 2 years ago  

You can't guess which cup? I thought guys love analytically solving problems or even logically and creatively thinking.

I don't love it much sweet, but now and then I like it great with my coffee.

Do you find your emotions fluctuating a lot, and how do you balance your mood? That's if men have moods. Do you?🤔

You can't guess which cup?

3 options is a tough one you know, that's why I chose not to risk it. 😂

Firstly, I don't see any coffee in the ghost cup in the first three pictures, so the father and the son it has to be. But I'll go with the sun, from what I've heard and sometimes seen, London is fairly gloomy, so I can bet that you love a little bit of sun. 🤔

I don't love it much sweet, but now and then I like it great with my coffee.

Cinnamon buns aren't common here, only donuts and bagels mehhh. Sad and boring.

Do you find your emotions fluctuating a lot, and how do you balance your mood?

I'm in a gloomy mood today, it's been "rainy" for the past few days. And now it's 9PM over here and I still haven't had a sip of coffee all day. I think I'll go and have some coffee right now, get my mood kicking. 😏

That's if men have moods. Do you?

Our moods sometimes can be more complicated than a woman's mood, that I know hehe. 😬

 2 years ago  

Hmm, I like that you gave the cups a good thought. Yes, UK weather is not the most desirable in the world. Especially for me, as a sunshine girl. Great thinking, sunshine brightens my day!

I guess we are allowed to feel gloomy sometimes, as everything in life needs balance. Rain is lovely, but it does restrict and limit choices of activities to do outdoors.

I think men can be moodier than women, but I think there are different contributing factors to that.

Even though it's late, maybe a cuppa would pick you up.
... Go on! You know you want to 😁

I love the rain, but I'm just extra tired today for some reason. And this weather for now is a blessing, since Ramadan is just a few hours away. Fasting under the hellish heat is a tough one.

I think men can be moodier than women, but I think there are different contributing factors to that.

Yes mam, I'd say in order to push a man's buttons you'd have to poke him with matters and situations that usually don't have an effect on women.

Even though it's late, maybe a cuppa would pick you up.
... Go on! You know you want to

Already on it, I've been thinking about it all evening haha. 😂

 2 years ago  

Yes, the colder weather during Ramadan will be a bonus.
I'm tired today too but it's because I haven't slept well the last 2 nights.

Yes mam, I'd say in order to push a man's buttons you'd have to poke him with matters and situations that usually don't have an effect on women.

I see!😁

Get some rest!

I'm tired today too but it's because I haven't slept well the last 2 nights

It's kind of the same story for me.

Get some rest!

No, no, no, not now, I'll stay awake till 3AM, that's our Sehri timing over here. Our Ramadan journey starts from here.

And if I go to bed now then no one will be able to wake me up during Sehri hours. 😂

 2 years ago  

Ah, I see! I admire the discipline. My best friend is Muslim, but I haven't seen her in a long time.

I'm a night owl and quite love staying up till 3 AM, but I'm recovering from the flu/covid/or some virus that I'm not sure what it is, so I don't want any setbacks. It's been horrible enough.