I really enjoy conversations that lead to surreal, crazy conclusions:)
It is an extremely difficult instrument actually, and it requires a great deal of breathing exercises and stuff, so don't give up, you'll get there!
I really enjoy conversations that lead to surreal, crazy conclusions:)
It is an extremely difficult instrument actually, and it requires a great deal of breathing exercises and stuff, so don't give up, you'll get there!
Too late, I already gave up. Never tried a trumpet....just flute type wind instruments, which showed me quickly that it's not a match and yes, difficult. Stringed instruments mesh with me, minus piano, terrible finger span is why.
I have short fingers, I've learned this hard way while I was trying to learn to play guitar 🤣 I will get back to it one day, I just hate to be defeated like this :)
Love all string instruments, don't have preferences really. Just love real music, preferably live shows. And jamming, I am always incredibly jealous when skilled musician can improvise:)
😂, you know, I've only ever minded that situation when it comes to playing musical instruments. I hear you with guitar. I have one and oh those bar cords and trying to make short fingers do acrobatics with other non-bar cords. I find a violin to be the fit for short fingers, but I don't have the time for it.
I have a lifelong love of music. Live is the best. Where I'm from, people in the community and beyond would get together to play music. It gets in your blood if it wasn't there in the first place.
You know their secret, right?
I would love to know!
Sometimes I can catch familiar melodies in improvisation - and then I know it's not pure creativity. But when a few artists, who don't know each other, get together and go to some common tune naturally - it looks like magic to me. I bet it looks completely different for musicians than it does from my perspective.
If you don't mind me ask - where do you live? Musical community sounds really cool:)
You already know what it is. It's the same what you do when you create, applied in the medium of music.
Put in more detail specific to music, anyone improvising like that has practiced to the point where it becomes like a meditation, or you could say "in the flow", which is where that magic happens organically, a tapping of direct connection and channeling that through one who has both the ability and is practiced. It becomes "indefinable", the more I attempt to describe it in words.
It is a kind of magic. Not knowing each other doesn't even matter. Everything and everyone is connected, so there's a whole world of communication that goes on beyond just five senses. Even if they aren't consciously aware of that, it's still happening.
Canada, in a too big city with an excessively tall pointy thing. How about yourself (also, if you don't mind)?
I find this extremely intriguing. To be fair- I like to watch everyone working on their art. And it doesn't matter if it's the beginning of the path or being close to mastery - full concentration, and as you said - immersion, meditation. Something beautiful happens.
Canada! When I left my home country(Poland) I wanted live in Canada very much, but with all what happened(pandemic and stuff) I've changed my planes and stay here, in Belfast(Northern Ireland). Feels like home now, and I don't think I want to leave anymore:)
It is extremely intriguing. Observation is one of the best approaches to real insight. I love to watch anyone doing anything creative, no matter what level they are at.
So you're originally from Poland? That's cool. Some Polish had settled where I grew up, fond memories of friends. I wouldn't have thought you're up in Northern Ireland. I'm mostly Irish in background, still have some family in the South. Small world.
What part of Canada appealed to you for living in when you were considering it? I can see why you chose to stay.