad ..not that they knew I was able to hear them. Their problems kept me up at night and made me change my behaviours, or just develop better ones at the outset.

My foot is...Well, I said I'd take a machete to it a few days ago but have not so yep, it's progressing. The rest of me? Hmm, it's Monday morning and I have to go to work so...not so good.

Thanks for your comment which I appreciated.

Hi Galen. Thanks for your reply.

I'm so glad that you were able to use that for good and build on it. Perhaps our experiences were a bit different when I wrote "spoke" perhaps I meant "fought"
It taught me things too and I am generally very good with money, but I suppose the lessons could have been taught differently is what I meant. Do you know what I mean?

I really enjoyed reading your post, it had that "feel good" vibe about it. I needed that and I am sure that the elderly couple were overjoyed with your generosity and kindness. Also, it's a pleasure to help out with your community, I enjoy it so much.

Have a lovely day.

Sometimes lessons are delivered well and sometimes not, if the net result of the lessons you learned is that you're good with finances then the job got done, however I'm sure you injected the bulk of the effort in attaining your final financial intelligence. And yes, I'm sure those lessons could should have been delivered differently.

Those old buggers better shout me a coffee if they win the lotto someday! 😁

Seriously though, it was no trouble to buy them a snack and I felt nice about it and so I won too.

I am so sorry about your foot sir. I hope it gets better. I also had back pains and just finished my pain meds with antibiotics because the back pain lingered for too long, ever since I went to that recreational center for Bouldering and Trampoline. I really hope you feel better sir because I can relate to how painful that must be.

I think we have that in common - what you did with the old couples. I call it random act of kindness... I love reaching out to people and then run away...I don't stay around for thanks. I can thank you till tomorrow but I don't like being thanked 🤣🤣🤣😂 I'm weird... I know. 🙈

Happy Sunday, sir.

A random act of kindness provides for both giver and receiver and it certainly made me feel better as I hobbled away. I did the deed and left so they would not be in a position in which they would have to thank a stranger whick may be awkward and, in truth, I didn't want them to have to do so. They got some coffee, I got a good feeling and that was enough.

Back pain sucks, I know all about it, and it can make one feel emotionally miserable. I get it. Been there.

Thanks for your message and taking the time to read in the first place.

Absolutely... I love the feelings afterwards's priceless. I always enjoy them.

Yes, back aches are worrying...glad the painkillers helped. Thank you so much sir.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hey Galen,

Encountering stuff like that can be unpleasant. I hate the thought of anyone, especially an elderly couple who are reliant on their pension, having to stress about things like that. It can be demoralising.
Little deeds of kindness as the one you did; I'm sure made you feel better, especially considering that you were suffering in another way, and I'm sure the couple appreciated and will always remember your kind act.

I hope your foot will heal soon, so you can have "a spring in your step"...and smiles instead of frowns:)


Chin up, it's gonna be a better week!🙏

Demoralising is a good way to put it. I guess I put myself in their position and didn't like it.

They seemed fairly upbeat and I think it's something they're used to dealing with but that share a coffee thing made me feel sad and, considering I'd just finished two of my own, I felt inclined to make at least that small thing better for them.

My foot is on the mend...if it goes bad again, so could always resort to my machete treatment.

Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago  

machete treatment.

Hmmm, come to think of it, that could work!
You would need to make the blade as sharp as possible for a quick and clean laser cut.🤣😆

There was a point I would have used a blunt one...Things have progressed from there and I'm more interested in a sharp one. Makes for a better cut as you say.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yeah, quick and done with it...You might like the sensation so much, that you immediately give equal treatment to the other foot...who knows?

That's a good point, and I do like symmetry.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I thought you would!...should you decide to go for "the perfect symmetry" which would include the hands too...plan to delegate the machete job of your right hand to a volunteer.

Oh, pain! Okay, try to deal with it. I truly understand because I coming from a very “bad” place myself right now. This is my stupid (not so stupid advice)...make yourself some ginger and turmeric tea (natural root stuff, infused with boiling water) - I promise it will make the pain subside. It’s not Hocus Pocus, it’s magic! Charity is so much more about giving - isn’t that weird?


I've spent a lifetime dealing with pain of some sort and have tried many things, including this tea. I tend always to revert to other means as I rarely find the natural medicines work well enough. I wish they did, but I've not found them effective.

Thanks for reading though and taking the time to comment.

Ach man, there is no bounds to your kindness!

I feel for you on the foot front. I have been plagued with various foot shenanigans after tearing the ligaments on my left really badly over 15 years ago. Now at the drop of a hat my foot can flare up and I can be limping for weeks and struggling. The Dcotor just repeats the same old nonsense but doesn't really do anything. Hell, now I think Iam actually sounding like an old geezer?! Best stop there!

There's bounds mate, and I can swing the other way easily enough, as can most humans, but I keep operations fairly on the right side of the fence as that's who I'd like to be.

The foot thing is...Well, pretty annoying for a chap who has always been very self-sufficient, mobile and active. I'm heading towards old geezerism though and that means things will happen, although this situation isn't old geezeristic in nature. It's funny though, one doesn't think about a body part much until one can't use it right.

I should thank my body parts daily and today I'm going to start.

Thanks coconuts, I love you. You've been through thick and thin with me, have hung around and dangled and helped fill out my boxer shorts nicely.

See? Body part gratitude isn't hard at all! 😁

I tell you mate, you might be on to something there. A regular thanking of the body parts for staying with us to the best of their ability might just be the thing that turns the tide and gets em back on side!

I will start myself. And possibly with the old coconuts too :OD

Coconut thanking is a good place to begin ones body-part thanking journey. They have, after all, been of great use right?

It might have been a very different life without em!! :0D

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Thank you for being such a kind, generous, nurturing human being. I am forever touched by genuine acts of kindness. ❤️

As for your foot, I am behind in catching up, I hope everything is fine, and your blood sugar is stable. Take good care of yourself, okay? I worry about you.

I did what felt right. That feeling has driven me to many actions, not always as nice as coffee and toasties for strangers, but always seems to leave me feeling content with my actions.

Don't worry about the foot...I'm taking a chain saw to later. The problem, and the foot, will be no longer. 🙄

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I'm feeling happy to have done something nice (if very small) for that couple on a weekend in which I was feeling totally miserable...

This did it for me, you're an honestly good person and this shows in your very kind gesture.

I think I know what you mean when you said you "try to act as normal possible in your general life and in Hive also" and that you "didn't want to come across as different".
It's a sort of tragedy that no person is gifted with overall knowledge and information. I, personally, don't know what you are going through Galen but, I wish you well.

I'm sorry about your foot and I hope you get well soon.

I try to be a good man as I feel it's the right thing to do. The tricky part is knowing when I'm not, and rectifying my failure.

Thanks for your kind words.

The tricky part is knowing when I'm not, and rectifying my failure.

To think this was how my day went today, is like a golden tongue wisdom to me.

Thank you!

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Sorry to hear about your struggles. I went through something similar a few years ago and it took months to fully bounce back. Stay positive, there are always nice things to come.

I like the quote. Intention is so important. I have witnessed extreme generosity from people living in poverty. It was not what they offered that touched my heart as what they offered many in the West would turn their noses up to. It was their clean Intention behind it and that they were truly not expecting anything in return. Touched my heart.