I'm going to try something a little different today...a super-easy coffee-related comment thing with some prizes on offer for your involvement. I'm not sure this will work out very well but I figure I'll give it a try and see what happens. If it crashes and burns there's no harm done and if it goes ok, and the community responds, I might do it again as it's a nice way of distributing some votes. So if you're interested keep reading.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠
Simply drop a comment below in the comments area with a photo of your favourite coffee (or tea) and tell me in no more than fifty (50) words why it's your favourite or where you get it from or anything else related to that particular photo. You only have twenty four hours to get your comment in and if you use the Peakd front end there is a countdown timer; if you do not well...you'll have to work it out for yourself.
𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕕
Selfies with your coffee, photos of your coffee at a café, coffee shop, your home, out in the street, in the wilderness, the lower depths of hell...it doesn't matter where but, the image has to be your own and your comment has to relate to it and be under the fifty (50) word count I've set.
𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕘𝕖𝕥
I'll be transferring fifty (50) Ecency points to some of the comments and voting some of them with larger than usual votes than I would typically leave on a comment - but your comment has to meet the criteria above. (I may even ask a few of my buddies to throw some votes in too.)
Note: The more interesting your photo and comment the more chance you have of Ecency points and a vote raining down like champagne from the skies above upon your account. It's doubtful every comment will be rewarded so make yours stand out.
I don't want to make this complex so that's about it: Your own photo of coffee (or tea), fifty words and that's it. If you think you can do that, and want to get involved, then get started. If you don't want to get involved that's completely ok too.
So that's it...a little coffee-related comment thingy just to test the waters and see if it'll work out.
I never ask anyone to reblog any of my posts but considering I'm giving away some free stuff you may know someone who could use it, a new user perhaps. So, if you feel like it let them know so they have a chance at free stuff for as little as a photo and a handful of words.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp
[All original and proudly AI free.]
Any images in this post are my own and are not for your use until hell freezes over and there is no hell so that's a fucken long time.
I love good coffee in a cafe. Coffee with ambience and sometimes coffee with the other half just tops it all off!
Yeah man, exactly...it sort of adds to the moment rather than actually being the moment.
Put your umbrella up mate, it's about to rain down with ecency points bro!
Like jiz.
Hehe, my umbrella has been up for some time but it will be nice to be showered with something other than water for a change,! 🤣🤣
Where you live, the chances are always good that it's going to rain. Sure does make everything look green and pretty though so there's that 😁
It's quite nice to have all the green and not the withered brown or even the hellfires of mainland Europe. Always a silver lining!
Bloody Scots and their weather...
It's terrible here today...Typical winters day: Totally blue skies and 16 degrees, not a breath of breeze. 😂
Sounds beachy! Give me some of that... or whatever Booms having!
I've got the decent weather...boomy has the beach. (Although, 16C isn't that warm you know.)
Yikes! It's 36C here. Boom always has all the fun. Did you give him another umbrella... his has got to be worn out by now.
Summer beach weather that is!! 😀
Bloody Scots.
Magnificent creatures they are 😀😀
Was that coffee you had at my place? I used to have the exact same cups!
Becca 🌷
Hehe, exposed!! 😀
You're welcome anytime you know...My man will fire up the barbeque and cook up a feast and you can stand around with a beer pretending to help...then you can both do the washing up after dinner while us girls relax. 🙃
Becca 🌷
I love pretending to help whilst standing with a beer in hand. You have painted the picture of me at a barbie perfectly!!
You are going to fit in perfectly then.
Us girls will just mill around looking good. Deal?
Becca 🌷
A deal indeed!! 😀😀
You know me, I'm always gonna do something different.
My favourite coffee is generally whichever one I've just drank and thoroughly enjoyed. This was my favourite coffee from yesterday. It was so good and I was jonesing so bad that I didn't even take a photo before I gulped it down 😁
Lol, the last one you had.
Has the last coffee you had ever not been an enjoyable one?
Becca 🌷
You'd be surprised, I've had my fair share of detestable coffees, but once they are identified as such, they're placed on my blacklist and I won't revisit that spot (unless it's a friend's house), so they tend to decrease over time.
Hope you are doing well Becca!
International Roast. Do you have that? I'd rather filter forest fire ashes through water and drink that.
Becca 🌷
I think that might be my favourite too, the one I have just enjoyed!
Fucken typical but...
Fifty Ecency points have been sent and I've voted this comment.
I still need to get my new community up and running: What was on your plate
It's a community about *after the food has been eaten...photos of empty plates and all. This nutbaggery of yours would fit right in.
Lol, but of course. I'm just bonkers and proud.
Thanks Galen. Appreciate it. I like that community idea. Like a guessing game that would no doubt devolve into hysterical fun in the comments. Looking forward to it 😁
It's more to mock those fucken Instagramers and Facebook fucktards who have to photograph every morsel of food for a post before they eat it.
I figured that you were being snarky, but I think it would be fun. You could run guessing games in the comments and the most outrageous comment wins 😜
I'm a snarky fucker huh? (That's me agreeing that I am.)
Hi @galenkp it's the first time I see a post from you. I like the idea. And reading these comments, I find it funny different and entertaining. On the other hand, reading the way you express yourself, reminds me quite a bit of my dad. He used to say, or express himself that way. Regards
Sometimes you think it is the photo that they are going to eat 😀😀
I've seen some comical situations in this regard, people setting up the food and doing a big photo shoot...they seem oblivious to the fact they look like toolbags.
I know. East the damn shit and enjoy! But for some it is not to be. Toolbags they are!
Come on! Don't we get to do a reveal at the end?? :)
One must be revealing at some point right?
Darn straight - if it's food!
Don't we all have times like that? I do love the last one, you are right. But, the first one... Oh, that one too~
On this morning, my coffee and I were sitting together enjoying the company and the scenery. In fact, the company was also the scenery. It happens often, and I do enjoy it, and it seems to goes better with a wonderful cup of coffee. I was sailing the Atlantic with the ship heading towards peace on earth. You know what I mean, right? Far from the maddening crowd, although that was meant more to be funny than serious. It is a glorious day and I am taking the slow ship to paradise.
I've only ever been on one cruise and that was only for a few days although the location was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. They had amazing coffee on the (small) boat and we'd sit on the top deck early in the morning and watch the sunrise while sipping some of the tastiest coffee ever. It is a lovely memory. I understand your comment above, it makes sense.
Becca 🌷
That sounds perfect. The mornings on deck are glorious, each one more special than the last. The soft breeze coming off the water, the sound of waves hitting the ship, the salt in the air... everything about these moments pull me towards this feeling.
Then about that coffee and the man that serves it to me.
Yes, please.
Spoken like someone who knows exactly what it's all about.
Life's good, is it not?
Becca 🌷
Hello, Becca! I hope your week has been amazing!
Hi Denise, it's been quite pleasent so far and it's almost the weekend so getting better each hour. I'm looking forward to a slow weekend, the garden, cuddling on the couch and more than one hot bubble bath. It sounds perfectly enjoyable to me.
Have a nice Friday.
Becca 🌷
Better get your raincoat...it's raining Ecency points...(Only 50 of them, so let's just call it a slight drizzle.)
The company of scenery...yep, you know what's up!
I was going to go on a ship called the Titanic once, lost my ticket though...I was bummed, it would have been awesome.
I know Swiggles, I know exactly.
Woo hoo!!! What do you mean only 50?? That is the most I have ever received! :) Thank you! Drizzle...Pfft... You are too generous.
Re: Titanic. I hear they went down! Obviously couldn't bear the trip without you. Feel better?
Hehe... I knew you'd know. :)
Haha, yeah the buggers on the Titanic were like, no g-dog? Ok, we're sinking this bitch!
You're welcome for the points...I wanted to try this little concept out, see who and how many got involved. I may do it again with a different topic.
Score!!! You know I did it for the points right?
Haha...it's all about the points.
I appreciate you getting involved you know. 😄
Seriously... You can't have all the fun.
That doesn't sound half bad at all Denise. Coffee makes a good companion right? I wouldn't mind sailing far from the maddening crowd, although I don't really like open water so doubt it would happen lol
I said that wrong, but, the companion was the scenery, and often is. I was born and raised on the water, so I guess I never liked or disliked it. It just was. :)
Hello, Emma! How is it blowing today?
I'd drink water with you any day...But if it's hot and infused with Earl Grey tea and there's scones involved...well, it goes without saying.
I hope you've had a great week nutbag, be strange, but don't be a stranger.
Well, you know I had a good week, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh! You had me at scones!
Nobody is stranger than me. :)
Hi, Galen!
Lol...I'll be strange with you, seems more interesting than some of the alternatives.
Your cruise looked amazing. If they had decent coffee which it looks like then even better!
I am not a big coffee lover but when it comes to cold coffee I simply can't get away. Cold Coffee is my go to drink during summer or whenever I go out. When at home I simply mix coffee, milk and sugar and mix it well in a mixer and then add scoop of ice cream. Sometime I add little chocolate to it. It always give me kick and more importantly helps to stay away with any acidity problems.
I love coffee poured over ice cream a little more than I probably should. It's one of my favourite summer-time snacks. (I don't call it a drink because it's usually a couple scoops of ice cream with coffee on it and I have to eat it with a spoon.)
Becca 🌷
Haha....so we can say it...coffee ice cream...little addition of chocolate syrup will doo good too
Fifty Ecency points have been sent and I've voted this comment.
I drink iced coffee in the summer a lot...I don't add much though...Ice in a glass, one or two shots of espresso and cold milk...Ahh, so good!
Alwsys refreshing too......👍 ....
Yummy!!! Skip the sugar and I'm in!!!
you are too sweet to need any sugar :)
Awwww!! :)
My favorite coffee picture, I searched a lot!
The occasion was a dinner I had with my closest family, on a Thursday night, a winter day. We stopped by a bakery that sells very healthy things and the coffee was made by us in a simple espresso maker.
Coffee and all those lovely looking baked goods...I think I'd like to join you.
Becca 🌷
Of course we do, we share a delicious coffee with something delicious, I love to cook, I'll make you a cake!
Your espresso maker has earned you 50 ecency points (already transferred) and a little vote action. Thanks for playing along.
Those cakes in and pastries in the background. Yum!
No... you can't eat those... but they were very healthy, with seeds and stuff. In the winter nights we sometimes indulge ourselves.
I loved the game, I was waiting to get home to look for the photo.🤣
You're right I can't...but a man can dream right?
I'm glad you liked this little concept...you think I should do it again with some other topic?
Well... dreaming yes, that's all you want.
Of course I would love to... I hope to have pictures for these fun challenges! And if not... I'll figure it out.
Figuring it out is what all humans have to do, but some just don't for some reason. I'm sure you'll be able to make something work...any concept like this will be generic and suited to most.
Then have no doubt that I will be there! I have lots of pictures hahaha
Good night to me, and have a great day to you..... Ohh tomorrow Friday!
Oh, my!!! This looks tasty! I would love one of those!
With pleasure! And I bake cake!❤️
That looks like a legit place, I like the fact you could make your own coffee. Coffee in winter is the best.
I don't need to go to a coffee shop even if I go with a friend, but homemade is delicious!😀
I lived for a year in Iasi, Romania.
There I found the pleasure of drinking coffee at the café and this café, called Coffee Story, remained the maximum possible for us. Every morning breakfast and coffee for almost a year and I was never disappointed!
Oh, yes!! The beautiful coffee! I want to go back there!!!
Me too!
Ill be waiting!! :))
That looks like a wonderful place to have morning coffee with the Mrs. I like the look of that croissant too. Fond memories seem to follow coffee around don't they? 😁
Well said! I have many fond memories following coffee, you're right. Thank you!
I'd just about kill for a croissant right now...and when I say just about, I mean I actually would.
You'll be able to have croissants again soon, but I totally know what you mean. I'm so sorry 😕
If they made croissants out of air I'd be gtg.
Maybe you should kill me! I had so many photos to choose from, now I guess I didn't pick the right one.
Lol...Well I'd never do such a thing just for a croissant...Or would I? 😀
Surely not...
Definitely, probably maybe not.
Sounds bloody awesome to me!
Thank you! I testify that this is so.
Fifty Ecency points have been sent and I've voted this comment.
I want to have breakfast with you. Looks bloody splendid!
Thank you for this prize, but the big prize is this...
I can consider that today we had breakfast (by Hive) together, regardless of the time difference... and everything else.
Thank you!
I'd need some water on the table though.
At the café I mentioned they always bring a bottle of water with the coffee.
In Bucharest or Bulgaria, I have not seen this. Only in Greece they have this habit of bringing water with coffee. I really liked that!
They do this in Australian cafes too, or if it's not brought to the table it's available at the counter; jugs and glasses or glasses with a filter tap there.
Probably a habit where the climate is warmer.
It's really good to see that people are getting rewards with comment.
So, this photo is from archives and here we are standing on street of murree and we are holding a cup of coffee.
why i love coffee?
The feelings of love , obviously no one truly explain. But, i like the taste.Mostly, I love to have coffee when i am with my friends, but sometimes i enjoys it in my loneliness too.
Which kind of coffee?
Believe me, i just know cappuccino. But this was not cappuccino, i think. The time when i order i just say that please add milk in it. Because i am big big fan of milk too.
That's it.
I sometimes ask for a cappuccino but most of the time I say white coffee. I'm adding less and less milk to my coffee these days I suppose.
This looks like a cute gathering of you and your friends although it looks cold. Was it?
Becca 🌷
Hey, can you please not call me dear. In my country a man calling another man dear is considered a little creepy. The only person who calls me dear is my auntie. Please don't do it. You're the second person who has creeped me out in this one post...maybe go have a look at the other comment too.
50 Ecency points have been transferred to you.
O, sorry! Actually meaning varies culture to culture. My fault.
Yeah, I'm Australian mate, it's just weird having a man call me dear.
It's nice to know your nationality 🤗you know in my country people always see dreams to go Australia. And yes i have edited the previous comment.
Yeah, everyone wants to come here I guess...Just don't get off the plane and call the immigration man dear, you might get shot. Thanks for editing that out of your original comment.
In Pakistan we think that European countries and English countries are The Rich One.
Cheers!! Can we cheer with coffee? It is awesome to have coffee with people you like to spend time with!
I love my Intenso coffee and I love the process of making it, I love the sound the machine makes when grinding the coffee beans which others find annoying but I love it and the coffee making it’s way down to my cup while I watch it, is heavenly!!!
Intenso coffee is...well...it's intenso! 😆
I can tell you love your coffee...nice work!
Ohhh but that’s what is written on the pack, oh mine could it be fake?😳😳
That's doubtful. My comment had a typo in it, that's all.
Lol alright
Nice machine!!!! You rule!
Thank you mi!LADY🥰
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Coffee is a seasonal drink for the @krazzytrukker
Unless an iced Monster Java Brew qualifies? In that case count me in bro!
I was commenting @scubahead how Monster has discontinued the Swiss Mocha Java drink flavor I was addicted to like a drug addict to crack cocaine.
It's raining...not acid rain, that'll come later during world war three...it's raining Ecency points on you.(Just transferred some.)
How bout that 50 words exactly...
Cluster Munitions be damned. These pitical clowns may destroy us. But they will not take our coffee.
Heheh... 50... Count em, FIFTY!!
I am thee man.!!
You did it well mate, a good effort with counting to fifty; not everyone can do that. 🤐
Fifty Toooooo... Five Two.
That is my line bro. Gotta stop somewhere. 🤣😂🤣
Java Drink? Well, good thing I didn't get addicted!
You know you get jittery when too long away from the black gold. That is withdrawal... LoL
Hello galenkp. I think this is better now
Coming towards the real thing i asked my mother to make a cappuccino for me and she was surprised because i am not a coffee lover but thanks to you that just because of this post me and my mother both sat together and had a quality time together while having a cup of cappuccino. ✨️
Spending time with those we love is very important in the exact moment and also for the future and when those people may not be with us. Memories can bring great comfort.
Becca 🌷
Yes, totally agreed.
That's so cool, I'm quite sure that even though she was surprised, she enjoyed the time with you! Coffee is great at bringing people together.
Yup. I think these things make you a coffee lover, it is not just the taste.
Fifty Ecency points have been sent and I've voted this comment.
Drinking coffee just to get a little prize from me? Well here you go!
That sounds so nice! I will bet it meant a lot to your mother!
We all know matcha is the superior drink 😉
Without the sweet. I always give those away. Japanese sweets may be less so than Western ones, but they are still too much for me. The tea itself, however... sublime.
It's raining Ecency points...well 50 of them anyway...you better go find an umbrella.
Matcha, a good one, is tasty and I enjoy it. I'm not much into Japanese sweets, or any sweets to be honest, but there's a few I like...thankfully I have a constant supply of the good gear from my sister in law. 😁
I do love matcha! Keep the sweets!
My favorite is black coffee, it has been my companion during an all-nighter work, it helps me stay awake for many hours, other than that I love its bitter taste too, maybe because I'm bitter 😆 joke! It just tastes different compared to the three-in-one coffee that I used to drink before.
Black coffee can be an acquired taste and one I'm getting used to more and more. I used to have milk in every coffee but now I'd say it's about 50/50 and I'm adding less and less milk in those coffees it's added to.
Becca 🌷
Hahaha, my mom says something similar about herself. I've been drinking black coffee a lot more these days and it hits the spot, especially for working late like you do.
it works like a charm for us who wants to stay awake long 😆
I gave up drinking coffee for a week once and was only drinking water. The day I started drinking it again, I couldn't sleep at all and felt like I was high 🤣 You have to love caffeine that way lol.
yes! we love that effect on us 🤣
My mom and dad both drink black, but except for espresso, I have never acquired the taste for black,
I am jealous of anyone who likes it... You never have to worry about running out of milk.
Between you and me Denise, that is the main reason that I drink black coffee when I do 😂 - but then that sometimes stretches for two weeks which is kind of nice, it saves a few bucks. I think you just get used to it after a while.
It just rained Ecency points on you. Lol.
I mostly drink my coffee black too, espresso, americano etcetera, and no sugar.
Received it! Thank you so much!
cheers to loving black coffee ☕️
You're welcome...Just an initiative to get some commenting happening and to give me a chance to distribute some points and votes to a few people who make a little bit of an effort.
and I think it's a great idea, I also shared this to my coffee-lover friends in hive, I just hope they see it before 24 hours pass 😆
We'll see if they do. If not, it's on them I guess.
eh eh I can't help but leave my testimony so...
Here in Southern Italy the magic of coffee comes from this machine... the Moka!😉
I've got a couple moka pots and make good use of them. I use these when I'm out camping for that authentic cup of coffee...there's nothing quite like it when out in the wilderness. Nature and coffee...a perfect combinaiton.
Go find some shelter...it just rained Ecency points on you! Lol
Heh heh, I don't have any umbrellas handy... thanks for the points!
This initiative is beautiful.
However you took the words out of my mouth, a Moka coffee made on the fire, immersed in nature is something priceless.
As a Scout, I experienced this feeling several times.
In the future, when Samuele grows up, I hope he enjoys adventures in nature with his old man!
I hug you!
I'd be disappointed if you didn't show that little lad of yours all about the outdoors. I figured you would pass on your knowledge. #oldmanadventures
The world runs and technology advances, but nothing is more beautiful than pristine nature and the adventures it can offer.
That's how it is for me, and I know that you too love nature and adventures... let's hope Samuele does the same ;-)
I totally agree...nature and adventure is good for one's health.
I have the same pot!! It makes the best coffee!
Yes, the coffee in the Moka is the best in my opinion; here in the summer we prepare a lot of it and put it in the fridge... cold is even better!
Maybe one day you'll pass by here, when that happens I'll let you taste a special coffee!
I have never thought of putting it in the fridge. I might do that as a handy pick me up!
If I pass through I will take you up on that!!
To the Mokateers!
Yes, this is how we do it in the summer and you can also put it in the freezer mixed with water and turn it around from time to time... you make granita!
Obviously you don't have to wait for it to be completely frozen, as it gets thicker you turn it until it's ready... once upon a time they made slushes here in the South!
Tiramisu... 🤤🤤🤤
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I still have mine from when I left home. My mother gave me one of her pots to take with me. They still make them the same!
My favorite coffee is the one my mom prepares, a delicious coffee with milk, with a touch of cocoa and a few drops of vanilla and a lot of foam, with which I begin my day of life and I can accompany it with bread, cookies or a large piece of cake.
I like your style with the vanilla, I can see you're an expert at coffee preparation...well, your mom is at least. But I'm sure you're expert at drinking it! 😁
I've transferred 50 Ecency points to you and am glad you decided to join in.
Thank you very much, that's the truth, my mom is the expert and she makes delicious coffee and I enjoy it.
It was a pleasure to join the initiative.
You're welcome. I hope I'll see you around some more, but if not then all the best.
Embracing the daily grind in office has never been more delightful since discovering Oatside Milk! Crafting my own Oatmilk Latte (though much of the work is done through the coffee machine) adds a whimsical twist to my routine, turning coffee preparation into playful art. Sip, savor, and conquer the day! 😋
I've spent considerable time (about 17 seconds) trying to work out how one might milk an oat - there's no teats you see. I decided it is a mystery I'll never solve.
Don't worry, it's not raining oat milk...just Ecency points of which I've transferred you 50.
Now that you put that thought in me, I'm getting curious about this question as well!
Went ahead and Google it to feed our curiosity 😅
Ah ok, so no milking of teats is done at all. Maybe it should be called oat juice.
Yup definitely proven that no teats were involved in the process 😅
Oat juice latte will sound confusing though 😏
You're right...oat-juice latte sounds wrong. Let's just pretend it's milk.
Loving this new concept of a random engagement with the Community!
Looking forward to more in the future! 👍
A perfect way to have my stress let go with a cup of hot coffee after a busy schedule in office.
That's a perfect time to just add coffee and I often do the same. When I leave work, if I have the time, I sometimes stop in at a cafe where I know the owner and staff and enjoy a coffee to relax before I go home. I love that ring on your finger by the way.
Becca 🌷
Thanks a lot dear. It’s an honour to meet such a nice person.
You're welcome, thanks for following my account, I hope you'll drop by from time to time.
Becca 🌷
How can I find you in the outer world?
Like in real life you mean? Me personally, or someone like me?
Via social media. I meant that. But it will be better and a nice move if we meet someday in real life. But that's too far. How can I meet you via social media, if and only if you desire?
That looks like a legit coffee, and if it makes you less stressed than it's done its job.
50 Ecency points have been transferred to you.
Thanks a lot. I'm honoured.
All good, I appreciate people who take the time to get involved, show some effort and all. Thanks for being involved.
Then one day we may have some coffee gossip too. I will appreciate our chat & coffee.
Yeah mate, a chat and coffee sounds good. A mini Hive-fest/coffee-fest/chat-fest.
My favorite coffee is the one I savor when it is raining. There is nothing more divine than savoring a coffee in the peace of a rainy or cloudy day, meditating on our thoughts or simply enjoying the beauty of nature. Just like the contrasting colors of this mountain.
Coffee in the rain is definitely up there! I think the warmth it provides helps to make the rain clouds seem less gloomy.
That's right, for me it's the best combination of coffee and rainy day. I can't imagine it with tea. Coffee clears all those gray clouds from our minds.
Thank you very much. By the way, the mug says:
Smile, live, dream
You might like coffee when it's raining...but what about when it's raining Ecency points? Lol. I just sent you 50.
You have very colourful fingernails...there's a post there for you I think. 😁
I had an outing with friends on Sunday, we had a three-course meal, and for dessert was this tea and banana bread.

This picture reminds me of the memories attached to that day. The tea gave me warmth and looking at it, I want to have that feeling again☺️
Banana bread is about the only way I can eat bananas...they're too squishy in texture for me. Thanks for sharing your tea, and with that nice touch of a love heart spoon!
For me it's either a banana bread or a banana pancake, anything made out of banana but not banana itself 😁 Thank you so much
I like banana flavoured ice cream. Does that count?
Definitely, anything that taste like banana but not banana itself😂😂
Wow - I just took this tonight! Decided to reward myself after work!
It's matcha (Japanese green tea) ice blended with ice cream! It's my favourite place because the scenery along the Singapore river is fantastic and the matcha is good, not too bitter and not too sweet.
I've never seen one of these before. It looks like dessert, I'd probably give it a try just because of that!
Yeah it's a drink + dessert all in one! Heh!
Looks like Gandalf's hat, but greenish.
I love matcha! So glad you showed up with it!
Hehe! I love matcha too! ;)
Yeah man, that's what's up. I have had one of those, in Singapore as it turns out. I wonder if it was the same place you go?
Probably, they do have many of such places these days. Seems to be popular given our hot weather. :)
Yeah, I'd imagine so and I figured it was unlikely to be the same place...but it sounded good at the time.
My favorite coffee is cold coffee because i think it's best to give me thrills. I love to have a cup of cold coffee whenever i do my work. Most of the time i have coffee's cup when i am doing sketching and drawing. I can say that it's my hobby.
And here is my 🖌️🎨 painting.
Cold coffee is perfect for the warmer months of the year, I do the same here when it's hot! Thanks for sharing.
In my country these days are of monsoon
Winter here...but ours are quite mild.
I love good coffee, it's flavour and aroma never fail to suit my nerve every time. I never pass by an opportunity to have great coffee.
That looks like a nice take away coffee for sure!
Greetings @galenkp
I drink coffee whenever I can, I make it at home or in the office, but my favorite is the vanilla latte, I get it, for $1.80 from a Nescafé machine in a corner of the pharmacy that is inside the clinic where I work.
I really like it for its creaminess and I take it without sugar.
That looks like a legit coffee and $180 seems reasonable too!
No sugar? Nope, I don't have any either...but I sent you something sweet anyway...50 Ecency points!
Thank you very much, a sweet from time to time, not bad.
So either I'm sliding in for a touch down or my comment crashes and burns. Whichever; I doubt your idea will! By the looks of it, there are many coffee lovers (and some off the bonkermetre). While I love to lounge in a quaint coffeeshop, surrounded by the deliriously wonderful smell of roasting coffee, I have a favourite cup of kickstart. It wins every time. So here goes:
Mine is that first coffee of the day made by my most favourite-person-in-the-entire-world. As I'm waking I hear the coffee being ground, a few minutes of silence as the percolator begins to purr. My morning coffee is served with a dash of fresh cream. Of course if it comes served with cake, well, then I truly do have my cake and eat it!
Edit: apparently maths is not as strong as my coffee 😎
That's a legit looking
coffeecake!But...let's stay focused...The coffee. Yep, that smell of grinding coffee in the morning, the sounds of that elixir of the gods brewing...I get it. Even better if it's happening in some wilderness place beside the campfire as the sun rises, rays burning off the mist and and glistening off dew and frost clinging to everything...As those golden beams of light touch the body and warm it, the delectable taste of hot coffee does the same from the inside.
Something like that anyway.
YES!! Snuggling with a wilderness brewed coffee. Bliss
One of the best things ever.
Best of luck to everyone! I can't stand coffee. I like the smell but I don't like the taste unless it is in a dark beer.
Lol, that's how I feel about beer in general, we have totally the opposite tastes in this regard 🤣
Haha! That's too funny!
I know a few who don't like coffee...I can't ever recall seeing my dad have a cup of coffee actually. He'd have tea from time to time though.
My dad drank coffee a lot. I don't think he does as much now, but I understand what you are saying.
Oh gosh, sadly, it's night time and I had my coffee this morning. But this is a fun activity, I'll try to remember this tomorrow. I'm not a coffee lover and in fact I only drink a half cup of it, I want to blame acid reflux. If I drink too much, expect the worst! Goodness. Anyways have fun everyone └( ^ω^)」
Coffee or tea is acceptable...if you drink neither you might need to wait until I do this concept with something else as the topic.
@soyhenryv you got any good photos of coffee you've drank lately? Come share them and tell us about them.
Coffee is my way to start the day, when I prepare one I will share it and mention it to you
Let's see if he's interested in getting some free stuff uh?
coffee is life❤️
So some people say. I think it just enhances life in various ways, mostly through the moments created around it and spent with valued people. Life itself is so much more than coffee.
Ok dear. I am in, just wait a bit.
Oh dude, I'm a man and in this country a stranger who is a man calling another man dear is regarded as really creepy. Please don't.
Am I supposed to take it as a joke, or is it real 🤔
It is super weird to call people you don't know dear.
I'm dead serious...I don't like being called dear by anyone except my auntie. It's probably best practice not to call anyone dear on Hive.
Ok this won't happen again.
Good plan. I'm not angry, I'm just telling you for the future. Now move on, all is well.
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Saddly, i don't drink coffe i preffere coca cola. Because it's like a coffe but with more sugar.
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Tea huh? Well, there's certainly room in my life for tea and I kind of like it probably as much as I do coffee. Thanks for sharing.