Daily prompt not my friend

In this week there is sport week in my university,so me and my classmates have participated in many games like cricket, running and football.

Img stc: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sca_esv=59c13155e087bde1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_f_2gKbdaYAfQEafochQ9HvydLNA:1709996267962&q=students+fighting+in+school+football+match&uds=AMwkrPvYH-i9iJF2qdmxYKQFVMdyxn6itx5t8ECPmSLPNw23Oo-MStwJ7kbtLrYxXjOYwn1x1-tp6HOibPdTNc6ZWNJi4CBQ6CcYBN241JXqzXCpp8LPC4Sp4QYJXoBHHhmXdxIEV-fIf8ScRgNwWU3iMh6nT4-tr7CjvweD3mDNYUj4egf0iqAqNj-ZX7MwPRRAUD_dWA9f3Y8dpXj8LBdbqbFTpcpN9R5zDSytbEeW3gDSJqw-I8Wmj9i4mh7Yd3GKLp40i0d1ZYcWpF329-CkqqVzp8FmhX2Ju9ithuyn-ppn4j3vPOvceFx_v0D8beyUNg2bGSUx&udm=2&prmd=ivnsbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiozPnAuOeEAxXD7AIHHXUJCiMQtKgLegQICxAB#vhid=EwU09qOOhB4BYM&vssid=mosaic

Yesterday there was football match between my class and senior students so suddenly they started arguing on wrong plenty decision and arguments convert into fight so principal took notice of it and called our team in office and asked about issue and principal said your your friends naeem are involved in fight so i said no naeem is not my friend he is my just classmate and i am not involved in such accidental matter i was away from this inspite of that i was being plenty of 10 dollars.