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RE: The Wealth & Health Dilemma: A Reflection Of An Unfair Reality

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello man, thanks for coming through. That's one angle to look at it, and you're ultimately right. However, I was writing from the POV of people who had nothing and wished they could swap that life for even a little bit of connection to ease their burden and struggle. In reality, people who have been through the ringer would have no problem with their life being planned for them provided it entailed giving them what they need to survive. Although when they have it all, they'll begin to miss the Freedom of choice they had. In all sincerity, life struggles can be meaningless, yet we still fight at the slightest of everything.


Ahh you’re absolutely right. My mind just wandered off into a bit of thinking in another pov. I like the way you examine life based on your experience, man. Good stuff.

 2 years ago  

However, I totally understand it from your point of view. The truth is that our anatomy as people is very complex, we cannot even begin to decipher ourselves.

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You know, this actually reminds me to talk about something I’ve found surprising for a while now. I’ve never seen you talk about music. I have a UK rapper I’d recommend you listen to if you enjoy rap:)