Your yard is full of surprises. Word must have gotten around that there's a nice lady in the house dishing out treats.
Three beautiful well fed chickens. Did they find their way home? or did your neighbour has to come for them.?
And indeed! How rude of the woodchuck to steal your greens when there are plenty out there. Maybe your variety is more to its taste.
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Those chickens are certainly welcome to stop by! I just hope they start laying an egg or two in my yard. I understand that she lets them free range and that they wander around and then go home at night to roost.
I did plant more lettuce seeds and they are just now starting to come up. I put the pot in a place that I hope is out of reach! I may have to consider fortifying my deck!
I hope the chickens appreciate your hospitality and leave an egg or two every now and then to show their appreciation. The owner has a nice arrangement with the chickens.
Let's hope the lettuce will be out of the woodchuck's reach this time.
Do chickens like to eat tender fresh lettuce?
Erm, I think they might. Leave a few leaves outside and see if they go for them. 😊
I gave them some carrots yesterday, but they were not impressed. The carrots are gone this morning though, someone during the night must have enjoyed them.
I don't think carrots are their kind of food. But at least someone benefited from them. 😊