Chess problem 83 / Schachaufgabe 83

in The Chess Community17 days ago (edited)


Hello chess fans! While it's deepest night here and the storm is raging outside, I have spent the last few hours thinking up a chess puzzle for you again after quite a long time. :)

White has a big material advantage, but Black is exerting threatening pressure on the h-file. Nevertheless, it seems difficult to weave an inescapable mating net.

Who of you will succeed (without a chess engine!) in checkmating the white king in nine moves at the latest?


Hallo Schachfreunde! Während es hier gerade tiefste Nacht ist und draußen der Sturm tobt, habe ich die letzten Stunden damit verbracht, mir nach längerer Zeit mal wieder ein Schachrätsel für euch auszudenken. :)

Weiß verfügt über einen großen materiellen Vorteil, aber Schwarz übt bedrohlich anmutenden Druck auf der h-Linie aus. Dennoch scheint es schwierig zu sein, ein unentrinnbares Mattnetz zu knüpfen.

Wem von euch gelingt es (ohne Schachprogramm!), den weißen König in spätestens neun Zügen schachmatt zu setzen?

Black to move: / Schwarz am Zug:

FEN: 4b2k/8/P1N1p2q/1PP3p1/3P3r/4rP2/1R3PPB/QB2NRK1 b - - 0 1


Chess moves are very strange.It is possible for those who are wise.I don't have much interest in chess.But sometimes I play in my spare time.Suddenly you want to play again after seeing this post.Thank you for the beautiful game of chess.

 14 days ago  

Nice in case I inspired you to play chess again. :)

I would start with Rc3 to block the dangerous potential a1h8-diagonal, also it prevents fxe3, but then the Bh2 escapes with check. At least after I move out of the checks there is still the mate threat.
Too difficult for me.

 15 days ago (edited) 

I would start with Rc3 to block the dangerous potential a1h8-diagonal, also it prevents fxe3 ...

These are actually great ideas which indeed play an important role in this position, but does it work this exact way?!

OK, ...Rc3, Be5+ Kg8, Nd7+ Kf8, Ng6+ Bxg6, Bd6+ Kg8 and I think mate is unavoidable, either in 2 after g3 or in 3 after B back to h2 (with g3 the only way to postpone the mate by one move)

 15 days ago (edited) 

That's absolutely correct, however, the best white move after 1. ... Rc3 is amazingly 2. Bf5! (idea: Bh3; and in some critical variations the white queen protects the knight on e1 if the bishop b1 has moved away).
So can you win after:

  1. ... Rc3
  2. Bf5! exf5
  3. f4 Rxh2
  4. f3 ?

vllt hab ich da was übersehen, und ich bin nicht gerade gut in Schach, aber wenn der schwarze Turm von H4 auf H2 fährt, gibt es schon keine sichtbare Gegenwehr von weiß mehr, oder? Ich sehe keine Figur, die noch reinstören könnte.

 16 days ago (edited) 

... ich bin nicht gerade gut in Schach ...

Das macht nichts! Ich freue mich über jeden Teilnehmer! :)

1. ... Txh2 wäre natürlich der direktest mögliche Angriffsversuch, allerdings könnte Weiß dann 2. fxe3 spielen, also mit seinem Bauern auf f2 den schwarzen Turm auf e3 schlagen. Dadurch, dass der weiße f-Bauer seinen Platz verließe, hätte dann auch der weiße König einen Fluchtweg via f2 ...

Wieso sollte der Bauer auf f2 schlagen können, der kann doch nicht wa(a)grecht schlagen?

 16 days ago (edited) 

Nicht der Bauer auf f3, sondern der auf f2! Der schlägt schräg nach vorne!

ohja, da hatte ich eine lange Leitung.


 16 days ago  

You mean 1. ... Re3xNe1, right?

How do you plan to win with black after

  1. ... Rxe1
  2. Rxe1 ?

So many people prefer White over black, but weirdly, I prefer black.

 16 days ago  

Well, statistically white wins somewhat more often than black.

But anyway: do you have any suggestion how to win with black in the present position?

 15 days ago  

OK, @dhilan04, @iamchessguy, @iobates, @rafaelaquino, @vjap55, @samostically, @rodrook ... are you all not able to solve this current chess problem? Come on and show me that chess is more than just blitz but also art and science! :-)

I tried it but gave up after some minutes. 😅

 15 days ago  

Sooo fast? Where has your fighting spirit gone? ;-)

Thinking of Rxh2 fxe3 Qh4 but seems White can defend with g3.

Maybe Rxe1 first...

 15 days ago  

Thinking of Rxh2 fxe3 Qh4 but seems White can defend with g3.

Exactly: 3. g3 saves the day for white.

Maybe Rxe1 first...

  1. ... Rxe1 2. Rxe1, and then ...?

Rxh2 but Kf1 escapes 😔


Maybe Rc3 should be explored as suggested above.

 14 days ago  

I will post the solution very soon!

@jaki01, unfortunate I didn’t see this puzzle in enough time to attempt a solution…
However I will remind you that my record in puzzle solution is 0 solutions out of many attempts :).

Greetings. I arrived a little late, I'm sure that for the next one I will participate. I think it was very difficult for my knowledge, but it allows me to learn more every day and to strive and improve my game. Happy day to you

 14 days ago  

I arrived a little late ...

No problem!

If interested, you might check the solution of the puzzle though which you find in the comment section, directly below the post.

How is this chess being played?

 17 days ago  

It's just an image. :)

Move the pieces in your brain or put them on a real chess board.
In addition, you can use the Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN) which I provided you under the image.

Oh wow