YAY! I've been waiting to see what you're working on.
For those of you that do digital art... this is the analog origination of that same process.
I like your description of analog origination. That's the kind I'm most familiar with. Lovely purples and so deliciously curvy. Looks very dynamic and flowing. I'll be curious to see how you work out the third figure in yellow.
Hair colours....hmmm...since you asked, maybe work the purple ladies hair into deeper tones of purple, with some blues, then yellow highlights. For the yellow figure, a mix of colours in a similar way that blends down into the other two figures? Hahaha, totally not sure here, since there's several ways you could work with this.
Love the squirrel story, too cute. 😁
this image isn't just gratuitous boobs
I thought such things were completely acceptable, but maybe my perception is skewed due to my current gratuitous nipple project.
You had me at 'gratuitous nipple project' (which is funny because it's the last thing you said)

Gratuitous Boobs.... hmmm
I think you said it best by describing them as deliciously curvy. Thanks for appreciating the look and i enjoyed your description of this being dynamic and flowing. I think the flow and expressive surrealistic themes will increase with the rendering of the hair. You had some great ideas for your suggestions with the hair. I do appreciate your feedback. If you look at the Sharpie image or the sketch you will see that the hair of the purple chicks connects.
Having the yellow lady's hair drop down and connect could be interesting as well. I was considering putting on possibly two more pregnant ladies on the edges and oppositely oriented from the purple ones. If i do one lady... she will wrap around to the other side. We shall see. Thanks for stopping by and taking your time sharing such a meaningful comment. Looking forward to seeing your nipples! hahaha
😂Frankly, been holding of posting any art I've already done that has boobs, nipples and other parts as subject matter. This new fully gratuitous nipple extravaganza project has to happen by Saturday, so I'm squeezed into a deadline. (I should give forewarning that my sense of humour gets very strange, weird and wild)
Yes, I love the curves in this, the fullness of the belly of each, with the breasts repeating that, also with an expectant fullness. Quite a lovely design. I agree with you about the rendering of the hair. I can see that already occurring. I took a close look at both drawings you suggested and can see that there (I was very distracted by all those curves in purple, Canadian sorrrrry).
Hahaha! So many ways you've suggested you could go with this. Building anticipation for the finished work aren't you? All of them sound workable. LOL, I'm even more curious now to see where you will take this.
You're welcome, really enjoyed your post.
I've nipple committed. #proofofnipple, #pon, just ask @unklebonehead. 😉
Hahaha nipple committed! I love it. #pon if you don't get it by your deadline... it never happened.
My sense of humor gets pretty dark, bizarre, and oftentimes inappropriate. Sorrry (in Canadian) / Not Sorrrry... hahaha
I'm glad you checked out what i was mentioning and can see some of the vision in possible direction with where this is going. I thnk i was building my own anticipation and happy to take y'all with me.
I am super glad you enjoyed the post and loved the contours as much as me. When you do make your art or share any of the others that you have been holding off... feel free to share them here in the AlienArtHive Community. I'm anxiously anticipating your #proofofnipple! hahhaa
I have no idea how these things pop out of my finger lips. I agree, that's why I'm working on it right now.
Oh good, so my sense of humour isn't going to be too much, wipes brow in relief.
I tend to check out what's suggested, the cat in me is always curious, lol. A fun ride is always a welcome experience.
I'll post #proofofnipple in AlienArtHive Community, that should fit well, with this one, lol, thanks! 😂😂😂
Well, considering there are no nipples in mine yet... i have a #LACKofProofofNipple
Let the fun ride begin! It's a race for the nipple finish line. hahaha
LOL, I'd say that's a temporary nipple-less situation!
Are those nipple tacos?
Those are the bottom parts waiting to catch up to the nipples in the race! hahaha