Oh wow! I hope everything turns out to the good with your CAT scan! Have you heard any hints of mews or meows in your head? Any strange urges to groom your whole body with your tongue? Suddenly craving canned salmon and liver? Two weeks, huh? That's a long time to wait to learn if you're good or bad!
I've done a lot of things in life and some of those things were so fucken stupid and valueless in the grand scheme of things, and part of me wishes I knew what I know now back then. That's impossible though, and so I look at it this way...
If you had make any other decisions than the ones you made back then, it would have set in motion a chain of events that would have altered your life, maybe a little or maybe alot. Every mistake we have made in our past, every decision, every action has led you to be in the very place you are today. You have a great life that you've built by experiences, good and bad, and you are still building that life and working toward that pinnacle of happiness for you and your girl.
I do have regrets, but then I think if I'd have acted differently back then, I probably would be dead now lol
Oh yeah, and congratulations on your retirement date....now that's something to celebrate!!
None of that really, although...I have this strange urge to play with string and I certainly like being patted, I also sleep for 17 hours a day. I'm sure it's totally unrelated though. I mean, doesn't everyone do that?
You're right, all of the experiences, good and bad, culminate into the here and now, who I am and what my life is. I've had a good one although it could have been better - I think most could say that - and it's not over yet. For now I'll keep pushing on, curling up in people's laps for naps, getting excited when I see a can of salmon and grooming.
Oh yes, we all do those things at times. I've even been known to purr when I'm really happy. LOL be careful when you walk up to someone and start rubbing around on their legs😂
Funny you should say that, I've just rubbed up a few legs here at work. I'm not sure if it was well received.
😂 You'll either get promoted or fired. Either way you'll have your answer😂
That's true...but I can't really answer your comment. Still rubbing.
Ok,not really...just pining for the end of the fucken day. What a week it's been. I'll be happy to see the end of today and the weekend ahead.
I hope you've been well.
One more day in the books. Hopefully your end date is closer rather than further out. Imagine if there were no weekends to break the monotony of the work week?? That's the making of a horror film right there. In retirement, every day is a weekend day 😃
Yes, thank you, I have been well, though have been super busy expanding my chicken empire 😂. Actually I have been building a new chicken run and my fingers feel like I just pulled them out of a meat grinder. Consequently, I am using a doinker to type with as the fingertips are too sore lol, it's slow but effective. Hoping to finish it tomorrow. I missed the last few days, so I am guessing Mr. Bonkers has gone home now? I know you will miss him greatly.
My end date isn't all that close to be honest, but it's not too far away, 2028. I've got some prep to do between now and then but all the hard work is done.
I didn't know you were the Rockerfeller of chickens; what a title to have! More impressive is your long comments made with a doinker. Ah how fondly I remember weilding a doinker. So rewarding.
Yeah, little bonkers is gone, I miss him. He was really emotional on the plane when he left, crying that he missed me. Not good, but also good for me if you know what I mean. It will be hard for him to be back home without me and doing all th cool stuff, but he'll settle in.
Last night I ordered a coffee mug for him and sent it...Says, MR BONKER'S COFFEE MUG on one side and and has a cool picture of one of my Lego remote controlled builds he was playing with on the other. He will love it I think. Hot chocolate is his thing.