Lately I have been reflecting on how my life has gone, how little I knew how to enjoy love and I have complained a thousand times for not having it.
However, it appeared many times, but I had many fears, disguised as arrogance and I despised it.
The excuses were endless, my physical appearance was one of them. I was worried about not fitting into the stupid stereotypes and didn't realize that there were men who didn't care about my physical appearance.
I justified my loneliness however that idea of a perfect love screamed at me silently and hurt me.
That imperious idea of not accepting the other as he is and clinging to want to change him, not accepting that love is not marketing where it can be altered by taxes.
Love can only be felt, without stereotypes, without invaders, without fear and I have kicked love for those parameters that I placed and I placed myself, I reproached it and I reproached myself for not accepting it.
Today, when mirrors don't matter much to me, I see my figure in the shadows and I understand blessed love, I hope it's not too late for someone to fall in love with everything I am.
Of my imperfections, of my insecurities, of my fears, of my lack of logic, of my dark circles under my eyes, of my hips with little grace, of my semicolons and commas.
May it not be too late to kiss love and embrace the eternal!
Nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena. Así reza el refrán y la verdad es que el que de verdad importa es el último.
Es cierto y me gusta otro que dice, no hace falta el que se va sino el que viene. Gracias por leerme y el apoyo.