It's good tech, but in its infancy. It'll get much better of course but by then I'll be rockin' it like a Transformer!
The roll-out of charging points, and making it viable for everyone to use as needed, is an issue. If 10,000 want the same three charging points what then?
It'll be ok for me though, I'll transform into a Transformer and blast them all out the way.
Lol, of course you would, wouldn't we all?
Being able to blast your way through traffic... we can dream, it would be so schweet!
If I was a transformer, my name would be Optimus Knucklehead.
Eh eh then you will be theanquillo. Transformers, however, who knows how much they consume per kilometer eh eh!
Here in Italy I confess that in the cities the charging stations are being implemented, the problem remains with the long-distance stretches and in any case it must be said that there is still work to be done on the charging times as well.
Transformers run on Energon, from Cybertron.
The infrastructure will roll out and it'll work...I wonder though, will there be some other form of energy that simple leaps over EV and PHEV vehicles? Energon maybe?
Eh eh lo si, reperire l'energon immagino sia più costoso del diesel... la mia va a benzina e GPL, credo costino un pó meno 🤪
I don't know what this means, but I'll give it a... 😂
Eh eh yes, finding energon I guess is more expensive than diesel... mine runs on petrol and GPL, I think they cost a little less 🤪
I'm sorry I'm starting to find myself I think I'll start speaking only English eh eh!