Image source: pixabay
Woke up 2 hours earlier than usual,and I just kept thinking and couldn't go back to sleep.
Then it occured to me,who I am behind closed doors is a different person to who I am when with others.
Have got different personality for different places and different occasions.
It's like my sorrounding dictates how I act or influence it.
Who I am behind closed doors is the real me but if I showed the world,will they understand or will they judge me for being me.
Most times we hang around people so as not to be seen as the lonely person in the crowd,we crave the idea of wanting to belong.
But I think being alone is not so bad afterall,being alone doesn't necessarily mean we are lonely. I think it's just means being comfortable with ourself, finding absolute peace in solitude.
Different things brings joy to different people.
We don't really have to be overwhelm by what others think all the time.
I am not exactly an introvert but I do love alone time. I enjoy my company the most.
But I also go out and make friends.
You just have to figure out what works for you. Don't try to impress people too much that it will become toxic to you.
Some people will want you to behave in certain ways,dress how they want,speak how they do and eat what they like.
But you don't really have to proof anything to anyone, the right people will love you for who you are.
I think we're at our best when we learn to be ourselves regardless.
When we consider so much what others think about us, authencity becomes conditional
Yes you are absolutely right. Thanks for the comment 😊
It's a privjy, always welcome
I like this post i can identify with alot in it.
♥️Thank you @hidave