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RE: Chess problem 83 / Schachaufgabe 83

in The Chess Community15 days ago (edited)

OK, ...Rc3, Be5+ Kg8, Nd7+ Kf8, Ng6+ Bxg6, Bd6+ Kg8 and I think mate is unavoidable, either in 2 after g3 or in 3 after B back to h2 (with g3 the only way to postpone the mate by one move)

 15 days ago (edited) 

That's absolutely correct, however, the best white move after 1. ... Rc3 is amazingly 2. Bf5! (idea: Bh3; and in some critical variations the white queen protects the knight on e1 if the bishop b1 has moved away).
So can you win after:

  1. ... Rc3
  2. Bf5! exf5
  3. f4 Rxh2
  4. f3 ?