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RE: The coffee and toasty gift

I got up this morning after sleeping in. I did the normal morning things and came to my computer. After checking other net things, I came here, responded to a comment on my post and clicked over to read a few posts others have made. When I saw your Coffee and toasty gift title, I thought, wait, I should be drinking coffee while I am reading about coffee an toasty gifts, so I stopped, went to the kitchen and put some on. Of course then I had to busy myself with small tasks till it was done. Now I am back as you can see.

I'm sorry you are having issues with your foot and the difficulties it is causing you. I hope it resolves itself quickly or however you are treating it works fast. I know how annoying it can be when an issue interferes with your mobility.

I understand what you are saying by acting normal despite it, but reading that caused me to contemplate on it for a moment, how most of us want how we present ourselves to others, to show we are FINE.... all the time... fine! The truth probably is, that most of us have something going on a lot of times that is not FINE!, but we keep most of those things private. I know these things are not always everybody else's business, but I'm thinking FINE !... is just a good social cover.

It was very kind of you to provide coffee and sandwiches after eavesdropping one that couples conversation. LOL !! I'm sure it warmed their hearts as it did yours. I've been a giver all my life and I know how good that feels. I sometimes think I get a LOT more out of it than the recipient. It's almost selfish ! ha ha.... giving is selfish.... that is a funny ... right ?

It seems you needed that as much as they did. It was a very positive thing in the midst of a trying moment. A gift for them and a gift for you.


Hi Jacey, I hope you're well.

When things are going well we have a tendency to dwell on it and and sometimes that can help bring the problem to a resolution easier, sometimes not. No matter how much dwelling and worrying I do is going to fix my foot, but I did it anyway and that led me to feeling pretty miserable which is why I turned it around, or tried to, by acting as normal as possible. I also get tired or people asking what's wrong so try to walk normally so they do not.

I didn't feel at all like hitting that café but am glad so did and glad I eavesdropped also as it was a nice reminder that, whilst our troubles are different, we all have them.

Thanks for taking the time to comment and I hope you're coffee and toasty were scrummy.