Valeria's dreams

in Freewriterslast month



Everything was not so special that morning, she would be as always waiting for a dream, from her big paper tower, her dreams of greatness and hope. Contemplating the very fine rain falling, mingling with the smoke from the old chimneys of Paris, the magnificent city of love. The sky was an amphitheater decorated in gray, millions of birds squawking and circling away from the promised storm, the throbbing night advancing from the horizon, passersby recognized the long tablecloths of Sunday, it was time to return to the quiet of home, to resume their lives of tea and cakes. Gabriela had attended the ceremony at the great Arc de Triomphe, the ceremony more difficult than expected, but she was a girl with a lot of patience, she had been invited for a snack by a dozen strangers and all were turned away with a simple wave of the hand. It seemed that her favorite color brought her bad luck, she could only wait, with all the guests gone and without enjoying anything she put all her attention on the vast city, the artificial green seemed laughable, in a few minutes the vast chapel would begin to receive foreigners and it would be difficult for her to commit suicide. Feelings and events haunted her, she was moving away from the sea and was followed by the rain, the smell of the earth almost nonexistent in the capital, the crystals transpiring a thin layer of water and sky.
It is impossible to forget everything and jump into the void, just a few weeks before she had a life, she was in the cafeteria of the Roe - Sant, quiet and enjoying the warmth and the whiffs of coffee and cigars. She remembered her childhood and the noises of some millenary river, now only fragments in the memory and the photos, she looked like another happy person, another with a gnawed face, her same bearing and resemblance, her hair and her favorite color, only more choleric and distant, but in spite of not seeing her face she recognized herself among thousands of people, all by herself, motionless and the movement of the others in the other direction, a car that can stop and does not, it comes crushing everything in its path, someone runs and wants to move it from its place and it is a parallel world, you hear her scream and curse, the vehicle has become a locomotive, a dragon that vomits boiling lava and cracks the avenue and destroys the space created and staged.
Of those dreams only flashes remained, broken mirrors, a coffee pot he can't find but just started its whistle of grumpy gods, he walks through a room with walls covered in moss and blackened with tar, the family is always in the last room, the old man breathing hard, swallowing all the air possible, as if it only mattered to take all the air and suffocate the others, the cancer in the lungs turned him into a little sensitive beast, but genuine, on the shelf ones. He liked to run his hand for hours across his chest, once muscular and hairy and now just a vestige of another wasted time. .............................................................................................................................................................................. (She far from that room) .......................................................................................... The lack of oxygen always kept her alienated from her world, outside it rained, her world without windows, without glassware and always raining, she stretched her hands until she felt the drops subtly with the tips of her fingers, then she automatically withdrew them, as if she had touched fire, she withdrew to the center of the room and entered the bed, she tucked herself in and looked like a cat about to die. From that point his dream was reconfigured, he would walk again on broken glass and from there to the old man's attic, meekly struggling to live.

Translated with (free version)


Todo no era tan especial en aquella mañana, ella estaría como siempre a la espera de un sueño, desde su gran torre de papel, sus sueños de grandeza y esperanza. Contemplando la finísima lluvia que caía, mezclándose con el humo de las antiguas chimeneas de París, la magnánima ciudad del amor. El cielo era un anfiteatro decorado en gris, millones de pájaros graznando y alejándose de la tormenta prometida, la noche palpitante avanzando desde el horizonte, los transeúntes reconocían los largos manteles del domingo, era la hora de volver a la quietud del hogar, de retomar sus vidas de té y pasteles. Gabriela había asistido a la ceremonia en el gran Arco de Triunfo, la ceremonia más difícil de lo esperado, pero ella era una chica con mucha paciencia, le había invitado a tomar algún bocadillo una docena de desconocidos y todos fueron rechazados con un simple gesto de la mano. Pareciera que su color preferido le trajera la mala suerte, solo podía esperar, marchados todos los invitados y sin disfrutar de nada puso toda la atención en la vasta ciudad, el verde artificial le parecía risible, en pocos minutos la amplísima capilla comenzaría a recibir a los extranjeros y le sería difícil suicidarse. Los sentimientos y los sucesos le perseguían, se alejaba del mar y la seguía la lluvia, el olor a la tierra casi inexistente en la capital, los cristales transpirando una fina capa de agua y cielo.

Es olvidar imposible todo y saltar al vacío, apenas unas semanas antes tenía una vida, estaba en la cafetería de la Roe - Sant, tranquila y disfrutando del calor y los tufillos del café y los cigarros. Recordaba su niñez y los ruidos de algún río milenario, ahora solo fragmentos en la memoria y las fotos, pareciera otra persona feliz, otra con la cara roída, su mismo porte y parecido, su pelo y su color favorito, solo que más colérica y distanciada, pero a pesar de no ver su cara se reconocía entre miles de personas, ella sola, inmóvil y el movimiento de los demás en la otra dirección, un carro que puede detenerse y no lo hace, viene aplastando todo a su paso, alguien corre y quiere moverla de su lugar y es un mundo paralelo, la escuchas gritar y maldecir, el vehículo se ha convertido en locomotora, en dragón que vomita lava hirviente y resquebraja la avenida y destruye ese espacio creado y escenificado.

De esos sueños solo quedaban flash, espejos rotos, una cafetera que no encuentra pero que acaba de iniciar su silbido de dioses malhumorados, camina por una habitación con las paredes cubiertas de musgo y ennegrecidas de alquitrán, la familia siempre está en la última habitación, el viejo respirando fuerte, tragando todo el aire posible, como si solo importase tomar todo el aire y asfixiar a los demás, el cáncer en los pulmones lo convirtió en una poco bestia sensible, pero genuina, en la estantería unos. míseros recortes de bohemias de una época luminosa y que eran fragmentos de otros otoños, le gustaba le pasaran la mano durante horas por el pecho, el cual fuera antes musculoso y velludo y ahora solo un vestigio de otro tiempo malgastado. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Ella lejos de ese cuarto) ……………………………………………………………………………… La falta de oxigeno siempre la mantenían enajenada de su mundo, afuera llovía, su mundo sin ventanas, sin cristalería y siempre lloviendo, estiraba las manos hasta sentir sutilmente con las puntas de los dedos las gotas, entonces automáticamente las retiraba, como si hubiera tocado fuego, se retiraba al centro de la habitación y entraba en la cama, se arropaba y pareciera un gato a punto de morir. Desde ese punto se reconfiguraba su sueño, volvía a caminar sobre cristales rotos y de ahí a la buhardilla del viejo mansamente luchando por vivir.

la tiza men.png


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No, I don't believe she enjoys cigars. Do you smoke them?

Oh, I noticed you came here to enjoy something I wrote. jjj. or did I talk about potatoes in this story (but I did talk about cigars xd), I just noticed that the image of Valeria smoking cigars is horrible. This was a novelette I wrote that disappeared in the disasters of Cuban life. Only this fragment remained. How sad. How much I have lost of my writings.
I don't smoke at all, sometimes if it's an important date I drink some rum.

You need rum if you have a date? How important can it be? Is it to keep you warm? I know you are a few years behind but you catch up fast enough to figure out smoking is no longer hot.
I am out of potatoes but I can you some coins to buy pencips, paper and funstuf to start with.

I have never smoked anything. I don't see the logic in looking like a locomotive exhaling smoke. I don't need any drink at all. Healthy mind, healthy body. Sometimes you need to be empathetic. Not to seem like the discordant note. On those occasions when the very few friends that matter get together and are drinking. So I drink a little. Beer or rum. I've never gotten drunk or anything like that. Human beings don't need to alienate themselves to live or to create or whatever.
PS: All my very few friends, who really matter, have emigrated to the United States. Or other places. So I would be like a steppe wolf. Believe me, it is very sad that friends are forced to look for opportunities elsewhere, because of the difficult situation.