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RE: Chess problem 83 / Schachaufgabe 83

in The Chess Community5 months ago (edited)

I would start with Rc3 to block the dangerous potential a1h8-diagonal, also it prevents fxe3 ...

These are actually great ideas which indeed play an important role in this position, but does it work this exact way?!


OK, ...Rc3, Be5+ Kg8, Nd7+ Kf8, Ng6+ Bxg6, Bd6+ Kg8 and I think mate is unavoidable, either in 2 after g3 or in 3 after B back to h2 (with g3 the only way to postpone the mate by one move)

 5 months ago (edited) 

That's absolutely correct, however, the best white move after 1. ... Rc3 is amazingly 2. Bf5! (idea: Bh3; and in some critical variations the white queen protects the knight on e1 if the bishop b1 has moved away).
So can you win after:

  1. ... Rc3
  2. Bf5! exf5
  3. f4 Rxh2
  4. f3 ?